On Dmitrievskaya Parental Saturday I go to the churchyard, I prepare for this day in advance to do everything correctly.

On the second Saturday of the Intercession of the Most Holy Mother of God, Orthodox Christians traditionally commemorate deceased relatives. Since on this day they pray mainly for the deceased fathers and mothers of different generations, the Sabbath is called Parental. Parental Saturday precedes the feast dedicated to St. Dmitry (Dimitry) of Solun, so it is called Dmitrievskaya. According to the Gregorian calendar, Dmitriev Saturday in 2023 falls on October 21, and according to the Julian calendar – on November 4.

Today's edition. "Site" He will tell you all the traditions of the day.

Dmitriev Saturday in 2023 For twelve months there are eight memorial parent days. This memorial liturgy will be final this year. According to the Gregorian calendar, the patron Demetrius of Solun will be remembered on October 26, and supporters of the Julian chronology will bow to the saint on November 8. Parental memorial Sabbath is not without reason tied to the day of Demetrius: the Great Martyr is considered a powerful intercession of all the dead before the Lord.

What do you need to know about Dmitri Saturday? On Friday evening, on the eve of the parent's day, a parastasis runs in the temple. It is followed by an all-night vigil, and on Saturday morning a funeral liturgy with a memorial service is served.

On Parental Remembrance Saturday, parents, relatives, loved ones are remembered and pray for them. Prayer services are held in cathedrals for the salvation of the souls of all who introduced themselves. On this day, you should visit the church and light candles in memory of the dead. It is also recommended to submit to the priest a note for repose with the names of the deceased relatives and order a prayer service for them.

In the temple, prayer and alms are combined. The parishioners bring bread and food to the funeral service. Previously it was believed that bread (baton) must be three loaves. But now this condition is not strictly observed. Vegetable oil, sugar and flour are suitable for offering. They're used for baking church bread. People often buy for alms wine, cereals, cookies and waffles in packs, candy and so on.

The food is then handled by the priests. They give gifts to singers, give to orphanages and nursing homes. Believers make offerings and give alms on behalf of deceased relatives who can no longer do it themselves. It is impossible to deliver to the church urgent and perishable products. Instead of food, you can donate a reasonable amount of money to the needs of the temple.

On Dmitrievsky Saturday, it is advisable to go to the grave of the deceased to put a lit candle at the tombstone and lay a bouquet of live flowers. It is forbidden to drink alcohol in the cemetery and to arrange funerals. Near the cross or monument, it is not customary to leave candy, cookies, and even more so to leave a glass of alcohol.

It is possible to honor the memory of deceased relatives at home. At home, they pray for them in front of images. Relatives cook memorial kutya, bake ritual pies. They cook lunch from lean products and do not forget to put on the table the favorite dishes of the deceased. After lunch, plates are not removed from the table, they are covered with a clean tablecloth and left overnight so that the soul of the deceased can taste the food prepared for him. During the meal, you need to behave restrained and modestly, fun today is inappropriate.

Dead relatives cannot be brought back to life with a memorial service and donations. But prayers and alms can honor their bright memory and facilitate their afterlife. The more often relatives ask for the salvation of the soul of a deceased person, the more zealously the holy intercessors will intercede for him before the Lord.


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