About Malta eyes Russians
1. The first thing you need to know coming to Malta, is that if you are not an EU citizen, the passport control you with a special device will scan fingerprints from both hands. After this procedure, the desire to commit an offense or a crime in Malta disappears. I think it's a great way to prevent crime.
2. Syurpriiiiz, Malta always use earthing-pin. In some hotels, along with them, if you're lucky, there is one familiar to us socket. So bring your adapter, because the cheapest adapter, which I found, was worth 3, 85 euros.
3. Malta is washed by the Mediterranean Sea, from this beautiful, alluring, but is actually very dangerous, because there are a lot of jellyfish and they are very painful sting. These jellyfish purple color and sizes, and after a meeting with one of their representatives is an unpleasant kind of scar repeating silhouette umbrella and tentacles, which takes an average of 2 months, so swim with pleasure fail. In fairness it should be noted that in August, these creatures have gone missing.
4. The Maltese invented cut from stones on the beach unique pools, in which the waves fills fresh sea water and they can safely swim without society jellyfish.
5. Most of the rocky beach, if you want to relax on the sand - you need to go to the northern part of the island such as the beaches of Mellieha Bay and Golden Bay. But they are always very crowded, so it is best to arrive in advance.
6. Movement in Malta drive on the left as in the UK. Confuses only the first week, but I'm a pedestrian, for the drivers, I think, is much more complicated.
7. In Malta, only 2 types of public transport: buses and ferries. One day ticket costs 1, 5 euros (except for the night tariff), for the week 6, 85 euros. And you can ride as much as you want. There is also a one-time ticket is 1, 25 euros, but I do not see any reason to take it, because the difference with a ticket for the day of 25 cents.
8. The buses have a special button labeled «Stop», if you need to go - press on it, the driver receives a signal and stops.
9. If the bus rides are too many people, the driver will tell you that a bus full and can not go. There were those who insisted that in such cases, but the result is always the same - the driver stops the engine, folded his arms and declared that will not go anywhere.
10. In general, public transport in Malta - something easy: buses come in accordance with the schedule posted on a special stand at each stop. But there is one big disadvantage: they are always a lot of people, especially on weekends and at popular tourist destinations.
11. The buses in Malta are all air conditioned, and sometimes they do not exceed 10 degrees.
12. drive in Malta awful. The only protection from motorcyclists - a helmet. My boyfriend, who is himself a rider, said that in this heat in another way is simply impossible. But it's dangerous, because drivers of cars and buses are driven at breakneck speed through the narrow streets, often with sharp turns, often suddenly emerges from behind a corner. In my personal list is second only to Thailand's degree of awfulness driving.
13. Malta - a sovereign state, which consists of three islands: the biggest, Malta (246 square kilometers), Middle Gozo (67 square kilometers), and Comino chips (2, 7 square kilometers). To get from one to the other is possible only via ferry.
14. Ferry ticket in one direction is 1, 50 euros. Ferry - a very convenient way to travel. For example, it is just 15 minutes brings you to the city of Sliema in Malta's capital Valletta.
15. Since the total area of Malta is 316 square meters. km, then walking in the same city, you can easily be in 5 minutes in the other.
16. Since my campus is in Msida and school - in Gzira, a path from the campus to the school in 15 minutes. But we walked and swam in Sliema.
17. Every home in Malta has its own name. Sometimes there were also cars with names.
18. Pedestrian streets are so narrow (no wider than a meter), it's hard to walk with another person, of course, except for the waterfront.
19. In cinemas films are in English only.
20. Having decided one night to go to the movies, we were very surprised when in the middle of the movie screen went blank, and the Maltese began quietly out of the cinema. It turned out that they have in the cinema 10-minute break to allow visitors to absent himself to the bathroom, buy more popcorn or call. It is unusual, but very comfortable.
21. To say that the Maltese are very fond arrange fireworks - to say nothing! They run them on weekdays, and on weekends! In the morning, in the afternoon (despite the fact that the light), and of course, in the evening. When asked why so many day and why? - I received a reply: because the summer and spring, autumn and winter weather does not allow for this to do the strong winds. Thus here!
22. Maltese - big house. Almost every balcony hear the chirping parrots and canaries sing. Periodically passed a cafe, I saw a woman with hand parrots who frivolously paced the table in the cafe and never flew.
23. In maltiek fashion long pointed nails of various colors. To be honest, it looks awful.
24. The Maltese are very slow. So for the sim-card, I stood in Vodafon 30 minutes because workers did everything well, very slowly, and does not bother a waiting list.
25. In everyday life the Maltese much more relaxed than people in any other country in the world. Most of them are very quiet, even if they have problems, they tend to try to solve them without panic.
