The reality of yachting licenses worldwide
Most of those who are going to learn from the skipper, first asks the question: "What are the rights of a legal?". Well, even if someone wanted to know where best to teach! But no. Okay, I will not mischievous, legality is also important, let's talk about legality.
Let's start with a simple: in many countries, the license does not need to
. For example, in Denmark the yacht up to 15 meters length and up to 20 tons weight has bicycle Status: just take it and go for a drive. No record is not necessary, nor receive the rights.
In the UK, too, you can rent a boat the size of a passenger car, and ride on it right on the Thames without any license. Moreover, the charter company even persuades "them very easy to control, if that - we will teach a couple of hours, no experience is required." There are many countries.
And there are countries where the laws are very harsh.
For example, in Russia there is quite a serious system of rights captain. And in Spain. In Brazil. Yes, a lot elsewhere. And all this is still divided into categories based on the size of the ship, according to the motor power, to remove from the shore. Moreover, formally by Russian law can not be led by the Spanish boat in the Canaries, and in Spanish - Russian on the Volga. And countries with such high demands, so to say, a lot.
What licenses are suitable for any country?
Generally speaking, it is the subject matter of the whole a thick book. Perhaps someone should not even sit down and write it. In the meantime, before visiting any country, the skipper is zaguglit the following: "& lt; a country name & gt; skipper license requirements"
. As a rule, all countries are divided into three types:
1. On the boat you can walk anyone and without a license.
2. Citizens of the country are required to obtain the right of this country and to foreigners can go to their national rights.
3. Both nationals and foreigners are required to obtain the right of this country or that country have recognized the right (then, as a rule, be a short or a long list of rights recognized).
It is also possible combination of conditions depending on the flag. For example, in Spain, on a vessel under the Spanish flag, Captain-foreigner must be officially recognized by Spain's right, but if the vessel is under the flag of another State, the rights of the skipper may be national.
And what if the boat in international waters? It is easier: no country is not interested in either the skipper or his license or insurance. Freedom.
About the international rights.
The question arises: how general for such a mess you can travel the world under sail? Is not there some international law and international rights captain?
Generally speaking, you have to be careful with the word "international", as that term many people mistakenly read as "the world" and should be read only as "more than one country in the world." What a conference with five members of philatelists from Smolensk and Vitebsk will also be considered international, as they came back from two different countries.
You can still remember the Russian international driving license, which operate in Pakistan and in the Bahamas, but do not work in China and Japan. This here is insidious, it is international law. Generally speaking, only laws that apply throughout the world the same way - it's the laws of physics. The rest is always limited by the terms of the contract the parties, even if it is a serious international convention.
Of course, the international rights to the yacht there. There are many different boatswain's license, which is recognized in more than one country. But no one of these rights, which would be recognized by all countries of the world. Absolutely no. Sorry.
And here arises the experiment. And let's then prosherstit laws of different countries and calculate what certificates at least more often than others mentioned in the list of officially recognized? I tried. I got two undisputed leader: RYA and ICC
. Of all the international certificates skipper, these are often officially prescribed by national laws from Europe to Australia. But we must understand that we are talking about is not the whole world, and just something about a few dozen countries. Not only, but at least something. In any case, it is useful to have one of the two licenses.
Therefore, by the way, the owners IYT reasonable to spend an extra € 100 for conversion IYT to the ICC, as the number of countries formally extended to them. And as a bonus removed all the bareboat-limit mile distance from the shore, night navigation (that, and so no one respects and no checks), and automatic open category "motorboats up to 10 meters."
I do not have the certificate, what to do?
But do not worry if you have not and do not RYA ICC. I won, too, have neither the one nor the other. I was somewhere IYT, but I can not remember where he was touched, because did not get several years, although on a yacht go 5-7 months a year, and every year I visit several new countries. This is understandable:
1. First of all, remember that many countries do not require a right to control the walking yacht.
2. Second, if a skipper - a foreigner (especially if another boat and foreign), the majority of countries recognizes the right of the skipper to go to their national rights. In the case of Russia it is, sorry, GIMS. For example, in Canada, if you are more than 45 days, you must have formal or Canadian law or national. No RYA, ICC, and even formal Canadian IYT there is not in the list. A GIFT - approx. Because it meets the requirements of the country of nationality skipper.
