Weekdays loggers
Good afternoon. My first post on Yap.
I engaged in logging and wood processing.
30 photos
We work in the Vologda region in the Rybinsk reservoir. Close to nature conservation area. Mainly engaged in intermediate felling. That is not everything, and sample trees, commissioned by forestry. Working in the forest is not the easiest. In summer, the heat and the mosquitoes with the midge, cold winter and snow on the eggs. The people working in the forest harsh. Many inmates. Young little. For the new generation is hard work. Simply asshole to sit in the office.
This pick-up, forwarder. It is traversed by a tractor. Collects trunks after felling, are stacked in the plot. From then to the Ural manipulator (in common chips) is transported to a stack-loading.
the forest is mainly moved on uazikah.drugoe nothing prohodit.eta plot suhaya.poetomu workers brought to gazele.obychno 66 or prostonarechii shishiga.
mnogo.my beasts did not touch them, they got into the habit nas.poslednee time elk prihodit.my his salt nasypali.vrode muzzle dovolnaya.govaryat they like to know the truth vyhlopnuhi zapah.ne il net.no comes often.
in the pine forests of the lot muraveynikov.ih course nobody trogaet.byvayut just gigantskie.videl anthill
Statement by grud.u me 194.kogda growth in food logging site often take sugar with a kusochkami.podkormit Forest Brothers.
as that they threw dead varonu.vtochili her hours at 5. What shows good appetite and supports the theory of forest sanitation.
Another one.
small us sosna.posazhennaya year nazad.kazhduyu spring that it is necessary to cut down posadit.Mne not enough attention from others. Hug me and sundry. May 20 protsentov.v planting les.nedelyu.
branches after felling all kuchu.razbrasyvat nelzya.I general all should be removed for this strictly sledyat.esli saboy.za
not very tak.shtrafy serёznye.vetki or zdayutsya on KhIMLESKhOZ where needles made of turpentine or additives formatsefticheskie
or More chego.asortiment pretty bogatyy.chto not suitable anywhere in the winter szhigaetsya.letom zhech can not, for obvious reasons.
after cutting each plot surrenders leskhozu.v Vologda biggest order against deforestation and in order rabot.Pilil
Leningrad region, and so Novgorodskoy.polnaya zhopa.vorovstvo.mzdaimstvo dalee.kriminal zashkalivaet.v Vologda gypsies stole gusyanku (
tractor gusinitsa) it snow chistili.na metalalom.tak not laugh mnogo.vrode nichego.v and Len region in 2004 once stole a tractor.
then we found pravda.vobschem 6 years spakoystviya.
More vetok.zametili bit as pure?
final etap.otgruzka pokupatelyu.gruzyat chip fredlayner.vlazit about 38-42 cube timber.
all the equipment is repaired on meste.poetomu have mobile repair post.nagruzki bolshie.lomaetsya still often.
every winter generally den.usloviya surovye.ktonibut probyval repair cars minus 20-25.dolzhny understand what I mean.
the usual story: broken springs, minus 20.mashina gruzhonaya.pokupatel zhdёt.temneet 16 chasov.voditel rapes
mashinu.u drove too vahta.mesyats.potom week doma.plyus spring when the roads zakryty.pochti month otdyhayut.zarplata real.
derzhatsya.dalnoboi therefore know that the forest is almost the most difficult load.
a little bit of working moments
This database. Photo and winter est.Da nearest village 18 km.do large village 40 km.do route Vologda-peter 50 km.do city
100 km.brigady work vahtoy.priezzhayut Sunday night until Friday to obeda.potom conveying luck home.
Only 4 local cheloveka.ostolnye buhayut.trudno find someone else to rabotu.bolshe not ischem.vahta easier.
people get paykovye.130 rubl.v day kazhdomu.zarplata have feller 40-60.zhivut room team of 5 people.
tehnika.uraly nashi.manipulyatory Finnish shvedskie.neprihotliv.vynosliv. repair and inexpensive.
domik.zdes lives hozyain.i ya.tualet on ulitse.zimoy is surovo.est bath.
This is our evil sobak.chasto vybiraetsya of zagorodki.togda immediately appear ranenye.progryzaet iron grid
and wooden doski.nichego not pomagaet.pri sobakiren people chose a way unimaginable jumps
on everything above 2 metrov.za good work has its own budget and constant snacks.
of living creatures: 2 sobaki.3 kota.prud with your karasyami.byli launched and successfully razmnozhayutsya.prichёm is not only about Choras.
it is the same.
second sabakiren.dobr.prozhorliv.vylizyvaet everything dvizhetsya.i especially kotov.inogda laet.ot idleness.
petroleum products we carry here in such kubah.hvataet one day raboty.salyary takes 35-40 tons per month
tablets write everything they ruki.potom teryayutsya.pishem opyat.turistam pohren.chasto are konflikty.kak the coping))
trash never razbrasyvaetsya.vsё zaryvaetsya.ili szhigaetsya.les kormit.nado we cherish and uvazhat.i is not loud slova.prosto norm.
This entry into the zapovednik.zveri not pugannye.ryby mnogo.nahoditsya on the shore of the Rybinsk vodohranilischa.ochen krasivyy.videl there bears and all of vseh.tam also has the world's only capercaillie ferma.zhili uchёnye.potom zakryli.rybalka Tokay not even write ... I will.
photo from the same bridge in the park.
too, with this latest mosta.drugaya storona.eto fotka.esli have any questions please write answer.
I engaged in logging and wood processing.
30 photos
We work in the Vologda region in the Rybinsk reservoir. Close to nature conservation area. Mainly engaged in intermediate felling. That is not everything, and sample trees, commissioned by forestry. Working in the forest is not the easiest. In summer, the heat and the mosquitoes with the midge, cold winter and snow on the eggs. The people working in the forest harsh. Many inmates. Young little. For the new generation is hard work. Simply asshole to sit in the office.
This pick-up, forwarder. It is traversed by a tractor. Collects trunks after felling, are stacked in the plot. From then to the Ural manipulator (in common chips) is transported to a stack-loading.


