As from scratch to build a gated development. Part One - Plot
costly and resource-intensive, requiring a team of experts on a full half, serious relationships and a lot of money - in general, not mere mortals. In these articles, we will share their experiences and knowledge, and explain how to make the village "on the knee" - with minimal costs for Part-half, and while maintaining mental health.

The village is built - it is not eshaka buy a startup run
About mental health I have mentioned is not just. If you are accustomed to the IT-business, in which everything is ruled by common sense, there is always a comprehensive documentation, and any problem is predictable solution - the unit of affairs in the field of land development will cause you to put it mildly, surprised. Now I understand why all previous attempts to make the settlement by the IT-community were eventually thrown founders.
The first article in this series will focus on the second most important resource in land development (after mental stability) - directly to the ground. This article is based on our own experience in the construction village programmers and experience of those professionals with whom we eventually began to cooperate.
So the ground in Russia can be obtained in one of four main ways.
1. Weird shares
As you remember, in the far nineties all of us fortunate enough to become owners of vouchers. This voucher can be invested in any special scam, and then discuss with your friends, whose steeper scam. Part of the population is deprived of this joy. These people were then called "farmers" and all laugh at them. Instead of a large beautiful voucher they were given some kind of "units" - no one needs to share their collective farm property stupid.
As you know, the situation has changed a little, and now the collective farmers can laugh at unlucky investors scams. Most of the land suitable for development, is the property of the collective farms. As a rule, one share is equivalent to a piece of land ranging in size from 2 to 20 hectares.
Seemingly happy farmer can now sell his share yet another escape from the city daunshifterom and thrive couple of years, but there it was. The fact that the share sell or donate non-members of the collective farm cooperative farmer can not. The only statutory way that a farmer may transfer his share - is to die, bequeathing his share to the selected person. As you know, not all are ready for this.
That is - no kidding - the status of the collective farmer on a plan lawmakers became something of a title of nobility. He gives a lot of benefits - normal share of liquid assets and the opportunity to buy these shares from his fellow nobles. You can only pass it by inheritance - all as the nobility, no trade.
There are certainly more ghostly possibility that you will be a member of the collective-farm co-op for a formal contribution to the cooperative. But in practice, the majority of collective farms today are bankrupt. Of course, each of the collective farm has a special office in the business center with a team of crisis managers, who will acquaint you with the statute, tell you how to execute documents for admission, will gather an extraordinary meeting of the members of the Board and will be ceremonially savior-investor in his society.
In general, to sell his share farmer can not. He would first have to "isolate" the share - ie turn its share in the common property in a particular plot of land. This procedure requires the participation of Certified cadastral engineers, requires a minimum of 100 TR spending takes from six months to a year, requires a lot of non-obvious manipulation and constant study of new obstacles which legislators are not tired grind.
Therefore, a powerful entrepreneurial spirit of the Russian people invented ingenious in its simplicity scheme, how it all win:
- The collective farmer writes warrant in the name of the buyer, who trusted him to identify his share in a particular plot of land, and then give the resulting plot to any other person;
- Get the once all the money on hand; < /
- The buyer begins the ordeal alone and if titled nobleman at the last moment changed his mind and withdrew the power of attorney, in the end becomes the owner of the desired area.
The important point - if someone goes on this way, in the power of attorney is important to register the right to grant - not for sale. The fact that the sale of agricultural land usually requires special approval to the relevant departments of the region - while giving such agreement does not require. Blockquote> 2. Public auction
In fact, on this way, we tried to go to the beginning. In theory, this path looks like this:
- to look closely at the public portion of the cadastral map, which is not a "paevkoy" never took place and topographic surveys. Another important that land did not belong to the state forest lands - unless, of course, you do not have in stock a few extra years and spare the nervous system;
- Go to the administration of rural settlement to which this site is owned by, and ask them to to issue an order for surveying. Since this is their any non-binding, usually no obstacles;
- Going to any Megeve office, pay them money from his own pocket, they put a site on cadastral registration - now the site officially exist - but still belongs to the listed rural settlement;
- Ask the administration to appoint a public auction. They appoint the initial price and a month prior to bidding print ad in a local newspaper;
- to win public tenders and get your site.
As I said at the beginning, we tried to on this way. Chapter one of the districts of the region interested in our project and he promised to cooperate fully with the passage of this complex procedure. We picked up a lot, and registered the company filed an application. We promised to release an order to survey a week later. Unfortunately, this week lasted about 4 months, and by the time the coveted orders we have the habit tired of waiting and bought land elsewhere. Blockquote> Of course, in this procedure, too, everything passes, to put it mildly, not quite smoothly. Her main problem - the result of unwarranted because in the "struggle" for the site on which you have already spent time and energy can join anyone.
Legally this procedure is arranged so brilliantly that actually led to the formation of a new unusual profession. In general, some savvy person registering the application for such trading solely in order to prevent the main interested parties. If they win the auction but can not for the plot eventually pay - they risk only the amount of down payment, which is usually small. And the main interested parties at risk of losing one or two months time, because the faster a repeated auction is appointed. As a result, with similar figures he has to come to an agreement "in the hallway," unfastening them for cash withdrawals of applications by auction.
3. beg
As strange as it may sound, the land from the state can beg. Rules of procedure may vary depending on the region, but the essence is about - you choose some village and write a statement to the administration of rural settlement to provide land for permanent residence.
If you are the proud owner of yet IZHS sites are not you kind of owe a lot to give. Naturally, in the presence of the master plan of the settlement vacant lots in a residential area. Here, too, things are not so smooth - the procedure takes months, and the decision, where it will be your lot, you technically have no effect.
The maximum size of the plot, of course, will be limited to the regulations of the region, but it does not matter. Guys who are engaged in this scheme, usually just sell immediately formed section or simply spread to another owner, and repeat the procedure again.
4. Buy
You understand that all these procedures will take away a lot of time. You will have to learn a lot of legal technicalities, to acquire the skills of negotiation with the collective farm nobility and spend a lot of nerves - because such things are not smooth pass. Therefore suitable for you lot easier, of course, buy.
Clumsy legislation, consisting of absurd procedures, regulations and restrictions, making it extremely difficult to direct the transfer of land to mere mortals, giving rise to an entire profession as a result of people who "occupy the land." These guys, combining all of the above methods, and running multiple processes at the same time, trying to create the most attractive sites and sell them to the final consumer.
In general, we finally felt this way for optimal settlement programmers. All this should not-so-large (aytishnym standards) money and enormously saves time. When waiting for the results of attempts to do a project together with the authorities tired, we just began to view the appropriate options on the Avito. It turned out that zemelschiki professionals (and not those who designed descended by inheritance share), asking for their products is quite adequate money. Find a suitable option - it is a question a couple of weeks.
In the next article in this series, we tell about a popular language survey - legal procedure splitting large area into many small, as well as about the transfer of land from one category to another. By the way, in the village programmers we began to build the house for the first customers. About planning, architecture and technology will cover in a future article.
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Post moved from Habra at the request of the administration, as content is "okologikovskim."