Kirov mine
Kirov mine, located in the city of Kirovsk Murmansk region
We walk through the mine, and his garage, photo courtesy of the mine worker.
H anumeratsiyu not smotrite.eto for me not to be confused
And so it is extracted:
Apatite (from the ancient Greek. Ἀπατάω «cheating») - class mineral phosphates is usually pale greenish, blue, yellow-green or pink with a glassy luster.
The name of the mineral due to the fact that it is found in nature in different forms, so that it is often confused with other minerals (beryl, diopside, tourmaline).
Apatite is the raw material for the production of phosphate fertilizer, phosphorus and phosphoric acid, it is used in ferrous and nonferrous metallurgy, ceramics and glass. Apatite is used jewelers. Jewelry apatite are small - usually up to 5 carats, occasionally up to 20 carats. The largest gem-quality apatite crystal was found in Kenya and weighed 147 carats. (Data wiki)
Will monogo Picchu, the end will tell
2) The building of the Kirov mine
3) even
4) The Board of the children of employees of the mine
5) Dressing Room consists of 2 parts, to clean clothes and dirty, between shower and bath, steam room always work, work is being done around the clock, without holidays
6) Steam
7) Shower
8) Dressing for dirty clothes in the mine is always damp and the temperature is about 10 degrees, most recently was refitted cloakroom and drying work clothes polveden warm air, which blows the booth. In the photo it is seen
9) That went wagons with ore - Apatit, come watch the workers
10) Vehicle engineering service, standing in the snow, so the mine all right
11) Closer
12) has
13) has
14) itself is mine, the way in which the ore is delivered, it is I do not have enough attention from others. Hug me and sundry. 250 meters above ground level
15) With the help of these regulations is simoforchikov electric locomotives that carry ore
16) Technical rooms, arranged directly in the mountain
17) Pass the left necessarily go the right electric
18) This is the cell in which the workers descend on the horizon for
19) This is the ladder for emergencies, prikinte 320 meters on top of him on the Select is selected?
20) Wooden
21) Mine cells
22) Electric, the old type, but on the move
23) Electric, a slightly different modification
24) Another
25) Management
26) already in motion
26_) This machine application of concrete in the vaults of the mine, and later I will tell about how to do this, reminds fan who threw the concrete, and it sprays it on the walls, all the walls are so reinforced mine
27) is another management body electric
28) the contact wire, they are very low
29) The cars drove ore ore for processing
30) branch Abandoned mines, untreated walls, it is dangerous to walk, can fly cutters apatite on the head
30_) This river, underground, leaving the flooded horizons for them later
31) Another abandoned branch
32) The control of the modern electric locomotive, pictures came out very very bad
33) The communication center and a lift, the message - riddle
34) Razvyazochka
34_) flooded the horizon, there are many where it is necessary to put the water, then it is pumped to other horizons
35) Another interchange
36) Go
37) Node pumping water
38) Here we are getting to the horizon, all onovnom horizons there 9 and every 3 subhorizon, then the scheme horizon minus 250 meters on the level of mining going on like this, dug the lower horizons, for example minus 30 meters (exact figures do not remember) , made it to the vertical horizon, these vertical columns, then vvserh 10 meters subhorizon breaks, and the vertical chute ore is thrown off in the subsurface, and exported from there, the ore is mined by blasting sposobom.Foto horizon, but it's all tunnels
39) And this is subhorizon
