7 best countries for retirement

Pensioners in developed countries of the West increasingly began to meet the sunset of his days away from home. Maybe we, young, too, so when something happens?
Looking for a quiet place with a warm climate, low cost of living and favourable tax regime without prejudice to the usual conforma and quality of care. While you are young, you have time to try to go to a couple of countries on "intelligence." Suddenly something catches my eye.
Shaded towns in the South of France or the beaches of Central America — travel guide BBC Capital on the seven best places for retirees is what you require. Besides the money, of course...
Peaceful PanamaIf in old age you want to live where the money will be enough for a long time, perhaps for you Panama is the southernmost country of Central America. Its capital, also called Panama, took 124th place for the cost of living among 131 cities in the world, according to a study conducted by the analytical Department of the authoritative English-language magazine Economist. Are cheaper to live there than in the Philippines capital Manila, which is considered one of the least expensive capital cities in Southeast Asia.
According to the website numbeo. com, which tracks prices on consumer goods, a three-course meal for two at average restaurant Panama will cost 32,50 Panamanian Balboa (32,50 USD) is more than two times cheaper than in new York or Moscow before the devaluation. And since the local currency is pegged to the U.S. dollar, American retirees do not have to fear drastic price hikes as a result of exchange rate fluctuations.

The main condition for obtaining a visa is a stable guaranteed income. If you receive a pension in the amount of not less than a thousand dollars a month (considered as both private and public pension payments), you are unlikely to encounter problems with obtaining a tourist visa for retirees, which is valid for life. The healthcare system in Panama is considered good, many doctors are educated in the US and Europe. However to pay private health insurance to retirees should provide at least $ 200 a month.
But the purchase of real estate a lot of money will be required. According сайтаglobalpropertyguide. com, three-roomed apartment in the popular mountain town of Boquete can be purchased for around 179 thousand dollars. The right to ownership of real estate foreigners the same as locals.
The main drawback — poor road infrastructure outside the capital. But despite this, in 2015, Panama took the second place after Ecuador among the best places for retirees, according to the magazine International Living. In its favor played low prices, a wide range of possibilities of leisure activities and proximity to the US — a flight from Miami, located in the South East USA in Florida, is just two and a half hours.
In addition, estimates of the Advisory Council on security abroad, established by the U.S. Department of State in Panama is relatively safe compared to some Central American countries.
Beautiful FranceFrance no wonder tourists enjoys the greatest popularity — it draws the beautiful towns and villages, fine cuisine, affordable wine and a warm climate in the South are just a few of the reasons why this country is almost the first place in the European Union according to the number of permanently residing foreigners.
However, accessibility is not a strong side of France in the eyes of the pensioners. Taxes and social security contributions are quite high, in addition, residents of France will be charged the tax value of all your assets if it is more than 800 thousand euros, regardless of location.

However, not all so bad as it might seem at first glance. In France excellent public transport links, including high-speed rail network. The journey from Paris to Montpellier, which is 600 kilometers South from the capital, on the fast TGV train takes just over three hours, and for passengers aged 60 years and older receive discounts.
In addition, according to the world health organization, France has the best system in the world of health care, which is heavily subsidized by the state. Thus, holders of a residence permit in France, the health care costs are likely to be lower than citizens of other Western countries.
Moreover, life in France is not always more expensive than other places. There are cheap restaurants and property prices outside of Paris is relatively low. So, according to the French notaries who oversee the transactions of purchase-sale of real estate, the typical place to stay in the Creuse Department in the Limousin region located in the mountainous Central massif, will cost only 73 thousand euros and a medium-sized house in the Alpes-Maritimes in the Provence — Alpes — côte d'azur, where there are such famous resorts like Cannes, can be purchased for 415 thousand euros.
Solar MalaysiaWant to enjoy all year round sunshine? Then you are in Malaysia! In this former British colony has everything your heart desires: from the bristling skyscrapers of the bustling capital of Kuala Lumpur to tropical beaches and remote jungle.
Yes, and live there quite cheaply — in the global cost of living index prepared by International Living magazine, Malaysia ranked third on the cheap. As reported in the journal, the two of you can comfortably live in a luxury apartment with ocean views for $ 1,700 per month. On сайтеxpatulator. com, which analyzes the costs expats in different countries, provided that the price of medical care and housing in Malaysia "very low" in contrast to such expensive options like Hong Kong and Australia.