the forest is mainly moved on uazikah.drugoe nothing prohodit.eta plot suhaya.poetomu workers brought to gazele.obychno 66 or prostonarechii shishiga.
mnogo.my beasts did not touch them, they got into the habit nas.poslednee time elk prihodit.my his salt nasypali.vrode muzzle dovolnaya.govaryat they like to know the truth vyhlopnuhi zapah.ne il net.no comes often.

in the pine forests of the lot muraveynikov.ih course nobody trogaet.byvayut just gigantskie.videl anthill
Statement by grud.u me 194.kogda growth in food logging site often take sugar with a kusochkami.podkormit Forest Brothers.
as that they threw dead varonu.vtochili her hours at 5. What shows good appetite and supports the theory of forest sanitation.

Another one.

small us sosna.posazhennaya year nazad.kazhduyu spring that it is necessary to cut down posadit.Mne not enough attention from others. Hug me and sundry. May 20 protsentov.v planting les.nedelyu.

branches after felling all kuchu.razbrasyvat nelzya.I general all should be removed for this strictly sledyat.esli saboy.za
not very tak.shtrafy serёznye.vetki or zdayutsya on KhIMLESKhOZ where needles made of turpentine or additives formatsefticheskie
or More chego.asortiment pretty bogatyy.chto not suitable anywhere in the winter szhigaetsya.letom zhech can not, for obvious reasons.
after cutting each plot surrenders leskhozu.v Vologda biggest order against deforestation and in order rabot.Pilil
Leningrad region, and so Novgorodskoy.polnaya zhopa.vorovstvo.mzdaimstvo dalee.kriminal zashkalivaet.v Vologda gypsies stole gusyanku (
tractor gusinitsa) it snow chistili.na metalalom.tak not laugh mnogo.vrode nichego.v and Len region in 2004 once stole a tractor.
then we found pravda.vobschem 6 years spakoystviya.

More vetok.zametili bit as pure?

final etap.otgruzka pokupatelyu.gruzyat chip fredlayner.vlazit about 38-42 cube timber.
all the equipment is repaired on meste.poetomu have mobile repair post.nagruzki bolshie.lomaetsya still often.
every winter generally den.usloviya surovye.ktonibut probyval repair cars minus 20-25.dolzhny understand what I mean.
the usual story: broken springs, minus 20.mashina gruzhonaya.pokupatel zhdёt.temneet 16 chasov.voditel rapes
mashinu.u drove too vahta.mesyats.potom week doma.plyus spring when the roads zakryty.pochti month otdyhayut.zarplata real.
derzhatsya.dalnoboi therefore know that the forest is almost the most difficult load.

a little bit of working moments



This database. Photo and winter est.Da nearest village 18 km.do large village 40 km.do route Vologda-peter 50 km.do city
100 km.brigady work vahtoy.priezzhayut Sunday night until Friday to obeda.potom conveying luck home.
Only 4 local cheloveka.ostolnye buhayut.trudno find someone else to rabotu.bolshe not ischem.vahta easier.
people get paykovye.130 rubl.v day kazhdomu.zarplata have feller 40-60.zhivut room team of 5 people.

tehnika.uraly nashi.manipulyatory Finnish shvedskie.neprihotliv.vynosliv. repair and inexpensive.

domik.zdes lives hozyain.i ya.tualet on ulitse.zimoy is surovo.est bath.

This is our evil sobak.chasto vybiraetsya of zagorodki.togda immediately appear ranenye.progryzaet iron grid
and wooden doski.nichego not pomagaet.pri sobakiren people chose a way unimaginable jumps
on everything above 2 metrov.za good work has its own budget and constant snacks.
of living creatures: 2 sobaki.3 kota.prud with your karasyami.byli launched and successfully razmnozhayutsya.prichёm is not only about Choras.

it is the same.

second sabakiren.dobr.prozhorliv.vylizyvaet everything dvizhetsya.i especially kotov.inogda laet.ot idleness.

petroleum products we carry here in such kubah.hvataet one day raboty.salyary takes 35-40 tons per month

tablets write everything they ruki.potom teryayutsya.pishem opyat.turistam pohren.chasto are konflikty.kak the coping))

trash never razbrasyvaetsya.vsё zaryvaetsya.ili szhigaetsya.les kormit.nado we cherish and uvazhat.i is not loud slova.prosto norm.

This entry into the zapovednik.zveri not pugannye.ryby mnogo.nahoditsya on the shore of the Rybinsk vodohranilischa.ochen krasivyy.videl there bears and all of vseh.tam also has the world's only capercaillie ferma.zhili uchёnye.potom zakryli.rybalka Tokay not even write ... I will.

photo from the same bridge in the park.

too, with this latest mosta.drugaya storona.eto fotka.esli have any questions please write answer.
