11 Terrible ancient rituals, which exists to this day
At that time, the majority of surviving in today's society rituals include innocuous, common worldwide tradition, others less known, can be extremely painful and cruel. The unusual and dangerous rituals can be found in different parts of the world. On some of them we will tell you in this collection.
< Cannibalism
Aghori Baba, who live in the Indian city of Varanasi is famous for the fact that eating the dead. They believe that the greatest fear of man - is the fear of death, and that this fear is an obstacle to spiritual liberation. Eating dead - you can get rid of the fear and get on the right path of enlightenment
. There are five types of people who can not be cremated in accordance with Hindu rules saints, children, pregnant, unmarried women, people who died of leprosy or snake bites. These people are given to the sacred river Ganges, where they subsequently pulled out and ritually consume Aghori.
Sun Dance.
Native Americans have been known to perform many rituals in honor of the spirits of the land. Rituals are a great means of communication with the spirits, and self-sacrifice means maintaining direct contact with the Tree of Life. Rite conclusion of direct contact with the Tree is as follows: the skin on the breast skewer pierces the participants that the rope is attached to a pole, embodying the Tree of Life. The participants move back and forth, trying to escape, while the skin of the breast is still connected with the post. This dance can last several hours.
Every year during the holy month of Muharram Shia Islam followers carried out the mass self-flagellation ritual to commemorate the martyrdom of Hussein, the Prophet Muhammad's grandson. Men beat their bodies with blades attached to chains. In the state of religious trance, they almost do not feel pain.
jumping vines.
In Bunlap village, which is located on an island in the Pacific, held a ritual called Gkol. This ritual is a kind of precursor to bungee jumping. Villagers sing, dance, some beating drums, and some men are preparing for a dangerous jump. They tie vines around their ankles and jump very high wooden towers built specifically for this ritual. The participants of the ritual, apparently, is not very concerned about the chance to break the bones. They just jump and fly upside down. It is believed that the higher a person started, the greater the blessing of the gods, he will receive.
Wood and spiritual domains.
Followers of Voodoo cult can be found in some parts of West Africa. One of the rituals is to take itself as a kind of vessel, any other soul or spirit. The photograph is connected with the spirit of the Earth, Sakpata. Spirit takes possession of the body, but the person remains conscious. After the ritual, the spirit does not leave a person 3 days.
Celestial burial.
In Tibet, the Buddhist practice of the country sacred ritual called Jhator, or celestial burial. Buddhists believe in the cycle of rebirth, and this means that there is no need to preserve the body after death, because the soul has moved to other areas. The bodies of the dead vultures decided to give as alms. To get rid of the body as quickly as possible, a special person cuts the body into pieces and throws it in the county, to be eaten by birds.
Fire walking.
The festival is held in Penang, Malaysia. One of these rituals include walking barefoot on burning coals. It is believed that the fire scares away evil spirits, enhances virility and helps get rid of bad thoughts. To this end, hundreds of people walking on the lights.
Dancing with the dead.
Famadihana, which means "bone rotation", is a traditional festival that takes place in Madagascar. Participants believe that the faster the body decomposes, the faster the spirit reaches the next world. So they dug their loved ones in order to dance with them to the music around the grave, and then reburied. This bizarre ritual takes place every 2 years -7 years.
Annual Vegetarian Festival in Phuket, Thailand, is a very dangerous ritual that requires participants to pierce their cheeks with swords, knives, spears, hooks and the like. It is believed that during the ritual the gods of their body are introduced into a trance, protect from evil and good fortune in the future.
The death rites.
Amazonian Yanomami tribe is one of the most primitive in the world. In their view, death is not a natural phenomenon. The tribe decided to cremate the deceased person and his ashes mixed with bananas and eat, to the spirit of a deceased member of the tribe to continue to live among their own.
Kaningara tribe of Papua New Guinea, a very unusual practice ritual that aims to strengthen the spiritual connection between tribe members and their environment. One of the funeral ceremonies held in the "House of the Spirit." Teens live in seclusion in the House of the Spirit within two months. After this period of isolation, they are preparing for the ceremony, which recognizes their transition to adulthood. During the ritual, the person making the skin incisions bamboo splinters. These bulges resemble crocodile skin. The people of this tribe believe that crocodiles are the creators of humans. Signs on the body symbolize the crocodile teeth marks, the boy who ate and left adult male.
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< Cannibalism
Aghori Baba, who live in the Indian city of Varanasi is famous for the fact that eating the dead. They believe that the greatest fear of man - is the fear of death, and that this fear is an obstacle to spiritual liberation. Eating dead - you can get rid of the fear and get on the right path of enlightenment
. There are five types of people who can not be cremated in accordance with Hindu rules saints, children, pregnant, unmarried women, people who died of leprosy or snake bites. These people are given to the sacred river Ganges, where they subsequently pulled out and ritually consume Aghori.

