Hypotension, as a symptom of the presence of the underlying disease

As the most terrible symptom covertly diseases of the heart and blood vessels, hypotension, according to medicine, is caused insufficient blood supply. Success in the fight against chronic disease largely depends on how the patient himself, at least in General terms, has an idea about this very common disease.
The development of hypotension, according to experts, is facilitated by two groups of reasons. At first glance this is a fairly harmless disease, in principle related to the body's inability to adequately respond to rapidly changing environmental conditions: atmospheric pressure, temperature and humidity.
If the autonomic nervous system of the person, for whatever reason, to rapidly changing conditions and impulses that emanate from them, begins to react inappropriately, as a result, the brain of such a person does not receive necessary nutrition.
Although this is not a disease, but doctors believe that a person while have the border, before disease state that is impossible to recognize the threat, but it seriously poisons a life of the people.
Second, the hypotension may be grounds to suspect the development of such terrible diseases as heart failure.
In turn to heart failure usually lead either a heart defect or heart rhythm disorders or ischemic heart disease. .
Unfortunately, hypotension may be involved in a pulmonary embolism.
Disease infectious nature, illness of the abdominal organs during their acute phase, some form of respiratory diseases, gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer, chronic hepatitis, cholecystitis, cancer tumors also can cause hypotension.
Naturally, in all these cases, it is necessary first of all to deal not with hypotension, not with low pressure, which is only a symptom of an underlying disease. Also need to treat the underlying disease.
About SYMPTOMS BLOOD Gipotonii arterial hypotension the main symptoms are: decreased performance, irritability, bad mood, sleepiness, and also dizziness and headache. You should also consider and pay attention to symptoms such as pallor of the face and skin, excessive sweating of palms and feet, lowering body temperature to 35.5–35.8 degrees.
Very significant is the fact that hypotension may be the trigger hook that provokes and starts the process of migraines.
Despite the fact that patients with hypotension – it is mostly patients of cardiologists, but due to the fact that hypotension is a violation of cerebral circulation, in most cases, it is necessary to consult a neurologist. Owing to the fact that in the patient's head to the vasomotor center sends the wrong impulses, the neurologist, and have to reveal how perverted the process of vascular tone regulation. Simply put, revealed the discrepancy between the signals that the brain receives from the external stimuli and its response to these external stimuli.
On the doctor's hypotensive patients usually complain of constant tiredness and fatigue in the body. Besides all this is accompanied by a sharp decline in not only physical but also intellectual health, which ultimately affects their quality of life. Even minor physical activity in the employment conditions at home may have lead to the deterioration of health.
Not in the negative sense the desire hypotensive to take a horizontal position. Their desire to lie is because when a person is lying, then it improves cerebral circulation.
HYPOTENSION AND QUALITY of LIFE Belogorodka and relatives of patients with hypotension should understand the simple truth that people suffering from low blood pressure, on rest and sleep require somewhat more time than a person with normal blood pressure. If a healthy person with normal blood pressure to restore the power of 7 – 8 hours of sleep, the taste sometimes even 10-12 hours is not enough. And there should not be suspicion that they are Sony and sluggard, as such is a defensive reaction of the body.
To avoid blackouts, dizziness, nausea, hypotension, do not abruptly jump out of bed, as many such activity after awakening ends up fainting.
To avoid all these unpleasant consequences, it is recommended, before getting out of bed, it is desirable to disperse, in the literal sense, the blood through the vessels. With this purpose it is necessary several times to stretch, do some simple motion blurred hands and feet.
HYPOTENSIVE AND ITS WAY Ginigathena, according to doctors, is not in itself dangerous, but the quality of life it reduces seriously enough. Therefore, in order to fight it we must begin, indeed, with what is necessary to eliminate the existing life-threatening heart defects, as well as to heal existing other serious diseases, mentioned above.
In the fight with the floppy still in the foreground the factor of respect and adherence to the requirements of a healthy lifestyle. .
Underneath it all, first of all, we need to understand the full physical activity, the correct mode and balanced diet, proper rest and treatments, providing strengthening and stimulation of the blood vessels. In particular, the excellent means to strengthen blood vessels will be a contrast shower in the morning and evening for 15 minutes, massage, Jacuzzi.
For hypotensive best medicine, since the days of Hippocrates, was, is and will remain Hiking, swimming, exposure to fresh air, as all this improves tone of blood vessels and improve blood circulation.
Many laudatory reviews in the Internet about the benefits of coffee and tea, is quite effective as energy drinks, which are also beneficial hypotensive. Hypotensive of the products recommended and acceptable in food fatty and salty meals, which should not be abused.
It will be enough to drink, for example, one or two cups of coffee or to eat for lunch a couple of slices of herring. Loyal enough doctors to drink hypotonic red wine but one glass a day, assuming that wine not only helps to reduce chronic symptoms, but also saturate the body with antioxidants.
As for drug treatment, drugs that increase blood pressure, does not exist in principle. In this regard, strictly speaking, medical means of dealing with hypotension, as it is not accepted to speak clearly.
Of therapeutic drugs against hypotension use only those herbs that have a tonic effect. Such herbs include tinctures of ginseng, tincture of aralia, Rhaponticum extract, tinctures and decoctions of Chinese Magnolia vine, inflorescences immortelle. These medications are available in pharmacies. published
Source: dolgo-zivi.ru