26. And one more thing - amazing how close people in families. Since the island is quite small, family get together all the time. For example, my teacher friends of the family every Sunday suit a large family dinner. This dinner is always present, at least 12 people, and it's delicious.
27. All the shopping malls, clothing stores and beauty salons do not work on Sunday, as in Malta Sunday is family day.
28. On weekdays, all working to the eighth floor, which is very inconvenient, since it is the time to go shopping or for a haircut.
29. Most grocery stores in Malta are small. All work in different ways, some of us familiar pattern from morning till 10-11 pm. More from morning till 20:00. Someone close to the fiesta. And who does not work on weekends. For all the time I have found only one large supermarket in Sliema, who worked on weekdays from 9 am to 8 hours and was closed on Sunday.
30. In Malta, a majority of Italian products: pasta, olive oil, wine, plumbing, clothing. t. e.
31. In the cafes and restaurants of the main dishes on the menu - pasta, ravioli and pizza. Also common Turkish cafes and sushi restaurants. Most of them have a happy hour from 12:00 to 16:00, in which you buy a cocktail and the second is as a gift.
32. Hotel noteworthy Italian ice cream! This is something indescribably magical, all kinds of flavors and colors.
33. One type of street food - a traditional bun of puff pastry filled with cheese or chicken, it is called pastitsiya. Very tasty.
34. Al * Ogol and cigarettes are sold freely, it is not asking for the age. Therefore, teenagers who are in Malta, particularly in the summer season, a lot, because parents send their children to learn English, come off in full! Officially, drinking is permitted from 17 years.
35. Paceville - the city nightlife. Here come those who can not imagine my life without parties, drive, disco lights, and night clubs.
36. Malta no sources of drinking water, so fresh water is obtained by desalination of seawater. The most popular and bystroprodovaemy goods in the shops - is drinking water in bottles of 2 liters (worth 0, 5 euros).
37. Malta - a former British colony, so there are two official languages: Maltese and English. Fluent in English, both children and the elderly.
38. The Maltese language - is a wild mixture of Arabic, Italian, French and something else. Malta is known around the world as a country with a large number of language schools.
39. In Malta, a completely unmatched international environment! Here they live, learn and work people from Germany, Italy, France, Japan, Switzerland, South Korea, Libya, Turkey, Brazil ... Come to Malta for an invaluable life experience at this wonderful cosmopolitan island, which falls in love, perhaps not with the the first time, but if it happens, Malta will remain in your heart forever!

2. Syurpriiiiz, Malta always use earthing-pin. In some hotels, along with them, if you're lucky, there is one familiar to us socket. So bring your adapter, because the cheapest adapter, which I found, was worth 3, 85 euros.
3. Malta is washed by the Mediterranean Sea, from this beautiful, alluring, but is actually very dangerous, because there are a lot of jellyfish and they are very painful sting. These jellyfish purple color and sizes, and after a meeting with one of their representatives is an unpleasant kind of scar repeating silhouette umbrella and tentacles, which takes an average of 2 months, so swim with pleasure fail. In fairness it should be noted that in August, these creatures have gone missing.
4. The Maltese invented cut from stones on the beach unique pools, in which the waves fills fresh sea water and they can safely swim without society jellyfish.
5. Most of the rocky beach, if you want to relax on the sand - you need to go to the northern part of the island such as the beaches of Mellieha Bay and Golden Bay. But they are always very crowded, so it is best to arrive in advance.
6. Movement in Malta drive on the left as in the UK. Confuses only the first week, but I'm a pedestrian, for the drivers, I think, is much more complicated.
7. In Malta, only 2 types of public transport: buses and ferries. One day ticket costs 1, 5 euros (except for the night tariff), for the week 6, 85 euros. And you can ride as much as you want. There is also a one-time ticket is 1, 25 euros, but I do not see any reason to take it, because the difference with a ticket for the day of 25 cents.
8. The buses have a special button labeled «Stop», if you need to go - press on it, the driver receives a signal and stops.
9. If the bus rides are too many people, the driver will tell you that a bus full and can not go. There were those who insisted that in such cases, but the result is always the same - the driver stops the engine, folded his arms and declared that will not go anywhere.
10. In general, public transport in Malta - something easy: buses come in accordance with the schedule posted on a special stand at each stop. But there is one big disadvantage: they are always a lot of people, especially on weekends and at popular tourist destinations.
11. The buses in Malta are all air conditioned, and sometimes they do not exceed 10 degrees.
12. drive in Malta awful. The only protection from motorcyclists - a helmet. My boyfriend, who is himself a rider, said that in this heat in another way is simply impossible. But it's dangerous, because drivers of cars and buses are driven at breakneck speed through the narrow streets, often with sharp turns, often suddenly emerges from behind a corner. In my personal list is second only to Thailand's degree of awfulness driving.
