Oil Kazakhstan. History in photos (59 photos)
Oil - nurse, pride, cause of wars and intrigues and the main landmark in our country. This year Kazakhstan has many reasons for celebrations: we celebrate the 100th anniversary of the field Dossor, the 50th anniversary of Mangistau oil and the 25th anniversary of the Kumkol field. This fall, the book "Oil Kazakhstan. History in Photographs ", which contains rare footage telling about the development of the oil and gas industry of our country. Voxpopuli the first to show a part of this rich archive to the public
1. In November 1899 in the tract Karashungul from a well depth of 40 meters hit the first fountain, ushering in the history of Kazakh oil. In April 1911 in Dossor discovers new oil fields such high quality that it causes a stir worldwide scale. Two years later, in the open field Guriev district of Makati. By 1914, it is mined and Dossor over 200 thousand tons of oil. In the photo - Life near the first oil fields in Kazakhstan, 1910
2. pack caravan nefterazvedyvatelnoy party in the steppes of western Kazakhstan. In 1917 in Russia after the October Revolution takes the nationalization of all industries. In 1922 he created the trust "Embaneft" and forms management oilfields Ural-Emba district. Since 1926, at the Emba becomes applicable rotary drilling and geophysical exploration methods. Commissioning of the railroad Guriev-Dossor on which exported Dossor oil
3. In the 30 years begins the rapid development of Guryev region. Created lab opens Oil College, formed firm "Embanefteproekt." In June 1932, begins the construction of the pipeline Guryev-Emba-Orsk. Open new fields: Baichunas, Koschagyl, Shubarkuduk, Kulsary
4. General view of the oil field Dossor
5. In 1935, among the Kazakhstani oil unfolded Stakhanov movement. Adbrahman Karimov - Stakhanovite oil field Dossor trust "Embaneft»
6. During the war years, to compensate for the temporary cessation of activity of oil regions Maikop and Grozny, the most important task was to boost oil production in Kazakhstan. Oilers Ural-Emibinskogo area all during the war worked 12-13 hours a day, seven days a week, producing thousands of tonnes of fuel oil and supplying the Soviet army. Emba oil became the contribution to the victory over fascism, which is still not possible to estimate
7. The hardships of the war, all vozvrastayuschaya need for quality fuel gave a powerful impetus to the development of oil and petrochemical industry as a whole. Kazakh miners pioneered in the USSR secondary oil recovery method. Introduced in the development of the field Sagiz, Zhaksymbay, Komsomolsk, Koshkar, Tenteksor. Commissioned Munaily, Bekbike and Karaton. Mastered turbine drilling method. Built Guryevsky refinery
8. K. Begembetova - operator fishing Shubarkuduk trust "Aktyubneft" 1943
9. Great Patriotic War not only claimed millions of lives, but also left a complete ruin the economy. 50s had been known by active geological exploration, which resulted in opening new fields: Terenozek, Tazhigali, Tyules, Karaarna and others. In the early 50-ies of Kazakhstan's oil production reaches 1 million tons per year. At the same time, oil companies are beginning to actively explore Mangyshlak peninsula and its rich deposits of oil
10. Tanker on the tank farm grain farm "Leninsky" which supplies fuel tractors during field work. North Kazakhstan, 1955
11. Masters workover wells Kulsary oil field, Guryev region, 1955
12. Olga serviceman - the operator of the oil field, Aktobe region, 1955
13. welders mechanical repair shop Gurievsky refinery
14. A. Zhakasheva - Kulsary oil field operator, Guryev region, 1958
15. Pan Yong-Hak - Engineer signalman oilfield Koshkar, Guriev region, 1958
16. Senior driller Vladimir Ponamorev (right) gives the first sample colleagues produced their oil, Guriev region, 1959
17. The next decade is the new revolution in the history of the development of Kazakhstan's oil. Accelerated pace being explored on the peninsula Mangyshlak. Systematically, mile after mile, studied and drilled its southern area is strengthened search for new deposits
18. The well, which was obtained from the first oil fountain on Mangyshlak
19. actively increase oil exports to the world market. USSR in the struggle to increase its share in second place in the overall ranking. Market introduction of inexpensive oil sovetstkih forces most oil companies in other countries also cut prices
20. Opening and put into developing the field Karsak, Prorva, Martyshi, Tanatar, Kamyshitovoye southwest, Kenkiyak. Deep drilling commenced on mestorozhenii Uzen, received the first fountain of Uzen oil
21. A meeting to mark the opening of the oil field Uzen. Tape cuts Gurievsky regional party committee secretary K. Likharev
22. Thus began the city of New Uzen, Mangyshlak, 1962
23. V. bad. Contrary to the names of the best carpenter Ural-Volga oil and gas exploration expedition, West Kazakhstan region
24. W. Kobzhanov - Driller Zhetybai petroleum exploration expedition, Guriev region