3. And third, most importantly, all of the above - only the formal side of the issue. In reality, a foreign skipper looked upon as a guest from another planet, and no one to bother figuring out whether his license is valid, it should look like, if it is issued by the state or a private company, which category it allows you to drive, etc. < br>
Therefore, in those countries where control is, and the law is harsh, it's all nabolee rigidly applied exclusively to its citizens the same. When the boat is local, and the captain of a foreigner, and control, as a rule, softer, and the law is more flexible. But if the captain is not only a foreigner, but also foreign flagged boat, then there is a law, as a rule, he says "nuuuuu ... what to do with you ... again at home are allowed, it means that we solve».
In practice, the last option is usually looks like that right simply no one asks. What's the point? Put yourself in the place kostgarda. This is how to ask the right meow humanoid his control plate. Who knows what sort of documents from their home countries, and whether they are necessary at all.
That's how we live.
Moreover, if you wish, you can finally grow insolent, and print yourself any crap, stick photo, laminate, and it will work too. Even if it says: "I, Bob Friend, I bet my buddy Ivan Petrov quite simply excellent Skipper, here his photo, here is my signature." It's a fake copy? No, the real signature. And I know people who have similar pieces of paper is not the first year already go. Problems? No, not heard.
But back to the de-jure.
Experience is, there is no paper. Where can I get?
Sure, not a problem! There are many options as you can get without learning Skipper license for 30-50 euro, just passing the exam, or passing the test on the internet.
For example, in Croatia, if you want to take a boat charter, but do not have the certificate, you can come to the captain, say that you need a license skipper, pay a small state fee, answer a few simple questions in a series of "red left, green right" to English, and by the result to get a state license Voditelj brodice kategorije B / Boat Skipper, that it is currently recognized not only Croatia, but also in other countries. Of course, not all :). The price of issue of the order of 50 euros.
Another option, which is available in Canada for about the same money - Pleasure Craft Operator Card. For this purpose it is necessary to even go there not enough to pass an online course and pass an online test. The license will be sent by mail. It is though not a state, but for Canada completely legal. Moreover, it is in other countries recognized. For example, in Australia, it can be used, and even exchanged there for national Australian rules Recreational Skipper's Ticket.
There are many options, we need only to look. So that the official document can be obtained quite easily with «Skipper» inscription. And it's perfectly legal. And it is not devoid of common sense, by the way, in some cases.
Whether the boat will in the charter?
Whether there is such that the charter company refuses to give a boat, if she does not like the skipper certificate? It happens.
If this certificate is officially recognized in the country where you plan to charter? Anyway, can not give.
You've got to understand that it is not interpreted in the license. It is important, but it's not just her. The charter company can refuse for any reason, whether it be age, nationality or inappropriate behavior. They have every right to do, they are also private companies, and can dictate its rules of the lease.
You are not required to give your car to anyone who has a right to it? That they are not required. Someone asks to have two skippers on board, someone needs Yachmaster certificate for a boat of 50 feet - everyone has their own way of working with risks
. In my limited experience charters I can say that first of all they are interested not so much license as Logbook of Captain - what sort of trips, where and when. And in the license-second turn. It is desirable that it was just, but ideally also recognized country charter.
About insurance companies.
There is a famous horror story that if your license does not cover the sailing conditions, and is not recognized in a particular country, or contains restrictions which are not complied with skipper (night transitions, for example), the insurance refuses to pay the insurance. For the most part it is, of course, a fantasy. Insurance paid.
The relationship between the insurance and the client are governed by the terms of the policy, not the license itself. And if in the policy about the license of any word, they simply will not be grounds for refusal. But if in fact the insurance license requirements still prescribe in policy, then yes, without a license or its invalidity may be grounds for refusal to pay. Therefore it is necessary to carefully read that sign. As always.
For example, in terms of my policy hull (hull insurance) is not at all a word about Skipper's license.
