A pinch of salt can burn out all the envy and hatred of enemies, just repeat after me.

No matter how righteous a person may live, there will still be detractors and envious people on his path. That's human nature. Bad words spoken with malicious intent can hurt. Therefore, you need to be able to protect yourself from such influence. My grandmother from the village taught me a long time ago to use salt from envy. A simple and seemingly naive method works flawlessly.

Editorial "Site" It tells you whether you can protect yourself from negative effects and how a pinch of salt will help in this.

Salt from envy from ancient times used in magical rituals. Most often for protection and cleansing. Its simplicity and special properties have made it one of the most effective tools in magic. But you don't have to look for a sorcerer or go to the grandmothers. You can protect yourself with a simple home ritual. There is a simple ritual for this. Its essence is to burn out all evil slanders, curses and bad wishes. A pinch of salt will dissolve all evil.

It is important to choose the right time for the ritual. You have to do it on the waning moon. After all, it is during this period that it is best to get rid of everything unnecessary. Choose an evening when you'll be home alone.

Take a pinch of salt with your left hand and throw it out the window, saying: “I will wave my hand – an evil swipe, whoever wanted evil – I will return it in full.” Take back the extra in my fate!

Repeat those words three times. Then take a coin from your personal money and toss it after, saying, "Payed." You need to take exactly the money you earned yourself. That's the ritual.

During this time, it is important to feel how everything bad leaves you. Imagine how all the evil words and bad looks seem to stick away from you and fly out the window after the salt.

The ritual helps if you feel a negative influence. Sometimes you feel bad after talking to someone. It seems stupid, but you should not close your eyes to this. Because their envy and hatred people can even unconsciously influence you. It is better to get rid of negativity, rather than accumulate it. And just salt from the envy and hatred of strangers helps perfectly!

If the feeling has not passed, you can try a stronger ritual that will nullify all the evil deeds of your enemies. All this will serve you as a good protection and help protect yourself from the negative impact of other people. Take care!


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