China holidays and weekdays
Continuing you liked yesterday's threads about Chinese supermarkets - Chinese holidays and weekdays? life, manners, way.
© Text, photo: Cooks 2009
This is the case in China, like, not so blindly and stupidly (in general terms) as our people. They do not prepare for it ahead of time, a like waiting to whistle ... And then singing 'avalanche fill everything and everywhere.
Long queue, boxes, bags, scooters has not delivered, but just piled beneath sacks of rice and boxes of all sorts of impossible pechenyuh, bottles with oil and soy sauce.
Preparing for the holiday is only decoration.
All washed, cleaned, hung out appropriate holiday decorations, in fact, everything is here. But the difference is that when it is a holiday, it explodes all at one time, up in the air - firecrackers, fireworks, balls and smoke of incense ... and within an hour all dying.
All have long been asleep. No such that eh ... - Holiday stretched until the morning, and then sober, and then on a visit, and so on to infinity. In the 10 already all asleep. As always.
In Chinese, "Happy New Year!" Sounds like "Shin yen Huai la!", Although I vouch for the accuracy can not. Then in each province its own dialect.
Output for the Chinese - is also a holiday.
On warm days, in the evening, they are going all out on the street. Who is richer - to sing karaoke KaTiVi.
By the way, the Chinese perepoyut all nations of the world, they have this genetic predisposition, and a language that you want, do not want to, and talking to him, every day kind of descant.
Who is winning - for those dances. This is - a grand spectacle. Every little bit decent town has a dance floor. Wishes to gather in neat rows and the music is somewhat reminiscent of our Soviet songs, marches, doing dance steps. From a distance, they look scary, like robots.
Do not think I do not confuse with wushu gymnastics, it was dancing. Until it was in a row, just to see and try, I did not understand what draws them there - I felt a wave on wave of rhythm and a sense of unity from top prishiblo. So obviously, I came out of the series. Apparently, so the Chinese are strengthening a sense of community and energize the future work week.
Neiskorenyaemoe foreigners disrespect to other people's money is always at hand living. It is always easier to spend a hundred or two on just like that, "try this little thing here," without pity to throw away, because it would nesedobnoy. Since gaining experience, more such will not take ... and into the hands of merchants. But sometimes they go too far. More precisely, it is sometimes, but as usual. Sly and quirky huckster than the Chinese, there is no one. Neither the Jews, who are considered the best, nor the Turks, who take the pressure and arrogance, no. Chinese - it is something. The main principle - do you hear the price, Delhi in half and then just bargain. And not the fact that you have processed.
Currency - Yuan Yuen (Chinese money - "chen"). I wonder what they have kopecks to the ruble, in the sense that we have. They have 5 kopecks. - It is 50 kopeks., 1 cop. - It is 10, a large size of 1 kopeck. - This is the ruble, in a sense, the yuan. And there are 50 cents denomination. The salary issue most of the population every year - before their New Year. And the rest of the time just bring lunch, t. E. The people working for free, but they are fed. Yuan they respect and very good fake, especially sotochku. At the moment, it passed on all the news. But the dollars they do not take you. Porazglyadyvat with interest and everything. They need "theirs" money, not every person will be able to change the dollar in the bank, it has a lot of reasons, and one of them - below.
It is a long and patient theme. I actually stayed in full bounds, when I was told about these details of my Chinese girlfriend ShyaoCheen (in Pts. Literally - "small violin"). The whole world may know that China is not allowed to have more than one child. Only a few individuals who have earned at work, or bring some contribution to the development of the country, is allowed to have two children officially.
Here's the official - this is the biggest zakovyka in this all. It would be ridiculous to think that every family strictly adheres to restrictions. However, more than two children in the family, I did not see. But, that was just a brief and clear, and bring the situation ShyaoCheen.
Their family, two girls. This is disadvantageous for girls generally narrower range of occupations than men. After the birth of the older mom had no money for an abortion. And she gave birth to ShyaoCheen. The older birth received all relevant documents later - a passport, and so on. D. And the younger you had to pay a huge monthly fee. Money, of course, did not have enough (where, if abortion is not it?), And the child's nowhere to go.
Therefore, the standards option - a child hiding in the arrival time of check fees and there unofficially, without a passport, all his life. That is, in fact, it is not.
Both parties benefit options - pay the fine, then the treasury is replenished, it does not pay - gratuitous labor.
Such informal basically take the most hazardous work. And the people working to feed the family or pay school the older child in the hope that he will pull out all the breaks and with these Sinister.
Or working to pay his fine. Then he half-official. And if someone accidentally vanish ... and that - there was someone perhaps? It is not decorated. And the job is done ...
If ShyaoCheen all better. She took the passport and sisters learned of it in some universities, to the driver. She worked as a taxi driver. Then he met the Greek Kostas he in love with her and took to him to Greece. To carry out her dream - to have three formal child. That's it.
This is a vital issue and hourly. To find something familiar to our man, sedobnoe, it is necessary to live in a big city and go to different supermarkets, emptying shelves export. If you're not so lucky, then you just do the first day of a trial sortie - where is that. Vozvrascheshsya home with a block of noodles, such as instant noodles to eat or Mivina (as the Ukrainians will be appreciated), angry, tired and hungry, but with some infoy head. And the next day you have a plan of action - the market, vegetables, raw meat, raw fish, mushrooms, generally simple ingredients.
