Weekday heroic Soviet oil industry (44 photos)
Take off in the distance invisible spaceships ... soars skyward airplanes ... urban and rural roads running cars ... In the ears of wheat ... In stores, we offer a comfortable and durable synthetic clothes ... And all this - the movement, abundance, beauty - gives blood of the earth - oil and gas turns a man into energy, fertilizer, textiles ...
About heroic profession oil producer will tell us photo: "Oil and people" 1,982th "Samotlor: heroics. Weekday "1983rd and" Siberian giant "in 1986.
Explorers made a significant contribution to the strengthening and development of the oil industry.
About heroic profession oil producer will tell us photo: "Oil and people" 1,982th "Samotlor: heroics. Weekday "1983rd and" Siberian giant "in 1986.
Open oil geologists, and give it to people oil. Now the owners of the field become miners.
They observe the life of wells, regulate oil flow is separated from impurities and associated gas is sent to a central collection point - oil tank farm.
The main objective of miners - to extend the life of the well, the most of the power of the subterranean formation.
Affect the pace of what is developing the oil industry in West Siberia.
This rate of development of regions with harsh climates, with fields located in remote places, thousands of miles distant from traffic arteries, does not know the world practice.
All this was made possible thanks to the tireless care of the party and government, the selfless work of all Soviet people.
"Blue parallels" pipeline routed through three time zones from Asia to Europe.
Daily performs construction and installation work on the ten million rubles. Construction was carried out in extreme climatic conditions.
In the North, the weather is always working
Women in the oil industry
Conquest of the subsoil - business easy, responsible, requiring the people of knowledge, experience, courage. When tamperproof oil and gas reservoirs can rebel, to escape from the land of the powerful fountain and makes things worse. This happens rarely, but you have to be ready.
Therefore militias to prevent oil and gas fountains regularly hold training sessions in landfills, are testing a new technique, practicing techniques of rapid emergency response.
Bookmark capsule with a message of goodwill to the descendants of the XXI century
Brigade A.Shukyurova performed socialist obligations, built 100 thousand meters of oil wells,
and the head of UBR-2 in a hurry to congratulate her on the victory
CPSU General Secretary Mikhail Gorbachev Surgut
CPSU General Secretary Mikhail Gorbachev among workers Novy Urengoy
(Note, for Michal Sergeyitch already deceased Viktor Stepanovich and Boris Nikolayevich)
Above the banner of socialism!
About heroic profession oil producer will tell us photo: "Oil and people" 1,982th "Samotlor: heroics. Weekday "1983rd and" Siberian giant "in 1986.

Explorers made a significant contribution to the strengthening and development of the oil industry.

About heroic profession oil producer will tell us photo: "Oil and people" 1,982th "Samotlor: heroics. Weekday "1983rd and" Siberian giant "in 1986.

Open oil geologists, and give it to people oil. Now the owners of the field become miners.

They observe the life of wells, regulate oil flow is separated from impurities and associated gas is sent to a central collection point - oil tank farm.

The main objective of miners - to extend the life of the well, the most of the power of the subterranean formation.

Affect the pace of what is developing the oil industry in West Siberia.

This rate of development of regions with harsh climates, with fields located in remote places, thousands of miles distant from traffic arteries, does not know the world practice.

All this was made possible thanks to the tireless care of the party and government, the selfless work of all Soviet people.

"Blue parallels" pipeline routed through three time zones from Asia to Europe.

Daily performs construction and installation work on the ten million rubles. Construction was carried out in extreme climatic conditions.

In the North, the weather is always working

Women in the oil industry

Conquest of the subsoil - business easy, responsible, requiring the people of knowledge, experience, courage. When tamperproof oil and gas reservoirs can rebel, to escape from the land of the powerful fountain and makes things worse. This happens rarely, but you have to be ready.

Therefore militias to prevent oil and gas fountains regularly hold training sessions in landfills, are testing a new technique, practicing techniques of rapid emergency response.

Bookmark capsule with a message of goodwill to the descendants of the XXI century

Brigade A.Shukyurova performed socialist obligations, built 100 thousand meters of oil wells,
and the head of UBR-2 in a hurry to congratulate her on the victory

CPSU General Secretary Mikhail Gorbachev Surgut

CPSU General Secretary Mikhail Gorbachev among workers Novy Urengoy
(Note, for Michal Sergeyitch already deceased Viktor Stepanovich and Boris Nikolayevich)

Above the banner of socialism!