10 famous people who proved that charisma is much more important than perfect appearance
Seventy million three hundred forty seven thousand one hundred forty five
Spectacular appearance has long become an indispensable attribute of a Hollywood and any other stars. However, by itself it does not guarantee success.
The site has compiled 10 amazingly charismatic and charming people, by his own example proved that flawless beauty is just a nice addition to talent and charisma, and not Vice versa.
Charlotte Gainsbourg
Charlotte Gainsbourg in an interview once admitted that his main failure, considers his own appearance. But the famous Director Lars von Trier, with Charlotte removing fun in his films, seems to think quite the opposite. And we fully agree with him.
Adam Driver
After the long-awaited 7th part of the Saga of star wars, probably just lazy not discussed the appearance of Kyle Wren, played by actor Adam Driver. Adam really can hardly be called handsome in the classic sense of the word, which, however, does not prevent him to make a successful career in Hollywood.
Uma Thurman
From the Minds is quite large for a woman height, 42 foot size, high forehead, and a "snake" look. And these qualities she loves in her Quentin Tarantino, whose unconventional beauty inspires Minds for many years.
Adrian Brody
The look of a beaten dog, a crooked nose, and non-standard face — agree that these traits individually, it is unlikely that assotsiiruet with the concept of male attractiveness and sexuality. However, if they belong to Adrian Brody, they are downright become its symbol. That's magic.
Lady Gaga
Many people believe that showy public appearances and extravagant outfits Lady Gaga have only one purpose — to hide her not very attractive appearance. However, whatever they say evil tongues behind her back, this woman has firmly taken its place in pop culture and is not going to leave from it.
Jack Nicholson
The list of regalia and merits of Jack Nicholson, who is known as one of the greatest actors of our time, are endless, however, the ideal appearance is unlikely to be at the forefront of this list. But who cares?
Meryl Streep
Meryl Streep is the epitome of refined and aristocratic beauty. She herself had always treated his appearance with a light irony. "I never considered looks as a trump card and this card is not played", — admitted as-that the actress.
Jesse Eisenberg
As a prototype of the movie "the Social network", Jesse Eisenberg "takes" is not primarily appearance and talent and charisma. And thanks to them also regularly makes the list of most desirable men.
Rooney Mara
Rooney Mara does not possess the essential attributes of a Hollywood beauties: curvaceous, plump lips and doll face, but they do not need it, after all, the Directors appreciate that it is original appearance. By the way, the world fame has brought her role is not the most attractive neformalki in the film "the girl with the dragon tattoo."
Adriano Celentano
If the selection consisted of only one person, this would be it — Adriano Celentano. Let's face it: this man is far from conventional ideals of beauty as much as possible, but due to its mind-blowing energy and powerful charisma he remains the darling of millions of women. Even almost as it enters the 9th decade.
Photo preview David Fisher/REX, David Fisher/REX
See also
12 celebrities who prove that beauty does not have to be a regular
15 models who have proven that appearance with a twist — it's cool
via www.adme.ru/tvorchestvo-fotografy/15-modelej-kotorye-dokazali-chto-vneshnost-s-izyuminkoj-eto-kruto-1380515/
Spectacular appearance has long become an indispensable attribute of a Hollywood and any other stars. However, by itself it does not guarantee success.
The site has compiled 10 amazingly charismatic and charming people, by his own example proved that flawless beauty is just a nice addition to talent and charisma, and not Vice versa.
Charlotte Gainsbourg

Charlotte Gainsbourg in an interview once admitted that his main failure, considers his own appearance. But the famous Director Lars von Trier, with Charlotte removing fun in his films, seems to think quite the opposite. And we fully agree with him.
Adam Driver

After the long-awaited 7th part of the Saga of star wars, probably just lazy not discussed the appearance of Kyle Wren, played by actor Adam Driver. Adam really can hardly be called handsome in the classic sense of the word, which, however, does not prevent him to make a successful career in Hollywood.
Uma Thurman

From the Minds is quite large for a woman height, 42 foot size, high forehead, and a "snake" look. And these qualities she loves in her Quentin Tarantino, whose unconventional beauty inspires Minds for many years.
Adrian Brody

The look of a beaten dog, a crooked nose, and non-standard face — agree that these traits individually, it is unlikely that assotsiiruet with the concept of male attractiveness and sexuality. However, if they belong to Adrian Brody, they are downright become its symbol. That's magic.
Lady Gaga

Many people believe that showy public appearances and extravagant outfits Lady Gaga have only one purpose — to hide her not very attractive appearance. However, whatever they say evil tongues behind her back, this woman has firmly taken its place in pop culture and is not going to leave from it.
Jack Nicholson

The list of regalia and merits of Jack Nicholson, who is known as one of the greatest actors of our time, are endless, however, the ideal appearance is unlikely to be at the forefront of this list. But who cares?
Meryl Streep

Meryl Streep is the epitome of refined and aristocratic beauty. She herself had always treated his appearance with a light irony. "I never considered looks as a trump card and this card is not played", — admitted as-that the actress.
Jesse Eisenberg

As a prototype of the movie "the Social network", Jesse Eisenberg "takes" is not primarily appearance and talent and charisma. And thanks to them also regularly makes the list of most desirable men.
Rooney Mara

Rooney Mara does not possess the essential attributes of a Hollywood beauties: curvaceous, plump lips and doll face, but they do not need it, after all, the Directors appreciate that it is original appearance. By the way, the world fame has brought her role is not the most attractive neformalki in the film "the girl with the dragon tattoo."
Adriano Celentano

If the selection consisted of only one person, this would be it — Adriano Celentano. Let's face it: this man is far from conventional ideals of beauty as much as possible, but due to its mind-blowing energy and powerful charisma he remains the darling of millions of women. Even almost as it enters the 9th decade.
Photo preview David Fisher/REX, David Fisher/REX
See also
12 celebrities who prove that beauty does not have to be a regular
15 models who have proven that appearance with a twist — it's cool
via www.adme.ru/tvorchestvo-fotografy/15-modelej-kotorye-dokazali-chto-vneshnost-s-izyuminkoj-eto-kruto-1380515/
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