13. Malta - a sovereign state, which consists of three islands: the biggest, Malta (246 square kilometers), Middle Gozo (67 square kilometers), and Comino chips (2, 7 square kilometers). To get from one to the other is possible only via ferry.
14. Ferry ticket in one direction is 1, 50 euros. Ferry - a very convenient way to travel. For example, it is just 15 minutes brings you to the city of Sliema in Malta's capital Valletta.
15. Since the total area of Malta is 316 square meters. km, then walking in the same city, you can easily be in 5 minutes in the other.
16. Since my campus is in Msida and school - in Gzira, a path from the campus to the school in 15 minutes. But we walked and swam in Sliema.
17. Every home in Malta has its own name. Sometimes there were also cars with names.
18. Pedestrian streets are so narrow (no wider than a meter), it's hard to walk with another person, of course, except for the waterfront.
19. In cinemas films are in English only.
20. Having decided one night to go to the movies, we were very surprised when in the middle of the movie screen went blank, and the Maltese began quietly out of the cinema. It turned out that they have in the cinema 10-minute break to allow visitors to absent himself to the bathroom, buy more popcorn or call. It is unusual, but very comfortable.
21. To say that the Maltese are very fond arrange fireworks - to say nothing! They run them on weekdays, and on weekends! In the morning, in the afternoon (despite the fact that the light), and of course, in the evening. When asked why so many day and why? - I received a reply: because the summer and spring, autumn and winter weather does not allow for this to do the strong winds. Thus here!
22. Maltese - big house. Almost every balcony hear the chirping parrots and canaries sing. Periodically passed a cafe, I saw a woman with hand parrots who frivolously paced the table in the cafe and never flew.
23. In maltiek fashion long pointed nails of various colors. To be honest, it looks awful.
24. The Maltese are very slow. So for the sim-card, I stood in Vodafon 30 minutes because workers did everything well, very slowly, and does not bother a waiting list.
25. In everyday life the Maltese much more relaxed than people in any other country in the world. Most of them are very quiet, even if they have problems, they tend to try to solve them without panic.
26. And one more thing - amazing how close people in families. Since the island is quite small, family get together all the time. For example, my teacher friends of the family every Sunday suit a large family dinner. This dinner is always present, at least 12 people, and it's delicious.
27. All the shopping malls, clothing stores and beauty salons do not work on Sunday, as in Malta Sunday is family day.
28. On weekdays, all working to the eighth floor, which is very inconvenient, since it is the time to go shopping or for a haircut.
29. Most grocery stores in Malta are small. All work in different ways, some of us familiar pattern from morning till 10-11 pm. More from morning till 20:00. Someone close to the fiesta. And who does not work on weekends. For all the time I have found only one large supermarket in Sliema, who worked on weekdays from 9 am to 8 hours and was closed on Sunday.
30. In Malta, a majority of Italian products: pasta, olive oil, wine, plumbing, clothing. t. e.
31. In the cafes and restaurants of the main dishes on the menu - pasta, ravioli and pizza. Also common Turkish cafes and sushi restaurants. Most of them have a happy hour from 12:00 to 16:00, in which you buy a cocktail and the second is as a gift.
32. Hotel noteworthy Italian ice cream! This is something indescribably magical, all kinds of flavors and colors.
33. One type of street food - a traditional bun of puff pastry filled with cheese or chicken, it is called pastitsiya. Very tasty.
34. Al * Ogol and cigarettes are sold freely, it is not asking for the age. Therefore, teenagers who are in Malta, particularly in the summer season, a lot, because parents send their children to learn English, come off in full! Officially, drinking is permitted from 17 years.
35. Paceville - the city nightlife. Here come those who can not imagine my life without parties, drive, disco lights, and night clubs.
36. Malta no sources of drinking water, so fresh water is obtained by desalination of seawater. The most popular and bystroprodovaemy goods in the shops - is drinking water in bottles of 2 liters (worth 0, 5 euros).
37. Malta - a former British colony, so there are two official languages: Maltese and English. Fluent in English, both children and the elderly.
38. The Maltese language - is a wild mixture of Arabic, Italian, French and something else. Malta is known around the world as a country with a large number of language schools.
39. In Malta, a completely unmatched international environment! Here they live, learn and work people from Germany, Italy, France, Japan, Switzerland, South Korea, Libya, Turkey, Brazil ... Come to Malta for an invaluable life experience at this wonderful cosmopolitan island, which falls in love, perhaps not with the the first time, but if it happens, Malta will remain in your heart forever!