Malaysia is one of the most popular destinations of "health tourism"; in 2013, according to the Malaysian Council for medical tourism, improve health came 700 thousand people.
Attract foreigners and tax incentives. In the framework of the program of residence in two countries pensioners are relatively easy to obtain residence permits in Malaysia, and with it exemption from inheritance taxes on the estate. In addition, they are usually paid a pension or social assistance is provided, which is not subject to Malaysian taxes (although the American seniors may have to pay income tax in the USA).
In addition, many in the country speak English, the restaurants are cheap, and foreigners have the right to direct ownership of the property; in General, Malaysia is a wonderful place!
Best MaltaMalta — one of the smallest and densely populated countries in the world — covers an area just over 300 square kilometers with a population of 400 thousand people. For many residents of this southern European island's native language is English, and to London from here is to fly only three hours, so no wonder this place was chosen by the British — the island is home to over five thousand UK citizens.
Here British retirees feel at home (running everywhere in the British shops) and even better (in Malta, unlike the UK, very Sunny, and the average annual temperature is +18°C). An additional advantage is the "Malta retirement plan," under which income tax for EU citizens who have received residence permits in Malta is only 15%, compared to 30-40% in the US and Europe.

In the local dialect "Malta" means "honey", and pensioners do flock here like bees. It is no coincidence: the country has excellent health (according to the WTO, Malta now ranks fifth in the world), and all citizens of the country medical care is free. Moreover, in the framework of the agreement on mutual support in the health sector between Malta and the UK the Brits can count on the same conditions.
Rich history and beautiful architecture of this picturesque island is also accessible to all.
According сайтаnumbeo. com, rent an apartment in the capital of Malta Valletta will cost 700 euros, and a three-course meal for two at an average restaurant costs only 50 Euro.
Beach PortugalPortugal attracts tourists with many charming fishing villages, medieval towns, beaches and Golf courses. Foreigners settled here long ago, so English here, many say.
The capital of Portugal Lisbon is one of the oldest cities in the world, which is famous for its wonderful Mediterranean climate. But coming to Portugal pensioners live mainly on the Atlantic coast in the Algarve, with its turquoise waters, Sunny weather throughout the year and average temperatures between 12°C in January and +24°in July.

What part of the country chose the pensioners, they are guaranteed a preferential tax regime. In the framework of the system for non-citizens, income earned abroad may not be taxed for up to ten years.
Outside of the most luxurious resort towns in Portugal, such as QUINTA do Lago or Vilamoura, the cost of housing is set within reasonable limits. Prices for one-bedroom apartments in the popular resort of Albufeira, according to website rightmove. com on the estate start from just 60 thousand euros.
In the world ranking who is the health system of Portugal occupies the 12th place.
Tropical ThailandLow cost of living, lack of taxes on retirement income earned abroad, a tropical climate and culture of respect for elders — what more could a pensioner from living in a state called the "land of smiles"?
To live there, according to the magazine International Living, is really quite inexpensive. According to the journal of comparative cost of living index Thailand ranked second for cheapness — so chic one-bedroom apartment with nice views can be removed in less than 40 thousand baht (1,200 dollars) a month, and a traditional dish of Thai rice noodles only costs a dollar.

The retirement visa is valid for one year is issued to those who receive a monthly pension in the amount of 65 thousand baht (2 dollars) or locates in a Thai Bank Deposit in the amount of 800 thousand baht (24 dollars).
In the budget it is necessary to lay the costs of local health insurance. Although the British Ministry of foreign Affairs and Commonwealth Affairs estimates as many private clinics as to Western standards, a group of International Living notes that local hospitals differ in the level of medical care.
Cultural BelizeBelize is the only Latin American country where the official language is English, so here comes more and more retirees, who are enchanted swaying palm trees and white sandy beaches.
The population is only 350 thousand people, but the number of eco-tourists, who are attracted by the tropical forest, the traces of the Mayan civilization and the great barrier reef in the Western hemisphere, is growing.
For retirees created additional advantage in the form of special retirement programs that involve a number of tax benefits, particularly exemption from import duties on certain items such as a car or boat, as well as from taxes on income, including from investments earned outside of Belize. The program covers people above the age of 45 years with a monthly income of not less than two thousand dollars.

Property prices lower than in USA, but not as much as in other countries of Central America. Rumor has it that Hollywood actor Leonardo DiCaprio recently bought an island West of the largest island of the Belizean archipelago, offers its guests free Key for 1.75 million dollars. But still buy real estate in Belize is relatively easy — the contract is in English and the local laws built on the British system that allows you to protect the interests of buyers.
In Belize, there are cheap private clinics that offer quality medical care, but for complex procedures, many foreigners prefer to travel to USA insurance often provides coverage of the cost of the trip.
Source: lifter.com.ua/7-luchshih-stran-dlya-gizni-na-pensii#6489
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