The pensioner moved from the city to the village, the hostess has no time to miss
For some reason, society has such a stereotype that life in the village is necessarily hard work. You work from morning to night, you can’t see the light. But is that really true? Today, the editorial board will tell, What can be the village routines. Let’s take the example of pensioners who moved out of town 10 years ago.
It should be understood that the amount of work in the village depends on how large the farm. Usually, if the family is large, then the house is not small, there is livestock, your land. Of course, everyone needs to take care of this. But there are more hands.
But our heroes have a different story. Petr Ivanovich and Galina Andreevna moved to the village after retirement. They live on their own, and every new day is a pleasure. In winter, the couple wake up at 6:45, and in the summer at 6. They do not practice early ascents at 5am or 4am. They just don't need it.
Galina Ivanovna goes for a walk with a dog, and 2 cats run after her tail: Musya and Burenka. Usually in the morning, a woman also milks goats, which are also 2 in the household. After half an hour of milking, she cleans the barn. “So that the goats were pleased,” says the pensioner.
In summer, the farm is replenished with chickens and turkeys. Therefore, there is another task - to feed them and clean up after them, if necessary. While Galina Ivanovna takes care of the animals, her husband melts the Swedish woman to make breakfast. In the summer, the couple cook in the summer kitchen.
At 8:00 a.m., right after breakfast, everyone takes up something. In the spring and summer there are more tasks in the garden. For example, you need to sanitize trees, prepare the soil for transplanting seedlings and so on. This is usually done by Galina Ivanovna. And Pyotr Ivanovich wizards goat’s milk, making it homemade cheese.
All the most important things the spouses try to finish before lunch, that is, before 12 hours. Pretty good, isn't it? Pensioners manage to keep up with everything because they have intelligently shared responsibilities among themselves. For example, when Galina Andreevna sets the table, her husband feeds the animals. And so on.
After lunch there is a quiet hour. Everyone does what they want. Pensioners like to sleep, read a book or just sit on the phone. Communication in the village is good, so children and grandchildren can be contacted by video at any time.
In the summer, it is simply impossible to be outside during the day. So work on the site is postponed to the evening. It's mostly watering plants. At 18:00 it is time to feed and milk the goats and other animals. The couple have dinner at 19 and then go for a walk with the dog. Out at 21-22. Before going to bed, retirees like to read or watch TV. Well, it starts all over again in the morning.
The village: heaven or hard labor? From this story you may get the impression that the worries of pensioners really a little. However, Galina Andreevna herself assures that it is not the number of cases that matters, but the right approach to work.
“We just do a little bit to avoid overloading ourselves. Our day is clearly scheduled, but there is no sense of rush. Measured life is fun, says the pensioner.
How do you like this village routine? If you live in a village, it will be great to know how your normal day goes. Boldly share your story in the comments. Wait for you!

It should be understood that the amount of work in the village depends on how large the farm. Usually, if the family is large, then the house is not small, there is livestock, your land. Of course, everyone needs to take care of this. But there are more hands.
But our heroes have a different story. Petr Ivanovich and Galina Andreevna moved to the village after retirement. They live on their own, and every new day is a pleasure. In winter, the couple wake up at 6:45, and in the summer at 6. They do not practice early ascents at 5am or 4am. They just don't need it.

Galina Ivanovna goes for a walk with a dog, and 2 cats run after her tail: Musya and Burenka. Usually in the morning, a woman also milks goats, which are also 2 in the household. After half an hour of milking, she cleans the barn. “So that the goats were pleased,” says the pensioner.
In summer, the farm is replenished with chickens and turkeys. Therefore, there is another task - to feed them and clean up after them, if necessary. While Galina Ivanovna takes care of the animals, her husband melts the Swedish woman to make breakfast. In the summer, the couple cook in the summer kitchen.

At 8:00 a.m., right after breakfast, everyone takes up something. In the spring and summer there are more tasks in the garden. For example, you need to sanitize trees, prepare the soil for transplanting seedlings and so on. This is usually done by Galina Ivanovna. And Pyotr Ivanovich wizards goat’s milk, making it homemade cheese.
All the most important things the spouses try to finish before lunch, that is, before 12 hours. Pretty good, isn't it? Pensioners manage to keep up with everything because they have intelligently shared responsibilities among themselves. For example, when Galina Andreevna sets the table, her husband feeds the animals. And so on.

After lunch there is a quiet hour. Everyone does what they want. Pensioners like to sleep, read a book or just sit on the phone. Communication in the village is good, so children and grandchildren can be contacted by video at any time.

In the summer, it is simply impossible to be outside during the day. So work on the site is postponed to the evening. It's mostly watering plants. At 18:00 it is time to feed and milk the goats and other animals. The couple have dinner at 19 and then go for a walk with the dog. Out at 21-22. Before going to bed, retirees like to read or watch TV. Well, it starts all over again in the morning.
The village: heaven or hard labor? From this story you may get the impression that the worries of pensioners really a little. However, Galina Andreevna herself assures that it is not the number of cases that matters, but the right approach to work.

“We just do a little bit to avoid overloading ourselves. Our day is clearly scheduled, but there is no sense of rush. Measured life is fun, says the pensioner.
How do you like this village routine? If you live in a village, it will be great to know how your normal day goes. Boldly share your story in the comments. Wait for you!
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