Of course, we have carefully avoided smelly snacks strange configuration - something which stretches all the Chinese people ... But we have a Coy some experience, so that this problem occur less frequently.
Occasion: we bought a delicious kind of donuts with sesame on top of abundant seeding the powder. Print on the way home in a taxi. Donuts flew in the trash two meters way. Tuhlorybnye, sweet, and the powder turned out to be just ordinary flour.
Chinese tastes is difficult to understand, because we're not accustomed to. And they, like, nothing ... As usual, the people here are divided into dengovistyh and poor. The middle class is very small, almost not.
As a result, the rich eat in restaurants, and the poor - in the Chinese style fast food, popular McDonald's and KFS, rice, all kinds of roots, bamboo, herbs and fish. To say that they are healthier from it - do not tell. A full belly fried rice with fish oil on celery and frostbitten cheeks and ears lilac, in my opinion - things incongruous health.
A restaurant food - it is a work of art. (Not to say that my husband and I belong to the rich, but the work we are often called to supper.) Incredible color combinations soups (ingredinety I will not describe, do not always understand, from what it is ... maybe it's for the better), the form of dishes , decorating dishes with flowers, patterns of sauces and so forth., and so on. - It is impossible to describe.
But how does all this disgusting smell and taste ... God forbid, Lord! My husband and I to this dinner party is required to eat at home.
The shops all in abundance. Only to know what it is! Parse through the packaging is not always possible English translation - for happiness for us.
Basically all the food they sweet. Tomato juice with strawberries, bread, milk (by the way, the culture of milk they do not find butter, cheese, or simply fresh Milk - this, I ask you, in Shanghai Export Department), sweet potatoes (they are especially fond of her ice cream), sweet roasted sunflower seeds, sweet sausage ...
While the pastry they are very beautiful, they all taste the same - sold one type of cream, one type of cake from which and do all the cakes. Let the shape is different, the taste is the same. Even tasteless chocolate is purely as a decoration.
Traditional national dishes - Peking duck (for the rich Buratinok), dumplings with grass and noodles, rice, wheat and soy. Dumplings and noodles went from China, have changed over time, gradually stavnovyas someone else national dish. (Looks at the history of salad: we have it, such as, French, and "over the hill" can be found only under the name "Rashn Salad.") There are cottage cheese (or cheese) from the extraction of soybean, cooked in a pot on the street, and the Chinese as soon as they hear that smell, flock like flies to honey. It is called a miracle, "tofu". Stand the smell of normal Europeans can not. "It smells", pardon the comparison, old urine in the heat. When this beauty partake in buses, tickets for this bus we change, because sick. But, of course, are not put into words why China stinks ... and it is not clear what. While he did not uchuesh, to explain it in words just do not come out.
Relationship foreigners
Adulthood is considered the Chinese 21 years old. Prior to that, the girls are not considered to be allowed to have any relationship with the opposite sex (although, time, and manners have their impact). But as soon as she becomes the wife of the purpose of her life - to become pregnant, the good, the promotion of motherhood as the highest good, all the walls, all televisions and advertising, despite the overcrowding. After birth, the family life usually flows into the standard for the Chinese track: one wife and girls around a lot. Therefore wife at home with a child, well dressed, and his mistress go by car. In fact, these have no surprise. The only difference is that prostitution here is more highly developed than any industry. Until that is attached to a dinner a couple of girls, and sometimes boys - who wants to.
What about?
Chinese around him create beauty by themselves being in it as something superfluous. Normally things spit on the floor, even on buses, throw seeds, loud belch and no less loud slurp and smack one's lips while eating. Normally go to public transportation after the construction is not dressed, and on the way to clean the jacket of cement, sand, and what the hell for others.
Shouting into the phone, do not pull up the children when they climb onto the head of an outsider to shake kozyulki nose on his head sitting over which he standing ... Do not pay attention to road signs and go as pleases (even on a counter, why?) , stop the taxi on the second page, and right there luggage shipping endless. Yes, a lot of things ...
But at them in awe of Mao Zedong (who have all, without exception, bills), and president of the eternal sacred duty to the country. Deeply developed sense of patriotism, not on the show, and not just in words.
The work is done quickly and efficiently. (Believe me, for myself at all of them qualitatively and to export ... mmm ...) Holy blyudut tradition without departing a single step and believe in their God. Affable, friendly and curious. And this is too much! As they say - simplicity worse than stealing ...
Stay and live here forever, I do not agree for any price.
Source: http: //
© Text, photo: Cooks 2009
This is the case in China, like, not so blindly and stupidly (in general terms) as our people. They do not prepare for it ahead of time, a like waiting to whistle ... And then singing 'avalanche fill everything and everywhere.
Long queue, boxes, bags, scooters has not delivered, but just piled beneath sacks of rice and boxes of all sorts of impossible pechenyuh, bottles with oil and soy sauce.

