Why women’s inner world is more important than their appearance
Beautiful or smart? The eternal dilemma that blogger Lena Miro tried to solve this time. Quite an unexpected initiative on her part.
After all, Miro used to criticize fat, ungroomed, pretentiously dressed. I was just talking about the body. It's interesting to know what made her switch to the soul.
In our time, external beauty in itself is worth nothing. Any chicken can take out a loan and reshape the face, sew on tits, grow hair and eyelashes and become standard beautiful.”
“If before you had to be born beautiful, today you can become beautiful. And for relatively little money.”
“How valuable is external beauty today? To be honest, every day less and less. I will say more, the time has come when external beauty is worth little, and tomorrow it will completely depreciate.”
“Everyone will be beautiful. Even standard. Come out today in the center of any metropolis in the world - every second is very much nothing. The days of depreciation of external attractiveness have come.”
“And that, in my opinion, is beautiful. Why?! When everyone is attractive, the most important evolutionary thing comes to the fore: the person. Intelligence. Education. Erudition. Feeling beautiful.”
“If everyone is beautiful, men will choose not just big breasts, but what is attached to them in their heads. Raised. Strong. Educated and interesting”.
To be interesting to the world just because you are beautiful, no longer comes out. Beautiful today like dirt. In Brazil, plastic surgery is done in malls over there.”
Beauty in the twenty-first century has become available to the masses. What everyone has loses its value.”
“Not everyone has developed intelligence. Most of you are limited beings.”
“You don’t read a classic, you don’t remember history, you know art like pigs in oranges.” And even if you look good, no one needs you: there is nothing special about you.
And no plump lips, no sewn hair and boobs distinguish you from the crowd, because the crowd consists of people like you.
“To pump today is not only the priest, but also the intellect. It is the developed intellect, broad outlook that will turn you today from faceless grayness into a unique and interesting woman. The one you want to be with”.
Obviously, Miro wants to somehow stand out from the gray mass. The drive is understandable. And it's not bad. Erudition, education, comprehensive development have not yet prevented anyone.
But Miro forgot the other side of the medal. Those who pursue learning usually pursue a career. And men, if they are not alphonse or stupid, are not interested in the social status of a woman, but in how feminine she is.
That is, how much she accepts her appearance, how much she knows how to flirt, how much she has a good heart, how much she is ready to warm others with her warmth of soul, and not how many inches she has in her forehead.
DepositPhotos The beauty of the female bodyOf course, it attracts men. But it attracts them even more. beauty. Not every attractive woman is able to show it. It is said that true beauty lies within.
After all, Miro used to criticize fat, ungroomed, pretentiously dressed. I was just talking about the body. It's interesting to know what made her switch to the soul.

In our time, external beauty in itself is worth nothing. Any chicken can take out a loan and reshape the face, sew on tits, grow hair and eyelashes and become standard beautiful.”
“If before you had to be born beautiful, today you can become beautiful. And for relatively little money.”
“How valuable is external beauty today? To be honest, every day less and less. I will say more, the time has come when external beauty is worth little, and tomorrow it will completely depreciate.”

“Everyone will be beautiful. Even standard. Come out today in the center of any metropolis in the world - every second is very much nothing. The days of depreciation of external attractiveness have come.”
“And that, in my opinion, is beautiful. Why?! When everyone is attractive, the most important evolutionary thing comes to the fore: the person. Intelligence. Education. Erudition. Feeling beautiful.”
“If everyone is beautiful, men will choose not just big breasts, but what is attached to them in their heads. Raised. Strong. Educated and interesting”.

To be interesting to the world just because you are beautiful, no longer comes out. Beautiful today like dirt. In Brazil, plastic surgery is done in malls over there.”
Beauty in the twenty-first century has become available to the masses. What everyone has loses its value.”
“Not everyone has developed intelligence. Most of you are limited beings.”
“You don’t read a classic, you don’t remember history, you know art like pigs in oranges.” And even if you look good, no one needs you: there is nothing special about you.

And no plump lips, no sewn hair and boobs distinguish you from the crowd, because the crowd consists of people like you.
“To pump today is not only the priest, but also the intellect. It is the developed intellect, broad outlook that will turn you today from faceless grayness into a unique and interesting woman. The one you want to be with”.
Obviously, Miro wants to somehow stand out from the gray mass. The drive is understandable. And it's not bad. Erudition, education, comprehensive development have not yet prevented anyone.

But Miro forgot the other side of the medal. Those who pursue learning usually pursue a career. And men, if they are not alphonse or stupid, are not interested in the social status of a woman, but in how feminine she is.
That is, how much she accepts her appearance, how much she knows how to flirt, how much she has a good heart, how much she is ready to warm others with her warmth of soul, and not how many inches she has in her forehead.

DepositPhotos The beauty of the female bodyOf course, it attracts men. But it attracts them even more. beauty. Not every attractive woman is able to show it. It is said that true beauty lies within.