But the case of civil liability insurance policy in my same license mentioned. Moreover, when the insured event, there will be in effect not only relations of the insurance company and the customer, but also the third injured party, and the official maritime authorities. And in this case kostgard can really get to inappropriate license, there may be consequences, not only in the form of damage, but still fine.
In practice, I still do not know a single case of refusal to pay by the insurance company because of the skipper's license. And that's fine by kostgarda for unrecognized foreign document (or rather, the lack of recognized) - are not uncommon. But that's another story. Especially because the penalty is usually less than the damage. Strong less.
Nevertheless, guarantee that everything will always be well with insurance payments, are not ready. Rather, this: a lot of cases of payments, failure is not known to me, is not particularly bother, but if your license is still recognized in a given country at the official level, it is, of course, only adds tranquility
. Where to go to learn.
The question I have deliberately left for last. If you are completely from scratch, and only just decide which school to choose, I do not envy you: the poor your brains probably already seething from reading
. It's time to simplify. So (more is not about laws, but only my opinion).
If the experience has not, first of all we need to think about the quality of education, rather than on the paper color. Trite, but true. The paper-making is not a problem (see. Above), so that it again. Although, of course, easier when all at once.
Then it is desirable to do so:
To study at the skipper, there are two international networks of training centers and the RYA IYT, as well as a large number of national sailing schools, especially in countries where the rights under the law. I would immediately weed out those schools, after which it will be impossible to get a gun ICC.
The remaining three options:
1. School of European countries that are ready to receive state approved license with the possibility of further conversion of the ICC (to know in advance).
2. IYT, which is also easily converted into ICC.
3. RYA, which is so well recognized, but it will be possible to convert it to the ICC, if you suddenly need without problems.
And then, after this initial screening, I would recommend to choose not so much a system of training, or even the school's concrete and direct instructor. Because it depends on it most of the knowledge and skills, and not from the school or system.
Any of those listed in the preceding paragraph licenses, more than sufficient for most real life. But knowledge is always small. So first of all it is necessary to choose from whom to learn, and a piece of paper is secondary. But if you follow the advice above, and the paper is that it is necessary!
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1. License to officially operate in all countries of the world, does not exist. There are more recognized, there is less. Many countries recognized the license issued by the country of nationality of the skipper. This is - the most transparent in terms of legal options. More often recognized RYA and documents from the ICC. There are other recognized, but less frequently.
2. Learn the best at that school where there is a prospect to get RYA or the ICC, but it is much more important to choose a good trainer than a good piece of paper.
3. If the knowledge is already there, but there is only a certificate, you can not re-learn how to offer many schools. For this purpose it is necessary to apply not to the school and directly to the examiners. There are many options.
4. Charter and insurance companies can present their demands to the skippers and their license, including having nothing to do with the formal requirements of States. And it is their right.
5. Specific paper can both act and not to act in specific countries, and it is directly written into their laws. So the only way to know whether a specific license, under a certain flag and with a certain nationality manage a yacht in a particular State - read the law of this country
As a result of the discussion, I realized that the need to clarify some important points:
1) The subject of my study - the official requirements of different countries to foreign Skipper documents. In particular, the guest yachts. I am interested in it de jure. I know that the de facto situation is much easier and friendlier. And this I also mention, but nevertheless the subject of the article is the formal side of the issue, everything else can be considered a digression.
2) I have studied only those laws that relate to the average size of yachts and power in the non-commercial use. If we talk about great (commercial) courts, then there are all completely different.
3) In the text, instead of the phrase "a document that confirms the ability of the skipper to steer the boat," I say "right", "license", "certificate", etc. In this article, I did not make a distinction between these terms. Just a little alternating words as synonyms, to avoid monotonous "skipper certificate, certificate of a skipper, the skipper certificate».
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I mean beneath all this diversity of words a document, which the skipper is ready to prove that he is qualified skipper. And in some circumstances, this particular document can give him the legal right to operate the vessel. In other terms, in another country under a different flag - do not give. What it was issued, as it is called, it confirms -. This is the second time
In this article, I'm interested in only one thing: with this particular piece of paper, particularly in this country, you can manage or not. You can - good. No, bad. And it is not so important what word correct to call this piece of paper, it is a state or private, etc.