Preparing for the holiday is only decoration.
All washed, cleaned, hung out appropriate holiday decorations, in fact, everything is here. But the difference is that when it is a holiday, it explodes all at one time, up in the air - firecrackers, fireworks, balls and smoke of incense ... and within an hour all dying.

All have long been asleep. No such that eh ... - Holiday stretched until the morning, and then sober, and then on a visit, and so on to infinity. In the 10 already all asleep. As always.

In Chinese, "Happy New Year!" Sounds like "Shin yen Huai la!", Although I vouch for the accuracy can not. Then in each province its own dialect.
Output for the Chinese - is also a holiday.

On warm days, in the evening, they are going all out on the street. Who is richer - to sing karaoke KaTiVi.
By the way, the Chinese perepoyut all nations of the world, they have this genetic predisposition, and a language that you want, do not want to, and talking to him, every day kind of descant.

Who is winning - for those dances. This is - a grand spectacle. Every little bit decent town has a dance floor. Wishes to gather in neat rows and the music is somewhat reminiscent of our Soviet songs, marches, doing dance steps. From a distance, they look scary, like robots.

Do not think I do not confuse with wushu gymnastics, it was dancing. Until it was in a row, just to see and try, I did not understand what draws them there - I felt a wave on wave of rhythm and a sense of unity from top prishiblo. So obviously, I came out of the series. Apparently, so the Chinese are strengthening a sense of community and energize the future work week.