25. In 1965 Guryevsky refinery goes first echelon Mangyshlakskaya oil. Kazakhstan's oil production reaches 2 million tonnes per year
26. After the discovery of the largest deposits in the south Mangishlak Uzen and Zhetybai - proven oil reserves have increased by 20 times, and the annual production - 14 times. By 1969, oil production in Kazakhstan is over 10 million tons per year
27. The composition with three thousand oil mangylshakskoy 1969
28. Tanker "Sabunchu" in the Caspian Sea
29. 70 years of the last century can be considered a period of major oil discoveries. In the short term deposits were discovered Karajanbas, North Buzachi, Kalamkas. By 1974, oil production in Mangyshlak reached 21 million tons per year, which puts Kazakhstan in second place in the Soviet Union
30. The construction of the main oil pipeline Uzen-Guriev-Kuibyshev, 1970
31. The winners of the competition "For high culture and aesthetics of jobs" laboratory Guryev oil refinery, 1972
32. Testing of the well after an overhaul in the area Zhanatalap, Guriev region, 1975
33. Descent technical column
34. At oil exploration drilling Karazhanbas, Mangyshlak region, 1976
35. The oil prospectors to Karajanbas
36. Honour establish quality competition winners "for a fitting welcome the 60th anniversary of the Great October Revolution," Guriev, 1977
37. The best welders Gurievsky SMU management "Neftepromstroy" Amankulov S. and P. Karnaukhov
38. Installation of the valve of the future building of coke plant of Guryev oil refinery Lenin
39. The central compressor station Pavlodar neftehichimicheskogo plant
40. Drillers Caspian oil exploration expedition Komsomol K. and M. Iskakov Nursapaev
41. At the oilfield "Uzenneft" 1982
42. Loading of oil tankers in the port of Shevchenko
43. Railway transshipment and distribution of oil depot Kokchetav 1983
44. The Secretary of the Communist Party of the Kazakh SSR, Nursultan Nazarbayev at the refinery, Guriev, 1984
45. Fire at the well №37 of Tengiz field. Huge fire lasted 398 days - from 23 June 1985 to 27 July 1986
46. Work teams to eliminate accidents
47. A pillar of flame during a fire reaches 200 meters high and 50 wide. Temperature around the well reached a thousand degrees Celsius, the nearby soil from the tremendous heat turned into a glassy mass
48. In case of liquidation of the accident was not without casualties. Have tried a variety of ways to extinguish the flames - from the air, from the ground. Offered to throw off the sky or drag on the ground to the mouth of the burning well as cover, multi-ton steel nashlёpku. As a result, a year later the well number 37 managed to drown out using directional explosion inside
49. A meeting on the production of the first million tons of oil from Kumkol, 1987
50. In the 90s independent Kazakhstan starts by attracting foreign investments that are actively restore and develop came after the collapse of the USSR in the oil industry decline
51. signed a contract with Chevron Corporation on the establishment of the Kazakh-American joint venture "TCO". In 1993, the first held in Almaty International Exhibition of Oil and Gas KIOGE, created by the Ministry of Oil and Gas Industry of Kazakhstan adopted the Law "On Oil", sign an agreement on the principles of section production at the Karachaganak field between Agip, British Gas, JSC "Gazprom" "Kazakhgas" and the Republic of Kazakhstan. Signed an agreement to build a pipeline with a capacity of 60 million tons per year (CTC) between Kazakhstan, Russia, Oman and the International Oil Consortium. A national company "KazakhOil", which transferred all rights to participate in the development of Kazakhstan's largest oil and gas projects, and national company "KazTransOil»
52. In 1998, the Presidents of Kazakhstan and Russia podpisyvyut historic agreement on the border of the northern part of the Caspian Sea. The reconstruction of the Caspian port of Aktau. In 1999 Kazakhstan celebrates the 100th anniversary of Kazakhstan's oil industry, dating back to the first oil fountain on Karashungul in 1989
53. Atyrau Refinery
54. In the 2000s, created by JSC "KazTransGas". The money received from the largest companies in the commodity sector, is based National Endowment for the purpose of accumulating financial assets for future generations
55. At the Caspian shelf the giant Kashagan field, the largest in the world over the past 30 years. Formed a national company "KazMunaiGas»
56. Between Kazakhstan, Russia and Azerbaijan signed by the tripartite agreement on the delimitation of adjacent sections of the Caspian Sea
57. In 2006, at the Tengiz field mined billionth barrel of oil. In 2010, the annual oil production of more than 76 million tons
58. The headquarters of the Kazakh national oil company "KazMunaiGas", Astana
The report contains rare photographs from the state archives of the Republic of Kazakhstan and Russia, the personal archives of oil and the work of contemporary photographers kazahstankih