Author: Oleg Radul
Let's start with a simple: in many countries, the license does not need to
. For example, in Denmark the yacht up to 15 meters length and up to 20 tons weight has bicycle Status: just take it and go for a drive. No record is not necessary, nor receive the rights.
In the UK, too, you can rent a boat the size of a passenger car, and ride on it right on the Thames without any license. Moreover, the charter company even persuades "them very easy to control, if that - we will teach a couple of hours, no experience is required." There are many countries.

And there are countries where the laws are very harsh.
For example, in Russia there is quite a serious system of rights captain. And in Spain. In Brazil. Yes, a lot elsewhere. And all this is still divided into categories based on the size of the ship, according to the motor power, to remove from the shore. Moreover, formally by Russian law can not be led by the Spanish boat in the Canaries, and in Spanish - Russian on the Volga. And countries with such high demands, so to say, a lot.
What licenses are suitable for any country?
Generally speaking, it is the subject matter of the whole a thick book. Perhaps someone should not even sit down and write it. In the meantime, before visiting any country, the skipper is zaguglit the following: "& lt; a country name & gt; skipper license requirements"
. As a rule, all countries are divided into three types:
1. On the boat you can walk anyone and without a license.
2. Citizens of the country are required to obtain the right of this country and to foreigners can go to their national rights.
3. Both nationals and foreigners are required to obtain the right of this country or that country have recognized the right (then, as a rule, be a short or a long list of rights recognized).
It is also possible combination of conditions depending on the flag. For example, in Spain, on a vessel under the Spanish flag, Captain-foreigner must be officially recognized by Spain's right, but if the vessel is under the flag of another State, the rights of the skipper may be national.
And what if the boat in international waters? It is easier: no country is not interested in either the skipper or his license or insurance. Freedom.
About the international rights.
The question arises: how general for such a mess you can travel the world under sail? Is not there some international law and international rights captain?
Generally speaking, you have to be careful with the word "international", as that term many people mistakenly read as "the world" and should be read only as "more than one country in the world." What a conference with five members of philatelists from Smolensk and Vitebsk will also be considered international, as they came back from two different countries.
You can still remember the Russian international driving license, which operate in Pakistan and in the Bahamas, but do not work in China and Japan. This here is insidious, it is international law. Generally speaking, only laws that apply throughout the world the same way - it's the laws of physics. The rest is always limited by the terms of the contract the parties, even if it is a serious international convention.
Of course, the international rights to the yacht there. There are many different boatswain's license, which is recognized in more than one country. But no one of these rights, which would be recognized by all countries of the world. Absolutely no. Sorry.
And here arises the experiment. And let's then prosherstit laws of different countries and calculate what certificates at least more often than others mentioned in the list of officially recognized? I tried. I got two undisputed leader: RYA and ICC
. Of all the international certificates skipper, these are often officially prescribed by national laws from Europe to Australia. But we must understand that we are talking about is not the whole world, and just something about a few dozen countries. Not only, but at least something. In any case, it is useful to have one of the two licenses.
Therefore, by the way, the owners IYT reasonable to spend an extra € 100 for conversion IYT to the ICC, as the number of countries formally extended to them. And as a bonus removed all the bareboat-limit mile distance from the shore, night navigation (that, and so no one respects and no checks), and automatic open category "motorboats up to 10 meters."
I do not have the certificate, what to do?
But do not worry if you have not and do not RYA ICC. I won, too, have neither the one nor the other. I was somewhere IYT, but I can not remember where he was touched, because did not get several years, although on a yacht go 5-7 months a year, and every year I visit several new countries. This is understandable:
1. First of all, remember that many countries do not require a right to control the walking yacht.
2. Second, if a skipper - a foreigner (especially if another boat and foreign), the majority of countries recognizes the right of the skipper to go to their national rights. In the case of Russia it is, sorry, GIMS. For example, in Canada, if you are more than 45 days, you must have formal or Canadian law or national. No RYA, ICC, and even formal Canadian IYT there is not in the list. A GIFT - approx. Because it meets the requirements of the country of nationality skipper.
