Army weekdays
Army weekdays - is not only funny moments that we have come to look at this collection there are serious moments.
No pop pools, palm trees, sun loungers and tanned bodies in the advertising power of Euro RSCG Kiev
Harmony time — the theory of the 4 Ashrams of life
Scientists have developed a battery powered by bacteria
Which people should not continue to communicate?
Military fun
Of life of employees and Zhekov dezov
Army life
Army life - humor and the hardships that life.
What it means to be a cop. Part 2 (32 pics)
Extreme out of the window in front of (7 photos)
No pop pools, palm trees, sun loungers and tanned bodies in the advertising power of Euro RSCG Kiev
Harmony time — the theory of the 4 Ashrams of life
Scientists have developed a battery powered by bacteria
Which people should not continue to communicate?
Military fun
Of life of employees and Zhekov dezov
Army life
Army life - humor and the hardships that life.
What it means to be a cop. Part 2 (32 pics)
Extreme out of the window in front of (7 photos)
Freegans and Freeganism as a lifestyle
Found wallet!)