Budget repair in the bathroom
In 2010, he lived in a five-story Khrushchev. The apartment was quite in a sorry state, but would certainly something better and brighter. Began repairs to the bathroom. The budget was very limited.
29 photos
Everything looked like this
Visible markings on the walls for future panel
A little settlement on the wall
View on the floor ... Here you can see the old linoleum, cast-iron Soviet bath and of course talchok.
Begin otkolupyvat tile (Soviet inlay).
All tiles neatly with the bounce was emptied into a bath, from which later carried into the bags in the trash
Collect the tiles
I remove all unnecessary
All the code was "cleaned" started laying tiles on the floor ... not only did a waterproofing ... What led to the fact that a few days later a neighbor came to complain because of the gray spots on the ceiling in the hallway (water cement leaked).
Pre-poured rovnitelem surface, and only after it dries stack a tile.
Tiles must be laid himself for the first time in my life.
Thus here for tile floors.
Level without him in this matter anywhere
Remains a little more and the floor is ready
Wait until the solution has dried under tiles
After it is necessary to remove all crosses between the tiles.
Goat, that all, but there is a floor not yet been completed it is necessary to wash it
Gender washed
And make grouting between the tiles
Once the floor has been finished before mounting plastic panels
Required attribute - it smells of exhaust fan to neighbors smelled not we lead in the future held for the panels to a separate switch.
For more than a human species
The walls are not very smooth. Therefore, the panel had to cut corners.
There's still a little
Polotenchik had otvarachivat it was not convenient because it was insanely hot
Angles subsequently closed plastic corners
These are turned seams between the tiles
This is the final version ... to photograph yet does not fully reflect what happened and I do it will not be able to because of this apartment has moved ... Extras was bought bath (plastic after years of operation in the drain hole there was a crack in the varnish), a new jolt.
29 photos

Everything looked like this

Visible markings on the walls for future panel

A little settlement on the wall

View on the floor ... Here you can see the old linoleum, cast-iron Soviet bath and of course talchok.

Begin otkolupyvat tile (Soviet inlay).

All tiles neatly with the bounce was emptied into a bath, from which later carried into the bags in the trash

Collect the tiles

I remove all unnecessary

All the code was "cleaned" started laying tiles on the floor ... not only did a waterproofing ... What led to the fact that a few days later a neighbor came to complain because of the gray spots on the ceiling in the hallway (water cement leaked).

Pre-poured rovnitelem surface, and only after it dries stack a tile.

Tiles must be laid himself for the first time in my life.

Thus here for tile floors.

Level without him in this matter anywhere

Remains a little more and the floor is ready

Wait until the solution has dried under tiles

After it is necessary to remove all crosses between the tiles.

Goat, that all, but there is a floor not yet been completed it is necessary to wash it

Gender washed

And make grouting between the tiles

Once the floor has been finished before mounting plastic panels

Required attribute - it smells of exhaust fan to neighbors smelled not we lead in the future held for the panels to a separate switch.

For more than a human species

The walls are not very smooth. Therefore, the panel had to cut corners.

There's still a little

Polotenchik had otvarachivat it was not convenient because it was insanely hot

Angles subsequently closed plastic corners

These are turned seams between the tiles

This is the final version ... to photograph yet does not fully reflect what happened and I do it will not be able to because of this apartment has moved ... Extras was bought bath (plastic after years of operation in the drain hole there was a crack in the varnish), a new jolt.