3. And third, most importantly, all of the above - only the formal side of the issue. In reality, a foreign skipper looked upon as a guest from another planet, and no one to bother figuring out whether his license is valid, it should look like, if it is issued by the state or a private company, which category it allows you to drive, etc. < br>
Therefore, in those countries where control is, and the law is harsh, it's all nabolee rigidly applied exclusively to its citizens the same. When the boat is local, and the captain of a foreigner, and control, as a rule, softer, and the law is more flexible. But if the captain is not only a foreigner, but also foreign flagged boat, then there is a law, as a rule, he says "nuuuuu ... what to do with you ... again at home are allowed, it means that we solve».
In practice, the last option is usually looks like that right simply no one asks. What's the point? Put yourself in the place kostgarda. This is how to ask the right meow humanoid his control plate. Who knows what sort of documents from their home countries, and whether they are necessary at all.
That's how we live.
Moreover, if you wish, you can finally grow insolent, and print yourself any crap, stick photo, laminate, and it will work too. Even if it says: "I, Bob Friend, I bet my buddy Ivan Petrov quite simply excellent Skipper, here his photo, here is my signature." It's a fake copy? No, the real signature. And I know people who have similar pieces of paper is not the first year already go. Problems? No, not heard.
But back to the de-jure.

Experience is, there is no paper. Where can I get?
Sure, not a problem! There are many options as you can get without learning Skipper license for 30-50 euro, just passing the exam, or passing the test on the internet.
For example, in Croatia, if you want to take a boat charter, but do not have the certificate, you can come to the captain, say that you need a license skipper, pay a small state fee, answer a few simple questions in a series of "red left, green right" to English, and by the result to get a state license Voditelj brodice kategorije B / Boat Skipper, that it is currently recognized not only Croatia, but also in other countries. Of course, not all :). The price of issue of the order of 50 euros.
Another option, which is available in Canada for about the same money - Pleasure Craft Operator Card. For this purpose it is necessary to even go there not enough to pass an online course and pass an online test. The license will be sent by mail. It is though not a state, but for Canada completely legal. Moreover, it is in other countries recognized. For example, in Australia, it can be used, and even exchanged there for national Australian rules Recreational Skipper's Ticket.
There are many options, we need only to look. So that the official document can be obtained quite easily with «Skipper» inscription. And it's perfectly legal. And it is not devoid of common sense, by the way, in some cases.
Whether the boat will in the charter?
Whether there is such that the charter company refuses to give a boat, if she does not like the skipper certificate? It happens.
If this certificate is officially recognized in the country where you plan to charter? Anyway, can not give.
You've got to understand that it is not interpreted in the license. It is important, but it's not just her. The charter company can refuse for any reason, whether it be age, nationality or inappropriate behavior. They have every right to do, they are also private companies, and can dictate its rules of the lease.
You are not required to give your car to anyone who has a right to it? That they are not required. Someone asks to have two skippers on board, someone needs Yachmaster certificate for a boat of 50 feet - everyone has their own way of working with risks
. In my limited experience charters I can say that first of all they are interested not so much license as Logbook of Captain - what sort of trips, where and when. And in the license-second turn. It is desirable that it was just, but ideally also recognized country charter.
About insurance companies.
There is a famous horror story that if your license does not cover the sailing conditions, and is not recognized in a particular country, or contains restrictions which are not complied with skipper (night transitions, for example), the insurance refuses to pay the insurance. For the most part it is, of course, a fantasy. Insurance paid.
The relationship between the insurance and the client are governed by the terms of the policy, not the license itself. And if in the policy about the license of any word, they simply will not be grounds for refusal. But if in fact the insurance license requirements still prescribe in policy, then yes, without a license or its invalidity may be grounds for refusal to pay. Therefore it is necessary to carefully read that sign. As always.
For example, in terms of my policy hull (hull insurance) is not at all a word about Skipper's license.
But the case of civil liability insurance policy in my same license mentioned. Moreover, when the insured event, there will be in effect not only relations of the insurance company and the customer, but also the third injured party, and the official maritime authorities. And in this case kostgard can really get to inappropriate license, there may be consequences, not only in the form of damage, but still fine.