1. In November 1899 in the tract Karashungul from a well depth of 40 meters hit the first fountain, ushering in the history of Kazakh oil. In April 1911 in Dossor discovers new oil fields such high quality that it causes a stir worldwide scale. Two years later, in the open field Guriev district of Makati. By 1914, it is mined and Dossor over 200 thousand tons of oil. In the photo - Life near the first oil fields in Kazakhstan, 1910

2. pack caravan nefterazvedyvatelnoy party in the steppes of western Kazakhstan. In 1917 in Russia after the October Revolution takes the nationalization of all industries. In 1922 he created the trust "Embaneft" and forms management oilfields Ural-Emba district. Since 1926, at the Emba becomes applicable rotary drilling and geophysical exploration methods. Commissioning of the railroad Guriev-Dossor on which exported Dossor oil

3. In the 30 years begins the rapid development of Guryev region. Created lab opens Oil College, formed firm "Embanefteproekt." In June 1932, begins the construction of the pipeline Guryev-Emba-Orsk. Open new fields: Baichunas, Koschagyl, Shubarkuduk, Kulsary

4. General view of the oil field Dossor

5. In 1935, among the Kazakhstani oil unfolded Stakhanov movement. Adbrahman Karimov - Stakhanovite oil field Dossor trust "Embaneft»

6. During the war years, to compensate for the temporary cessation of activity of oil regions Maikop and Grozny, the most important task was to boost oil production in Kazakhstan. Oilers Ural-Emibinskogo area all during the war worked 12-13 hours a day, seven days a week, producing thousands of tonnes of fuel oil and supplying the Soviet army. Emba oil became the contribution to the victory over fascism, which is still not possible to estimate

7. The hardships of the war, all vozvrastayuschaya need for quality fuel gave a powerful impetus to the development of oil and petrochemical industry as a whole. Kazakh miners pioneered in the USSR secondary oil recovery method. Introduced in the development of the field Sagiz, Zhaksymbay, Komsomolsk, Koshkar, Tenteksor. Commissioned Munaily, Bekbike and Karaton. Mastered turbine drilling method. Built Guryevsky refinery

8. K. Begembetova - operator fishing Shubarkuduk trust "Aktyubneft" 1943

9. Great Patriotic War not only claimed millions of lives, but also left a complete ruin the economy. 50s had been known by active geological exploration, which resulted in opening new fields: Terenozek, Tazhigali, Tyules, Karaarna and others. In the early 50-ies of Kazakhstan's oil production reaches 1 million tons per year. At the same time, oil companies are beginning to actively explore Mangyshlak peninsula and its rich deposits of oil

10. Tanker on the tank farm grain farm "Leninsky" which supplies fuel tractors during field work. North Kazakhstan, 1955

11. Masters workover wells Kulsary oil field, Guryev region, 1955

12. Olga serviceman - the operator of the oil field, Aktobe region, 1955

13. welders mechanical repair shop Gurievsky refinery

14. A. Zhakasheva - Kulsary oil field operator, Guryev region, 1958

15. Pan Yong-Hak - Engineer signalman oilfield Koshkar, Guriev region, 1958

16. Senior driller Vladimir Ponamorev (right) gives the first sample colleagues produced their oil, Guriev region, 1959

17. The next decade is the new revolution in the history of the development of Kazakhstan's oil. Accelerated pace being explored on the peninsula Mangyshlak. Systematically, mile after mile, studied and drilled its southern area is strengthened search for new deposits

18. The well, which was obtained from the first oil fountain on Mangyshlak

19. actively increase oil exports to the world market. USSR in the struggle to increase its share in second place in the overall ranking. Market introduction of inexpensive oil sovetstkih forces most oil companies in other countries also cut prices

20. Opening and put into developing the field Karsak, Prorva, Martyshi, Tanatar, Kamyshitovoye southwest, Kenkiyak. Deep drilling commenced on mestorozhenii Uzen, received the first fountain of Uzen oil

21. A meeting to mark the opening of the oil field Uzen. Tape cuts Gurievsky regional party committee secretary K. Likharev

22. Thus began the city of New Uzen, Mangyshlak, 1962

23. V. bad. Contrary to the names of the best carpenter Ural-Volga oil and gas exploration expedition, West Kazakhstan region

24. W. Kobzhanov - Driller Zhetybai petroleum exploration expedition, Guriev region

25. In 1965 Guryevsky refinery goes first echelon Mangyshlakskaya oil. Kazakhstan's oil production reaches 2 million tonnes per year