Neiskorenyaemoe foreigners disrespect to other people's money is always at hand living. It is always easier to spend a hundred or two on just like that, "try this little thing here," without pity to throw away, because it would nesedobnoy. Since gaining experience, more such will not take ... and into the hands of merchants. But sometimes they go too far. More precisely, it is sometimes, but as usual. Sly and quirky huckster than the Chinese, there is no one. Neither the Jews, who are considered the best, nor the Turks, who take the pressure and arrogance, no. Chinese - it is something. The main principle - do you hear the price, Delhi in half and then just bargain. And not the fact that you have processed.

Currency - Yuan Yuen (Chinese money - "chen"). I wonder what they have kopecks to the ruble, in the sense that we have. They have 5 kopecks. - It is 50 kopeks., 1 cop. - It is 10, a large size of 1 kopeck. - This is the ruble, in a sense, the yuan. And there are 50 cents denomination. The salary issue most of the population every year - before their New Year. And the rest of the time just bring lunch, t. E. The people working for free, but they are fed. Yuan they respect and very good fake, especially sotochku. At the moment, it passed on all the news. But the dollars they do not take you. Porazglyadyvat with interest and everything. They need "theirs" money, not every person will be able to change the dollar in the bank, it has a lot of reasons, and one of them - below.

It is a long and patient theme. I actually stayed in full bounds, when I was told about these details of my Chinese girlfriend ShyaoCheen (in Pts. Literally - "small violin"). The whole world may know that China is not allowed to have more than one child. Only a few individuals who have earned at work, or bring some contribution to the development of the country, is allowed to have two children officially.

Here's the official - this is the biggest zakovyka in this all. It would be ridiculous to think that every family strictly adheres to restrictions. However, more than two children in the family, I did not see. But, that was just a brief and clear, and bring the situation ShyaoCheen.

Their family, two girls. This is disadvantageous for girls generally narrower range of occupations than men. After the birth of the older mom had no money for an abortion. And she gave birth to ShyaoCheen. The older birth received all relevant documents later - a passport, and so on. D. And the younger you had to pay a huge monthly fee. Money, of course, did not have enough (where, if abortion is not it?), And the child's nowhere to go.

Therefore, the standards option - a child hiding in the arrival time of check fees and there unofficially, without a passport, all his life. That is, in fact, it is not.

Both parties benefit options - pay the fine, then the treasury is replenished, it does not pay - gratuitous labor.

Such informal basically take the most hazardous work. And the people working to feed the family or pay school the older child in the hope that he will pull out all the breaks and with these Sinister.

Or working to pay his fine. Then he half-official. And if someone accidentally vanish ... and that - there was someone perhaps? It is not decorated. And the job is done ...

If ShyaoCheen all better. She took the passport and sisters learned of it in some universities, to the driver. She worked as a taxi driver. Then he met the Greek Kostas he in love with her and took to him to Greece. To carry out her dream - to have three formal child. That's it.

This is a vital issue and hourly. To find something familiar to our man, sedobnoe, it is necessary to live in a big city and go to different supermarkets, emptying shelves export. If you're not so lucky, then you just do the first day of a trial sortie - where is that. Vozvrascheshsya home with a block of noodles, such as instant noodles to eat or Mivina (as the Ukrainians will be appreciated), angry, tired and hungry, but with some infoy head. And the next day you have a plan of action - the market, vegetables, raw meat, raw fish, mushrooms, generally simple ingredients.

Of course, we have carefully avoided smelly snacks strange configuration - something which stretches all the Chinese people ... But we have a Coy some experience, so that this problem occur less frequently.
Occasion: we bought a delicious kind of donuts with sesame on top of abundant seeding the powder. Print on the way home in a taxi. Donuts flew in the trash two meters way. Tuhlorybnye, sweet, and the powder turned out to be just ordinary flour.

Chinese tastes is difficult to understand, because we're not accustomed to. And they, like, nothing ... As usual, the people here are divided into dengovistyh and poor. The middle class is very small, almost not.

