A special ritual for salt, which will banish all problems from life

Since ancient times, salt has been used in magical rituals. Most often for protection and cleansing. The magic of salt is known to all sorcerers, but one does not need special knowledge to use it. There are simple rituals that can be performed independently. And today we will tell you about the practice that will help get rid of problems and ailments.

Editorial "Site" It is a simple but very effective practice. Trust me, you'll be surprised!

Many people associate salt with tears and sadness. And this ritual offers to get rid of all this, just dissolved in water. This ritual can be used to get rid of what is bothering you. It can be any problem or disease.

All redemption rituals must be performed on the waning moon. And this is no exception. Check the lunar calendar and choose a suitable day for this. It should also be a time when no one bothers you. It is important to focus on practice completely.

So you need to take a plate and pour salt on it. You need to take a plate like this and so much salt that you can write on it what you want to get rid of. For example, if you want to get rid of problems, just write on the salts of the problem.

Then get a glass of clean water. Say above the water, “Dissolve my sorrows and troubles.” Happiness, joy and health were placed in my home.” The water is spoken. Now you need to pour it on salt and stir until the salt is completely dissolved. While stirring the salt, say the same words over and over again.

When the salt dissolves, pour this water along with the salt into the sink. Then say out loud, "Let it be so." The ritual is over. By the way, the feast of Samhain is coming soon. Experts recommend such rituals on this day.

After that, your life will begin to improve. But remember that without effort and aspiration, no rituals will help. Salt magic helps in other rituals. Recently we talked about the practice in which salt protects against envy. Also, just one spoonful of salt can nullify the evil plans of all your enemies. Use it wisely and for your own good. Good luck!


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