Why you can't visit dead relatives in winter
There are many prejudices associated with visiting the cemetery in winter. It would seem that in the modern civilized world there is no place for mystical superstitions, but no! They continue to exist and are transmitted by word of mouth. Even people of faith, when asked questions, How to properly remember the deadIt is recommended to do so, and so it will not get worse. Prejudice lives on, no matter how meaningless it may seem.
What does it mean to remember the dead? In winter, people say, You can't go to the cemetery.. And although this statement does not resemble a mystical rite, representatives of different religions agree with it. Even in Orthodox traditions, there is a proverb: “After the Intercession and to the Red Hill, the cemetery does not come and do not clean.”
Why can't we visit dead relatives in winter? Superstitious people have strange answers. Some say that snow is a kind of lid, it is not safe to walk on it and break the snow shell. Others say that if you trample the path from the grave to the main gate, the deceased will come to the house in the footsteps and take with him the soul of the one who came to him. It's a very marvelous claim, isn't it?
But this fantasy of “knowing” grandmothers does not end there. If a person still decided to visit loved ones in the cold season, the advisers strongly recommend to go around the cemetery several times in order to confuse the tracks, and coming to the grave, to give back to the deceased - a few coins. Then he's definitely not coming.
Do not step on the footsteps of birds, animals or other people. Footprints in the snow - marks of evil spirits, stepping on them, you can bring trouble on yourself and your family. And the snow from the monument can not be swept away, and you can not walk along the path trampled earlier, and you can not remove branches in your path, and it is generally dangerous to greet other people at the cemetery!
Orthodox They are negative about this kind of superstition. A believer will never pay attention to such stories. The Holy Fathers explain that it is possible and necessary to visit the dead at any time of the year, at the call of the heart and simply to monitor the condition of the grave.
Of course, there are certain days of the year that should be spent in the church, not in the cemetery. But if the pain of loss does not subside with time or the person came from afar and there is no other time to visit loved ones, then you can and should go to the grave regardless of the time of year.
But do not forget about the simple safety rules that are associated with common sense, not magic.
How to behave in the cemetery in winter
As you can see, there is no reasonable explanation. Why not go to the cemetery in the winter. The only obstacle may be the weather. However, do not reproach yourself that you can not visit the grave for such a long time. Spring will come, it will warm and you will have plenty of time to clean up and clean up.
And defileDuring cleaning, try to follow a few rules.
How to properly clean on the grave
Remember that a cemetery is a place that holds the souls of the dead. While visiting, these souls rejoice that they have not been forgotten, but no more. Be sure to visit the grave during memorial weekIf in doubt, ask the priest.Do they remember the dead? these days. And in winter, if there is no emergency, it is better not to go to the cemetery.
Take care of the living, and remember those who have gone into the world in daily prayer. Prayer is an important act that everyone must do.
No matter what life we live or what we do, we are all one in the Kingdom of God. Remembrance of the dead means the desire to help the soul of a person and alleviate its suffering. Pray for the living and the dead, and God bless your family.
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What does it mean to remember the dead? In winter, people say, You can't go to the cemetery.. And although this statement does not resemble a mystical rite, representatives of different religions agree with it. Even in Orthodox traditions, there is a proverb: “After the Intercession and to the Red Hill, the cemetery does not come and do not clean.”
Why can't we visit dead relatives in winter? Superstitious people have strange answers. Some say that snow is a kind of lid, it is not safe to walk on it and break the snow shell. Others say that if you trample the path from the grave to the main gate, the deceased will come to the house in the footsteps and take with him the soul of the one who came to him. It's a very marvelous claim, isn't it?

But this fantasy of “knowing” grandmothers does not end there. If a person still decided to visit loved ones in the cold season, the advisers strongly recommend to go around the cemetery several times in order to confuse the tracks, and coming to the grave, to give back to the deceased - a few coins. Then he's definitely not coming.
Do not step on the footsteps of birds, animals or other people. Footprints in the snow - marks of evil spirits, stepping on them, you can bring trouble on yourself and your family. And the snow from the monument can not be swept away, and you can not walk along the path trampled earlier, and you can not remove branches in your path, and it is generally dangerous to greet other people at the cemetery!

