Cash sings
1. In Payday can not spend a dime of earned - the entire amount should be untouched by the night at home, otherwise the money will not love your home.
2. Some keep one large bill for a year, so she Energize owner and became
to attract money.
3. If you knock on a neighbor to borrow a couple of slices of bread and salt, then pack off her empty-handed, otherwise the abundance of your home can go to the neighbor.
4. For the allure nice crisp money broom handle in the house put down.
5. Is it too good to borrow money on Mondays, loan - on Tuesdays, and to repay debts - on Fridays. All financial transactions are held in the morning: any action with the money in the evening threatened with ruin.
6. But in debt need to give more often. It is believed that this action would you like programming money to ensure that they are returned to you.
7. Hanging clothes in the closet until next season, do not forget to put it in even small bills. But first make sure that the pockets were not leaky, and the buttons torn off - the money do not like that.
8. Bad omen is when the purse is empty. Put it in the "lucky coin": this may be your first penny earned money or received from a good man. And do not waste under any temptations, and that the money you will be offended and will no longer go to your hands.
9. If you got money easily, for example, you just found on the road, the kind of happiness do no good. Get rid of the money. Give those in need or spend them quickly.