Mom is happy – everyone is happy

The secret formula of family happiness looks like this – "Mom is happy – everyone is happy". As you the answer to all the crises and difficulties?
We often think the opposite way – if all are happy then I am too. If they get everything they need, and will give me what I need. If I would do anything for them, they will do everything for me. If I take care of them, they will take care of me. But it doesn't work – for many reasons.
The first reason is that this concern about our loved ones becomes greed. We're doing something, having in mind a clear plan, clear expectations. We do not give love, and invest and expect a return with interest. The material world is designed to "Explain" to us that selfish to be unprofitable. So often in relationships, the expectations over sad.
The second reason is that in order to give someone something, it must first to have. Otherwise how are you going to give? Imagine a cow that has no milk. She hasn't given birth yet or milk. That is not it – as much as dpi. The answer is the same – a cow and even begin to resent you and her Tits was tormented. But if cow milk is what can be milked several times a day, and each time to milk. Similarly with happiness. If within the person there is no happiness, then how much of it do neither, you get nothing. No amount of blackmail or threaten, will still be empty. And how many do not torture yourself to give love – nothing happens.
The third reason is that your family in order to take care of you no. Why? Because a vicious circle. Children and husband feed on your energy, you are filled with care and love. If you empty if you do not – then they empty. A vicious circle. You to give them, it must first be somewhere to take. Trying to take from them (in advance), but they are empty. And they can't take you because you are empty. And it turns out the whole family with empty tanks. To take anywhere. The chain must be somewhere open, somewhere. And where – is unclear.
The fourth reason is that no one in this world can truly take care of you. It is a bitter truth, but a fact. No one in the world can read your thoughts, remember all your tastes, habits and predict. No one can protect you from negative experiences, nobody can save you from the gaping holes in his chest. And no matter how much you might expect from loved ones, will not get. Because they are simply not capable. It is important to take a breath – and stop them to wait. Exactly.
The question arises then, who can take care of me? I'm a woman, I need protection and care. Take care of you only God can. But his concern is not as simple as we would like. He always gives us the best of everything, what is right for us. We just need to accept it and understand. Sometimes he gives us an ugly convolution, which we reject without looking. For example, leads us to strange men, strange work, strange apartment, strange friends. And we on the basis of their expectations – refuse. Absolutely nothing. Because if you expand and look – it's the best. For you personally.
But even God on earth need some hands who will do his will. Why would you not to become those hands that it needs? For example, to begin with, to fill yourself with strength, love, energy. To become not just a mother and nursing mother, in the energy sense of the word. Your children and your spouse from communicating with you filled and not emptied. Again to take care of yourself – and you're ready to give.
Give loved ones their care is round-the-clock watch women. Therefore, your self-care should also be your round-the-clock duty. You need to be integrated with a level sensor that will blink when the fuel is too low. If this sensor yet, and you see your "empty tank" when we scream at all and hate the whole world — it's time this sensor you to get.
All the time ask myself what else I can do for you, my love? To sleep in? Or go to sleep during the day? To go into the bathroom for half an hour? Makeup nails, even if nowhere to go? To sew tonight? Draw? Read a book? To walk one? To go to the store alone and there to meditate? To go to visit a friend? Dressing up for no reason? How else can I please you, dear?
This is not selfishness, not narcissism, not narcissism. It's your "feeding the baby". The cow, among other things, to give so much milk all day long walks and eating. All the time eating. Everywhere and everything. Because she needs somewhere to take milk, she needs to take care of the calves. And this – you need to take care of themselves.
Mom is not just one of the family members, it is the soul of the house, its heart, its centre. What happens in the heart, this atmosphere and spread around. If the soul exhausted, sad, disconnected, is it any wonder that no one at home talks all cool with each other, constantly there are quarrels and skirmishes? Look closely at what surrounds you, and consider what it says about your internal state? In harmony whether you are with him, satisfied, pacified Lee, happy? And if the atmosphere at home does not suit you, then change it is from the soul, that is a itself. Its internal state. And right now.
There is one anecdote that told me recently, I laughed for a long time. To share with you.
Children ask dad:
— Dad, is it true that my mom beautiful?
— Yes, children. and if you must lie and rest, it is still good!
Another anecdote on the same theme.
Mom locked the bathroom from the kids. Children at the door shouting her name, she comes out.
— Mom, well, what are you doing in there??
— Children, I make you a good mom! – hear a meditative voice from behind the door.
This is not the jokes, really it's true. It is actually important for any woman and mother especially. And I repeat, this is not selfishness, no sin, not narcissism. Is your family care – to care about themselves. And do not torment them with your own expectations, not to squeeze them love (where did it come from, if you do not give?), not starve them.
If you're happy – everyone's happy. Because when you do, you will not be able to afford to keep it all. Like sunlight it is impossible to hide, and on the energy of the happiness of women, it is impossible to run and hide. Love and happiness will spread around you, they will create an aura and atmosphere of the house, will fill your loved ones. You will need nothing special to do. I can only stand and Shine. To light the house, people, world, planet.
Do not complicate life, neither, nor relatives. Forget the Communist formula: "From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs". In the family it doesn't work. The family formula for happiness is quite different – "Mom is happy – everyone is happy". To invest efforts need to oschastlivlivaya mother, that is myself. And as the mother – soul of the house, then from her all the spread around.
Take care of yourself. Stop waiting that someone will do it for you. Stop waiting that the husband will realize that you don't get enough sleep, just ask for it in the output to let you sleep some more. Instead of expect from the husband of their favorite flowers, buy them yourself. At least once. And her husband then tell me what you really wanted now, of tulips, and you decided not to ship it. When your child is sleeping or watching a cartoon, do not what you really need to do, and what you want. For example, also lie down and sleep. With a clear conscience (and dirty dishes). Like in the temple – go there at least five minutes with a child on the way, instead of having to wait for you to let go of one for a long time.
Real women investment that brings huge dividends, an investment in yourself. In their happiness. In their energy. It's not something worth doing only once a month in the shock temperature. This is to do every day, constantly, several times a day. All the time look for opportunities to please yourself. All the time to ask yourself what else you can do for yourself.
For many all this is a catastrophe and the most grievous sin. But sin is when you don't do yourself quite, when you yourself have given up when you are waiting for care from their loved ones and are constantly disappointed. Sin is put on the shoulders of others the responsibility for their happiness. Sin is "to starve" their family, filling them with love but just squeezing some drops out of himself, clenching his teeth. Who needs such care? It's the same, what to feed the children not milk, and his blood.
It is our responsibility, not a fad or a whim. Be happy, be filled with, to take care of yourself, pamper yourself. Especially in difficult times for the family during the crisis, demanding periods. Every day, every minute and even every non-free. Take care of the welfare of loved ones can previously only bothering about yourself. Otherwise, all in vain. And because we want our children and our husband was happy, right? Then get in the bath – to do good and beautiful mom!
Author: Olga Valyaeva
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
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