Orthodox They are negative about this kind of superstition. A believer will never pay attention to such stories. The Holy Fathers explain that it is possible and necessary to visit the dead at any time of the year, at the call of the heart and simply to monitor the condition of the grave.
Of course, there are certain days of the year that should be spent in the church, not in the cemetery. But if the pain of loss does not subside with time or the person came from afar and there is no other time to visit loved ones, then you can and should go to the grave regardless of the time of year.
But do not forget about the simple safety rules that are associated with common sense, not magic.

How to behave in the cemetery in winter
- Before going to the cemetery, pray for God's protection.
- Do not be afraid and do not believe in omens, superstitions, evil eye, spoilage and other nonsense.
- Wear warm clothes and comfortable shoes for the weather. Don't forget the gloves, the hat, the scarf. The cemetery is cooler and the wind is stronger than the city.
- Calculate your visit time correctly, it gets dark much faster in winter.
- Take a shovel with you, the road may not be cleared.
- If possible, do not go to the cemetery alone in winter. In the cold season, there is a risk of falling, slipping, hitting or, God forbid, freezing.
- When you arrive at the resting place, clear the snow so as not to throw them other graves.
- Do not eat or drink alcohol on the grave of the deceased. And don't leave coins or food there. Live flowers are also not needed, they quickly turn into garbage, and artificial pollute the environment. A strong wind can carry them far beyond the cemetery.
- All you have to do on the grave is pray for the soul of the deceased. If you do not know the special prayer, read Our Father and a short prayer for the deceased: Rest, O Lord, the souls of Your dead servants: my parents, relatives, benefactors (their names) and all Orthodox Christians, and forgive them all their sins free and involuntary, and grant them the Kingdom of Heaven. Amen.
As you can see, there is no reasonable explanation. Why not go to the cemetery in the winter. The only obstacle may be the weather. However, do not reproach yourself that you can not visit the grave for such a long time. Spring will come, it will warm and you will have plenty of time to clean up and clean up.
And defileDuring cleaning, try to follow a few rules.
How to properly clean on the grave
- Prepare the necessary tools (broom, shovel, hood, paint, brushes), garbage bags, seeds, plants for planting. If there is a wooden bench and table near the grave, take nails and a hammer. There is a high probability that the table and bench were damaged in winter.
- Have a hearty meal before you go out. Work can be delayed, and snacking in the cemetery is not worth it.
- Dress for the weather, it is better to give preference to rubber boots. Be sure to take your work gloves.
- Try not to use plastic flowers and wreaths, they quickly become useless and pollute the air when burned.
- Clean the grave carefully without causing harm. neighbourhood.
- Do not plant tall trees and shrubs. Such plants can damage tombstones and crosses. Give preference to short grassy perennials that tolerate drought well and can grow for many years without transplantation.
- Paint the fence and cross in discreet colors.
- When you are in the grave, follow the steps. Do not turn the place in the cemetery into private property with a high fence, arboretum or a branch of the museum.
- Remember that although cleaning and a mandatory ritual, it is impossible to turn a cemetery into a landfill. Grass, leaves, branches, old ribbons, artificial flowers and wreaths are taken outside the cemetery in specially designated garbage containers. Hand over unnecessary metal structures for scrap metal, and with this money buy something for the poor or donate to the temple.
- If you want monumentAn old cross can be placed on a grave that no one cares for. The tablet, of course, needs to be removed or changed. An old wooden cross can be burned and ashes poured on the grave.
Remember that a cemetery is a place that holds the souls of the dead. While visiting, these souls rejoice that they have not been forgotten, but no more. Be sure to visit the grave during memorial weekIf in doubt, ask the priest.Do they remember the dead? these days. And in winter, if there is no emergency, it is better not to go to the cemetery.

Take care of the living, and remember those who have gone into the world in daily prayer. Prayer is an important act that everyone must do.
No matter what life we live or what we do, we are all one in the Kingdom of God. Remembrance of the dead means the desire to help the soul of a person and alleviate its suffering. Pray for the living and the dead, and God bless your family.
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