26. After the discovery of the largest deposits in the south Mangishlak Uzen and Zhetybai - proven oil reserves have increased by 20 times, and the annual production - 14 times. By 1969, oil production in Kazakhstan is over 10 million tons per year

27. The composition with three thousand oil mangylshakskoy 1969

28. Tanker "Sabunchu" in the Caspian Sea

29. 70 years of the last century can be considered a period of major oil discoveries. In the short term deposits were discovered Karajanbas, North Buzachi, Kalamkas. By 1974, oil production in Mangyshlak reached 21 million tons per year, which puts Kazakhstan in second place in the Soviet Union

30. The construction of the main oil pipeline Uzen-Guriev-Kuibyshev, 1970

31. The winners of the competition "For high culture and aesthetics of jobs" laboratory Guryev oil refinery, 1972

32. Testing of the well after an overhaul in the area Zhanatalap, Guriev region, 1975

33. Descent technical column

34. At oil exploration drilling Karazhanbas, Mangyshlak region, 1976

35. The oil prospectors to Karajanbas

36. Honour establish quality competition winners "for a fitting welcome the 60th anniversary of the Great October Revolution," Guriev, 1977

37. The best welders Gurievsky SMU management "Neftepromstroy" Amankulov S. and P. Karnaukhov

38. Installation of the valve of the future building of coke plant of Guryev oil refinery Lenin

39. The central compressor station Pavlodar neftehichimicheskogo plant

40. Drillers Caspian oil exploration expedition Komsomol K. and M. Iskakov Nursapaev

41. At the oilfield "Uzenneft" 1982

42. Loading of oil tankers in the port of Shevchenko

43. Railway transshipment and distribution of oil depot Kokchetav 1983

44. The Secretary of the Communist Party of the Kazakh SSR, Nursultan Nazarbayev at the refinery, Guriev, 1984

45. Fire at the well №37 of Tengiz field. Huge fire lasted 398 days - from 23 June 1985 to 27 July 1986

46. Work teams to eliminate accidents

47. A pillar of flame during a fire reaches 200 meters high and 50 wide. Temperature around the well reached a thousand degrees Celsius, the nearby soil from the tremendous heat turned into a glassy mass

48. In case of liquidation of the accident was not without casualties. Have tried a variety of ways to extinguish the flames - from the air, from the ground. Offered to throw off the sky or drag on the ground to the mouth of the burning well as cover, multi-ton steel nashlёpku. As a result, a year later the well number 37 managed to drown out using directional explosion inside

49. A meeting on the production of the first million tons of oil from Kumkol, 1987

50. In the 90s independent Kazakhstan starts by attracting foreign investments that are actively restore and develop came after the collapse of the USSR in the oil industry decline

51. signed a contract with Chevron Corporation on the establishment of the Kazakh-American joint venture "TCO". In 1993, the first held in Almaty International Exhibition of Oil and Gas KIOGE, created by the Ministry of Oil and Gas Industry of Kazakhstan adopted the Law "On Oil", sign an agreement on the principles of section production at the Karachaganak field between Agip, British Gas, JSC "Gazprom" "Kazakhgas" and the Republic of Kazakhstan. Signed an agreement to build a pipeline with a capacity of 60 million tons per year (CTC) between Kazakhstan, Russia, Oman and the International Oil Consortium. A national company "KazakhOil", which transferred all rights to participate in the development of Kazakhstan's largest oil and gas projects, and national company "KazTransOil»

52. In 1998, the Presidents of Kazakhstan and Russia podpisyvyut historic agreement on the border of the northern part of the Caspian Sea. The reconstruction of the Caspian port of Aktau. In 1999 Kazakhstan celebrates the 100th anniversary of Kazakhstan's oil industry, dating back to the first oil fountain on Karashungul in 1989

53. Atyrau Refinery

54. In the 2000s, created by JSC "KazTransGas". The money received from the largest companies in the commodity sector, is based National Endowment for the purpose of accumulating financial assets for future generations

55. At the Caspian shelf the giant Kashagan field, the largest in the world over the past 30 years. Formed a national company "KazMunaiGas»

56. Between Kazakhstan, Russia and Azerbaijan signed by the tripartite agreement on the delimitation of adjacent sections of the Caspian Sea

57. In 2006, at the Tengiz field mined billionth barrel of oil. In 2010, the annual oil production of more than 76 million tons

58. The headquarters of the Kazakh national oil company "KazMunaiGas", Astana

The report contains rare photographs from the state archives of the Republic of Kazakhstan and Russia, the personal archives of oil and the work of contemporary photographers kazahstankih