40) It is a powerful pump, which pumped zatoplennve horizons
41) has
42) And this conveyor belt, it is for the ore, will be a few pictures, we can see in the distance over the belt magnet that collects metal that he could get to the ore, so as not to spoil the crusher, all in a mountain
43) has
44) has
45) has
46) has
47) And this is a complex crusher
48) The very crusher
49) And this is the ore sent to the mill
50) has
51) So there is a man sitting and looking at the whole shift ore, God forbid, any piece of iron to get
52) with a magnet on lronburg transpotrterom
53) And it overturned cars, it calls in the car with ore, it is clamped and turned over, the ore goes to the incident mechanism
54) has
55) has
56) has
57) has
58) And it is retaining claws, remember I talked about relief to the lower ore horizon? It was she, then fit the trailer here, and from here it will dump the ore
59) Mine kamnesbrosa
60) Water channel, there tetchet water, such aqueducts are equipped with all the mines, the water goes to the flooded horizons
61) Switchboard
62) Another photo crusher
63) And this happens
64) And this is mine which made weirs, weirs, when it shot down stones that can fall, nasverlivayutsya holes and then hammered back pins, they can be seen on the vault, then the machine that was the beginning of fasting sprinkles concrete
64_1) is a departure from the horizon where there is mining
64_2) it yourself weirs, rocks that have fallen further still will zakolochnaya machine
65) Another mine produced a stab
66) This is a masterpiece of the miners finally
67) He
68) More photos directions extraction
69) And it is still the old kamnesbros when there wielded crowbars
70) He
71) He
72) Wagon ore, the right people can be seen, it controls the flow of electric, no worse than Russian Railways
73) Another kamnesbros, current driven
74) He also
75) All the way out of the mine, then the garage
76) The view from the observation deck, Okuda zyril Pu
77) Zakolochnaya machine, is it serving the rocks and drill holes in the roof
78) Another car out of the garage
79) has
80) has
80_1) This is a unique car, it lays the explosives in the mountain
81) Kovshik
82) Buffer zakolnika
83) has
84) has
85) has
86) The engine of one of the units
87) Wheels, the Nokia as a way
87_1) Snow chains
87_2) Wheels in chains
87_3) More
88) The motor
89) Control device for laying explosives
90) other devices
91) has
92) has
92_) more
92_1) has
93) has
94) has
95) This is the exact same machine for laying explosives
95_1) This is where explosive
That's all, you can kick, I apologize if I came out a few crumpled, tried, took pictures of the most interesting current, the process of production of pictures there, why have guessed, it is worth noting that the company is equipping of decent enough, not the ore is processed here, only dobyvayut.vsem good and new adventures. :)
We walk through the mine, and his garage, photo courtesy of the mine worker.
H anumeratsiyu not smotrite.eto for me not to be confused
And so it is extracted:
Apatite (from the ancient Greek. Ἀπατάω «cheating») - class mineral phosphates is usually pale greenish, blue, yellow-green or pink with a glassy luster.
The name of the mineral due to the fact that it is found in nature in different forms, so that it is often confused with other minerals (beryl, diopside, tourmaline).
Apatite is the raw material for the production of phosphate fertilizer, phosphorus and phosphoric acid, it is used in ferrous and nonferrous metallurgy, ceramics and glass. Apatite is used jewelers. Jewelry apatite are small - usually up to 5 carats, occasionally up to 20 carats. The largest gem-quality apatite crystal was found in Kenya and weighed 147 carats. (Data wiki)
Will monogo Picchu, the end will tell