In practice, I still do not know a single case of refusal to pay by the insurance company because of the skipper's license. And that's fine by kostgarda for unrecognized foreign document (or rather, the lack of recognized) - are not uncommon. But that's another story. Especially because the penalty is usually less than the damage. Strong less.
Nevertheless, guarantee that everything will always be well with insurance payments, are not ready. Rather, this: a lot of cases of payments, failure is not known to me, is not particularly bother, but if your license is still recognized in a given country at the official level, it is, of course, only adds tranquility
. Where to go to learn.
The question I have deliberately left for last. If you are completely from scratch, and only just decide which school to choose, I do not envy you: the poor your brains probably already seething from reading
. It's time to simplify. So (more is not about laws, but only my opinion).
If the experience has not, first of all we need to think about the quality of education, rather than on the paper color. Trite, but true. The paper-making is not a problem (see. Above), so that it again. Although, of course, easier when all at once.
Then it is desirable to do so:
To study at the skipper, there are two international networks of training centers and the RYA IYT, as well as a large number of national sailing schools, especially in countries where the rights under the law. I would immediately weed out those schools, after which it will be impossible to get a gun ICC.
The remaining three options:
1. School of European countries that are ready to receive state approved license with the possibility of further conversion of the ICC (to know in advance).
2. IYT, which is also easily converted into ICC.
3. RYA, which is so well recognized, but it will be possible to convert it to the ICC, if you suddenly need without problems.
And then, after this initial screening, I would recommend to choose not so much a system of training, or even the school's concrete and direct instructor. Because it depends on it most of the knowledge and skills, and not from the school or system.
Any of those listed in the preceding paragraph licenses, more than sufficient for most real life. But knowledge is always small. So first of all it is necessary to choose from whom to learn, and a piece of paper is secondary. But if you follow the advice above, and the paper is that it is necessary!
See also: We have a serious problem - a total intolerance to slow ride
1. License to officially operate in all countries of the world, does not exist. There are more recognized, there is less. Many countries recognized the license issued by the country of nationality of the skipper. This is - the most transparent in terms of legal options. More often recognized RYA and documents from the ICC. There are other recognized, but less frequently.
2. Learn the best at that school where there is a prospect to get RYA or the ICC, but it is much more important to choose a good trainer than a good piece of paper.
3. If the knowledge is already there, but there is only a certificate, you can not re-learn how to offer many schools. For this purpose it is necessary to apply not to the school and directly to the examiners. There are many options.
4. Charter and insurance companies can present their demands to the skippers and their license, including having nothing to do with the formal requirements of States. And it is their right.
5. Specific paper can both act and not to act in specific countries, and it is directly written into their laws. So the only way to know whether a specific license, under a certain flag and with a certain nationality manage a yacht in a particular State - read the law of this country

As a result of the discussion, I realized that the need to clarify some important points:
1) The subject of my study - the official requirements of different countries to foreign Skipper documents. In particular, the guest yachts. I am interested in it de jure. I know that the de facto situation is much easier and friendlier. And this I also mention, but nevertheless the subject of the article is the formal side of the issue, everything else can be considered a digression.
2) I have studied only those laws that relate to the average size of yachts and power in the non-commercial use. If we talk about great (commercial) courts, then there are all completely different.
3) In the text, instead of the phrase "a document that confirms the ability of the skipper to steer the boat," I say "right", "license", "certificate", etc. In this article, I did not make a distinction between these terms. Just a little alternating words as synonyms, to avoid monotonous "skipper certificate, certificate of a skipper, the skipper certificate».
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I mean beneath all this diversity of words a document, which the skipper is ready to prove that he is qualified skipper. And in some circumstances, this particular document can give him the legal right to operate the vessel. In other terms, in another country under a different flag - do not give. What it was issued, as it is called, it confirms -. This is the second time
In this article, I'm interested in only one thing: with this particular piece of paper, particularly in this country, you can manage or not. You can - good. No, bad. And it is not so important what word correct to call this piece of paper, it is a state or private, etc.
Author: Oleg Radul