As a result, the rich eat in restaurants, and the poor - in the Chinese style fast food, popular McDonald's and KFS, rice, all kinds of roots, bamboo, herbs and fish. To say that they are healthier from it - do not tell. A full belly fried rice with fish oil on celery and frostbitten cheeks and ears lilac, in my opinion - things incongruous health.

A restaurant food - it is a work of art. (Not to say that my husband and I belong to the rich, but the work we are often called to supper.) Incredible color combinations soups (ingredinety I will not describe, do not always understand, from what it is ... maybe it's for the better), the form of dishes , decorating dishes with flowers, patterns of sauces and so forth., and so on. - It is impossible to describe.

But how does all this disgusting smell and taste ... God forbid, Lord! My husband and I to this dinner party is required to eat at home.

The shops all in abundance. Only to know what it is! Parse through the packaging is not always possible English translation - for happiness for us.

Basically all the food they sweet. Tomato juice with strawberries, bread, milk (by the way, the culture of milk they do not find butter, cheese, or simply fresh Milk - this, I ask you, in Shanghai Export Department), sweet potatoes (they are especially fond of her ice cream), sweet roasted sunflower seeds, sweet sausage ...

While the pastry they are very beautiful, they all taste the same - sold one type of cream, one type of cake from which and do all the cakes. Let the shape is different, the taste is the same. Even tasteless chocolate is purely as a decoration.

Traditional national dishes - Peking duck (for the rich Buratinok), dumplings with grass and noodles, rice, wheat and soy. Dumplings and noodles went from China, have changed over time, gradually stavnovyas someone else national dish. (Looks at the history of salad: we have it, such as, French, and "over the hill" can be found only under the name "Rashn Salad.") There are cottage cheese (or cheese) from the extraction of soybean, cooked in a pot on the street, and the Chinese as soon as they hear that smell, flock like flies to honey. It is called a miracle, "tofu". Stand the smell of normal Europeans can not. "It smells", pardon the comparison, old urine in the heat. When this beauty partake in buses, tickets for this bus we change, because sick. But, of course, are not put into words why China stinks ... and it is not clear what. While he did not uchuesh, to explain it in words just do not come out.

Relationship foreigners
Adulthood is considered the Chinese 21 years old. Prior to that, the girls are not considered to be allowed to have any relationship with the opposite sex (although, time, and manners have their impact). But as soon as she becomes the wife of the purpose of her life - to become pregnant, the good, the promotion of motherhood as the highest good, all the walls, all televisions and advertising, despite the overcrowding. After birth, the family life usually flows into the standard for the Chinese track: one wife and girls around a lot. Therefore wife at home with a child, well dressed, and his mistress go by car. In fact, these have no surprise. The only difference is that prostitution here is more highly developed than any industry. Until that is attached to a dinner a couple of girls, and sometimes boys - who wants to.

What about?
Chinese around him create beauty by themselves being in it as something superfluous. Normally things spit on the floor, even on buses, throw seeds, loud belch and no less loud slurp and smack one's lips while eating. Normally go to public transportation after the construction is not dressed, and on the way to clean the jacket of cement, sand, and what the hell for others.

Shouting into the phone, do not pull up the children when they climb onto the head of an outsider to shake kozyulki nose on his head sitting over which he standing ... Do not pay attention to road signs and go as pleases (even on a counter, why?) , stop the taxi on the second page, and right there luggage shipping endless. Yes, a lot of things ...

But at them in awe of Mao Zedong (who have all, without exception, bills), and president of the eternal sacred duty to the country. Deeply developed sense of patriotism, not on the show, and not just in words.

The work is done quickly and efficiently. (Believe me, for myself at all of them qualitatively and to export ... mmm ...) Holy blyudut tradition without departing a single step and believe in their God. Affable, friendly and curious. And this is too much! As they say - simplicity worse than stealing ...

Stay and live here forever, I do not agree for any price.

Source: http: //