On November 5, I am preparing in advance to remember all my soulmates.

Dmitriev's parental Saturday in 2022 falls on November 5. This is the last memorial Saturday this year, so it should be held properly. What should be done on this important day for all believers, how to prepare for it and what flowers to take to the churchyard, I tell later in the article.

Dmitriev’s Parental Saturday in 2022 is a special day for all Christians. It is necessary to remember all the dead and honor their memory. For believers, this event is also important because it is the last memorial Saturday of the year. In 2022, it falls on November 5.

Parental Saturday has long been called so, because first of all on this day it is customary to remember deceased parents. This is considered the main prayer duty of all people. It is important to remember our grandparents who gave birth to our parents. They also pray for their relatives in straight and indirect lines.

In their prayers and prayers, people pray to the Lord for forgiveness of their sins. And these words can be pronounced not only for relatives and friends, but also for strangers.

Dmitriev Saturday is named in honor of the Great Martyr Demetrius of Solun, whose day of remembrance is celebrated on November 8. Dimitri’s parents were secret Christians. They baptized their son when he was young. When he became a Roman consul, he began to preach Christianity.

Instagram / @myroslavaantoniuk When the emperor found out about this, Dmitry was imprisoned. The emperor organized street battles, in which his warrior Lius always won. He forced his Christian captives to fight him. However, with the help of Dmitry, one of them was able to defeat Leah. For this, the emperor ordered the execution of Dmitry. Dozens of copies were shoved into his body as he stood and prayed.

Hence the long tradition of praying for fallen soldiers in heavy battles on this day. It's more relevant than ever!

On November 5, 2022, the doors of the church are always open to people. But the parishioners will be especially waiting on the eve of Dmitriev Saturday, on Friday evening. At this time, a memorial liturgy will be held in the temple. The service will also take place on Saturday morning.

This is a great opportunity to come to church and submit special notes with a list of the names of all the loved ones who are no longer with us. The priest will read these notes during prayer in the altar.

If you can’t go to church, you can pray at home. But it is very important to remember the names of all the deceased, whose memory you want to honor. It is best to write down their names on a piece of paper and say them aloud while praying.

Also, on November 5, you can go to the churchyard and remove the place of eternal rest of your loved ones. The priests say it is not a necessary ritual. It is more important to pray for the soul of the deceased. However, it is not superfluous to go to the place of mourning angels, if you feel that you need it.

Take a composition of fresh flowers with you. About how to make it, I wrote in a separate article. You can read it here. The main thing is not to bring artificial flowers to gloomy plates. It's a bad tone!

On Dmitrievskaya Saturday, you can also arrange a modest memorial dinner among relatives and friends. It is allowed to cook only lean dishes. Parental Saturday is a great day to help a person or animal in need.

Despite the abundance of traditions associated with the Dmitriev Saturday, the most important of them is still prayer. Ask the Lord to forgive all sins and pray for their souls.

“Lord, hear our prayers for the parents who left this land and went to your kingdom, where eternal life is. Only You can comfort the souls of our mourners. Please forgive all the sins of the departed and give him a life of joy and happiness in Heaven. I weep and pray for the soul of the servant of God (name) with faith and hope for comfort.

Don't leave me alone in grief, help me overcome the loss. Let him forgive all his sins, let the soul rest and find eternal life. I will pray for him and praise your name, our Lord. For you are our Father, and only you know when our last hour on earth will strike, to take after our souls into the kingdom of heaven. May we find eternity with you. Forever. Amen.

May God take care of you!


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