Why You Shouldn't Leave Your Elderly Family Alone
It turns out that many countries life-style It is not so different from the way of life of young people. Some pensioners go to exhibitions and spend time in cafes, some do yoga, and there are those who attend lectures on various subjects at the university. All these people will give a head start to any teenager.
Life of the elderly Editorial "Site" Learn how pensioners live in different parts of the world. It is not surprising that among them there are a large number of centenarians. In these countries, the state really cares about the older generation, it is worth taking an example from them.
Japan is a country of centenarians, where elderly people are guaranteed appropriate care and assistance. Already in 2000, the Japanese came up with a system, thanks to which pensioners do not go unnoticed. Older people over 65 years old apply to the centers of assistance to pensioners, where they pass a special test. The test results determine the degree of assistance that these people need.
Retirees in Japan can count on home delivery, medical care, and nursing services. Older Japanese are said to pay extra for services, but only 10% of the cost. In addition to special centers, there are many volunteers in the country who are happy to help the elderly. The Japanese refuse nursing homes: money is saved, and pensioners themselves are more comfortable living at home.
Only in the UK there is a minister for single people. Although he does not have a separate ministry, he oversees the work of other ministries that can help single people. And among singles, not only pensioners, 14% of the population of England suffer from loneliness.
In the UK, there are service centers where you can “order a friend” if you are lonely. Such a person will listen and support in a difficult moment sincerely and for free.
In France, you will not find a single person of retirement age who will sit idle. There are special courses for the elderly, where you can learn needlework, painting and everything that previously did not have time. French pensioners go to exhibitions, movies, dances.
The French go to the circles for “people of the third age”, where not only do what they love, but also communicate plenty.
In Venezuela, pensioners and old people can not be called. These livers play sports, relax on the beach, attend various events. On weekends, family dinners are regularly arranged, for which all generations gather, and have fun.
For pensioners in Venezuela created a program called the “Great Mission”. Thanks to this program, seniors have the opportunity to travel, receive medical care, food and essentials.
Italy is the country with the largest number of centenarians in the world. Older people here have fun sitting in cafes or restaurants. According to some reports, it is pensioners who “make cash” to such institutions.
Lonely elderly Italians often take students to settle down, which is beneficial for both. Students save money, and pensioners enjoy communication.
China has a “Law on the Elderly” in place. It states that children are obliged to support older parents both financially and spiritually. This provision is difficult to enforce because of the One Child Act, which has been in place for nearly thirty years. But pensioners are not discouraged and try not to complicate the life of their children, many lead an active lifestyle and devote themselves to their favorite hobby.
In the United States, people throughout their lives try to earn a comfortable old age, and in addition to their own efforts, they are facilitated by laws. Former military and teachers have higher pensions than people in other professions.
The retirement age in America is 65, but you can decide when to retire on the basis of your own savings and opportunities. Some retire at 62 years old. Quality of life for older persons In the United States, it depends on what work experience they have and in what field.
San City is a city in Arizona. The peculiarity of this settlement is that people of exclusively retirement age live here. This is a kind of Disneyland for pensioners, in which they are free to do what their heart desires.
In addition to laws and social services, there is a growing number of volunteers around the world who are willing to help both needy and lonely people. Other countries are cited as examples not to suggest moving there, but to change their attitudes towards the elderly.
To begin with, do your best for your parents so they don’t feel lonely and grateful for the years spent raising their children. Many pensioners do not need financial support as much as communication.
Tell your friends on social networks about how pensioners are cared for in different countries.

Life of the elderly Editorial "Site" Learn how pensioners live in different parts of the world. It is not surprising that among them there are a large number of centenarians. In these countries, the state really cares about the older generation, it is worth taking an example from them.

Japan is a country of centenarians, where elderly people are guaranteed appropriate care and assistance. Already in 2000, the Japanese came up with a system, thanks to which pensioners do not go unnoticed. Older people over 65 years old apply to the centers of assistance to pensioners, where they pass a special test. The test results determine the degree of assistance that these people need.
Retirees in Japan can count on home delivery, medical care, and nursing services. Older Japanese are said to pay extra for services, but only 10% of the cost. In addition to special centers, there are many volunteers in the country who are happy to help the elderly. The Japanese refuse nursing homes: money is saved, and pensioners themselves are more comfortable living at home.

Only in the UK there is a minister for single people. Although he does not have a separate ministry, he oversees the work of other ministries that can help single people. And among singles, not only pensioners, 14% of the population of England suffer from loneliness.
In the UK, there are service centers where you can “order a friend” if you are lonely. Such a person will listen and support in a difficult moment sincerely and for free.

In France, you will not find a single person of retirement age who will sit idle. There are special courses for the elderly, where you can learn needlework, painting and everything that previously did not have time. French pensioners go to exhibitions, movies, dances.
The French go to the circles for “people of the third age”, where not only do what they love, but also communicate plenty.

In Venezuela, pensioners and old people can not be called. These livers play sports, relax on the beach, attend various events. On weekends, family dinners are regularly arranged, for which all generations gather, and have fun.
For pensioners in Venezuela created a program called the “Great Mission”. Thanks to this program, seniors have the opportunity to travel, receive medical care, food and essentials.

Italy is the country with the largest number of centenarians in the world. Older people here have fun sitting in cafes or restaurants. According to some reports, it is pensioners who “make cash” to such institutions.
Lonely elderly Italians often take students to settle down, which is beneficial for both. Students save money, and pensioners enjoy communication.

China has a “Law on the Elderly” in place. It states that children are obliged to support older parents both financially and spiritually. This provision is difficult to enforce because of the One Child Act, which has been in place for nearly thirty years. But pensioners are not discouraged and try not to complicate the life of their children, many lead an active lifestyle and devote themselves to their favorite hobby.

In the United States, people throughout their lives try to earn a comfortable old age, and in addition to their own efforts, they are facilitated by laws. Former military and teachers have higher pensions than people in other professions.
The retirement age in America is 65, but you can decide when to retire on the basis of your own savings and opportunities. Some retire at 62 years old. Quality of life for older persons In the United States, it depends on what work experience they have and in what field.
San City is a city in Arizona. The peculiarity of this settlement is that people of exclusively retirement age live here. This is a kind of Disneyland for pensioners, in which they are free to do what their heart desires.

In addition to laws and social services, there is a growing number of volunteers around the world who are willing to help both needy and lonely people. Other countries are cited as examples not to suggest moving there, but to change their attitudes towards the elderly.
To begin with, do your best for your parents so they don’t feel lonely and grateful for the years spent raising their children. Many pensioners do not need financial support as much as communication.
Tell your friends on social networks about how pensioners are cared for in different countries.