Sun Dance.
Native Americans have been known to perform many rituals in honor of the spirits of the land. Rituals are a great means of communication with the spirits, and self-sacrifice means maintaining direct contact with the Tree of Life. Rite conclusion of direct contact with the Tree is as follows: the skin on the breast skewer pierces the participants that the rope is attached to a pole, embodying the Tree of Life. The participants move back and forth, trying to escape, while the skin of the breast is still connected with the post. This dance can last several hours.

Every year during the holy month of Muharram Shia Islam followers carried out the mass self-flagellation ritual to commemorate the martyrdom of Hussein, the Prophet Muhammad's grandson. Men beat their bodies with blades attached to chains. In the state of religious trance, they almost do not feel pain.

jumping vines.
In Bunlap village, which is located on an island in the Pacific, held a ritual called Gkol. This ritual is a kind of precursor to bungee jumping. Villagers sing, dance, some beating drums, and some men are preparing for a dangerous jump. They tie vines around their ankles and jump very high wooden towers built specifically for this ritual. The participants of the ritual, apparently, is not very concerned about the chance to break the bones. They just jump and fly upside down. It is believed that the higher a person started, the greater the blessing of the gods, he will receive.

Wood and spiritual domains.
Followers of Voodoo cult can be found in some parts of West Africa. One of the rituals is to take itself as a kind of vessel, any other soul or spirit. The photograph is connected with the spirit of the Earth, Sakpata. Spirit takes possession of the body, but the person remains conscious. After the ritual, the spirit does not leave a person 3 days.

Celestial burial.
In Tibet, the Buddhist practice of the country sacred ritual called Jhator, or celestial burial. Buddhists believe in the cycle of rebirth, and this means that there is no need to preserve the body after death, because the soul has moved to other areas. The bodies of the dead vultures decided to give as alms. To get rid of the body as quickly as possible, a special person cuts the body into pieces and throws it in the county, to be eaten by birds.

Fire walking.
The festival is held in Penang, Malaysia. One of these rituals include walking barefoot on burning coals. It is believed that the fire scares away evil spirits, enhances virility and helps get rid of bad thoughts. To this end, hundreds of people walking on the lights.

Dancing with the dead.
Famadihana, which means "bone rotation", is a traditional festival that takes place in Madagascar. Participants believe that the faster the body decomposes, the faster the spirit reaches the next world. So they dug their loved ones in order to dance with them to the music around the grave, and then reburied. This bizarre ritual takes place every 2 years -7 years.

Annual Vegetarian Festival in Phuket, Thailand, is a very dangerous ritual that requires participants to pierce their cheeks with swords, knives, spears, hooks and the like. It is believed that during the ritual the gods of their body are introduced into a trance, protect from evil and good fortune in the future.

The death rites.
Amazonian Yanomami tribe is one of the most primitive in the world. In their view, death is not a natural phenomenon. The tribe decided to cremate the deceased person and his ashes mixed with bananas and eat, to the spirit of a deceased member of the tribe to continue to live among their own.

Kaningara tribe of Papua New Guinea, a very unusual practice ritual that aims to strengthen the spiritual connection between tribe members and their environment. One of the funeral ceremonies held in the "House of the Spirit." Teens live in seclusion in the House of the Spirit within two months. After this period of isolation, they are preparing for the ceremony, which recognizes their transition to adulthood. During the ritual, the person making the skin incisions bamboo splinters. These bulges resemble crocodile skin. The people of this tribe believe that crocodiles are the creators of humans. Signs on the body symbolize the crocodile teeth marks, the boy who ate and left adult male.

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