2) The building of the Kirov mine

3) even

4) The Board of the children of employees of the mine

5) Dressing Room consists of 2 parts, to clean clothes and dirty, between shower and bath, steam room always work, work is being done around the clock, without holidays

6) Steam

7) Shower

8) Dressing for dirty clothes in the mine is always damp and the temperature is about 10 degrees, most recently was refitted cloakroom and drying work clothes polveden warm air, which blows the booth. In the photo it is seen

9) That went wagons with ore - Apatit, come watch the workers

10) Vehicle engineering service, standing in the snow, so the mine all right

11) Closer

12) has

13) has

14) itself is mine, the way in which the ore is delivered, it is I do not have enough attention from others. Hug me and sundry. 250 meters above ground level

15) With the help of these regulations is simoforchikov electric locomotives that carry ore

16) Technical rooms, arranged directly in the mountain

17) Pass the left necessarily go the right electric

18) This is the cell in which the workers descend on the horizon for

19) This is the ladder for emergencies, prikinte 320 meters on top of him on the Select is selected?

20) Wooden

21) Mine cells

22) Electric, the old type, but on the move

23) Electric, a slightly different modification

24) Another

25) Management

26) already in motion

26_) This machine application of concrete in the vaults of the mine, and later I will tell about how to do this, reminds fan who threw the concrete, and it sprays it on the walls, all the walls are so reinforced mine

27) is another management body electric

28) the contact wire, they are very low

29) The cars drove ore ore for processing

30) branch Abandoned mines, untreated walls, it is dangerous to walk, can fly cutters apatite on the head

30_) This river, underground, leaving the flooded horizons for them later

31) Another abandoned branch

32) The control of the modern electric locomotive, pictures came out very very bad

33) The communication center and a lift, the message - riddle

34) Razvyazochka

34_) flooded the horizon, there are many where it is necessary to put the water, then it is pumped to other horizons

35) Another interchange

36) Go

37) Node pumping water

38) Here we are getting to the horizon, all onovnom horizons there 9 and every 3 subhorizon, then the scheme horizon minus 250 meters on the level of mining going on like this, dug the lower horizons, for example minus 30 meters (exact figures do not remember) , made it to the vertical horizon, these vertical columns, then vvserh 10 meters subhorizon breaks, and the vertical chute ore is thrown off in the subsurface, and exported from there, the ore is mined by blasting sposobom.Foto horizon, but it's all tunnels

39) And this is subhorizon

40) It is a powerful pump, which pumped zatoplennve horizons

41) has

42) And this conveyor belt, it is for the ore, will be a few pictures, we can see in the distance over the belt magnet that collects metal that he could get to the ore, so as not to spoil the crusher, all in a mountain

43) has

44) has

45) has

46) has

47) And this is a complex crusher

48) The very crusher

49) And this is the ore sent to the mill

50) has

51) So there is a man sitting and looking at the whole shift ore, God forbid, any piece of iron to get

52) with a magnet on lronburg transpotrterom

53) And it overturned cars, it calls in the car with ore, it is clamped and turned over, the ore goes to the incident mechanism

54) has

55) has

56) has

57) has

58) And it is retaining claws, remember I talked about relief to the lower ore horizon? It was she, then fit the trailer here, and from here it will dump the ore

59) Mine kamnesbrosa

60) Water channel, there tetchet water, such aqueducts are equipped with all the mines, the water goes to the flooded horizons

61) Switchboard

62) Another photo crusher

63) And this happens

64) And this is mine which made weirs, weirs, when it shot down stones that can fall, nasverlivayutsya holes and then hammered back pins, they can be seen on the vault, then the machine that was the beginning of fasting sprinkles concrete

64_1) is a departure from the horizon where there is mining

64_2) it yourself weirs, rocks that have fallen further still will zakolochnaya machine

65) Another mine produced a stab

66) This is a masterpiece of the miners finally

67) He

68) More photos directions extraction

69) And it is still the old kamnesbros when there wielded crowbars

70) He

71) He

72) Wagon ore, the right people can be seen, it controls the flow of electric, no worse than Russian Railways

73) Another kamnesbros, current driven

74) He also

75) All the way out of the mine, then the garage

76) The view from the observation deck, Okuda zyril Pu

77) Zakolochnaya machine, is it serving the rocks and drill holes in the roof

78) Another car out of the garage

79) has

80) has

80_1) This is a unique car, it lays the explosives in the mountain

81) Kovshik

82) Buffer zakolnika

83) has

84) has

85) has

86) The engine of one of the units

87) Wheels, the Nokia as a way

87_1) Snow chains

87_2) Wheels in chains

87_3) More

88) The motor

89) Control device for laying explosives

90) other devices

91) has

92) has

92_) more

92_1) has

93) has

94) has

95) This is the exact same machine for laying explosives

95_1) This is where explosive
That's all, you can kick, I apologize if I came out a few crumpled, tried, took pictures of the most interesting current, the process of production of pictures there, why have guessed, it is worth noting that the company is equipping of decent enough, not the ore is processed here, only dobyvayut.vsem good and new adventures. :)
