On the 89th year of life went to eternity legendary composer Gennady Gladkov, the author of music for the “Bremen musicians” and “Well, wait!”

Today, October 16, 2023, the heart of Gennady Gladkov stopped beating. People’s Artist of Russia, a talented composer and author of many hits, left this world at the 89th year of his life. But he managed to give us, the audience, a lot of hits in your favorite movies and movie musicals. Gennady Gladkov is the author of music for more than a hundred feature films, animated cartoons and film performances.

Instagram Gennady Gladkov simply could not help but love music. He has been shrouded in it since birth. Of particular importance were jazz and folk music. And all because the maternal grandfather accompanied Lidia Ruslanova herself. The pope has long been a soloist in the orchestra of the founder of Russian jazz Alexander Tsfasman. Gennady Gladkov graduated from the Central Music School in Moscow. Then there was the Chemical Polytechnic, because music is eternal, and the profession is always needed. After his graduation, he worked a year at the factory as a shift manager. But it is difficult for a creative person to curb his passion, and he decides to return to music.

Further there was a music school at the Moscow Conservatory, a conservatory and a postgraduate school. During his studies he was a teacher of a choral school and a teacher of orchestration. Training at the conservatory was not boring. And it was during this period that Gennady Gladkov wrote the music for his first play “Friend of Childhood”. Then there was the popular science film “Secrets of the Past”. In 1965 he released the album The Wizard of the Emerald City.

When Gennady Gladkov wrote the music for the animated film “Bremen Musicians”, the whole Union talked about him. And when he voiced the role of the Stupid King in the sequel “In the footsteps of the Bremen musicians”, they learned his voice. In the late 60s, Gladkov began to cooperate with Mark Zakharov. At this time, performances with the music of Gladkov are published: “Wake up and sing”, “Wonderman”, “Temp-1929”. Then there was Leningrad Drama Theater named after Leninsky Komsomol, Moscow Theater.

Creativity of Gennady Gladkov But most of all Gennady Gladkov was remembered by viewers. More than one generation knows that his music sounds in the films “12 chairs”, “Ordinary miracle”, “Formula of love”, “Kill the dragon”, as well as “Gentlemen of luck”, “People and mannequins”, “Man from the Boulevard of Capuchins” and many others. Gennady Gladkov often performed his songs in cartoons on his own. Much and actively collaborated with such outstanding poets as Yuri Entin, Yuli Kim, Dmitry Sukharev.

Since the 1980s, he has been conducting lectures at the Higher Courses of Writers and Directors. He taught more than one generation of students how to correctly present the musical solution of a film. And most importantly, he told them how to work with a composer. In 2019, he began re-publishing his music catalogue. Around this period he writes music for the film “Bronze Rider”. He has been an academician of the National Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences since 2002. Since 2001 - member of the Academy "Nika", member of the Union of Cinematographers of Russia and the Union of Composers of Russia. Unfortunately, the musician is no longer with us. Thank you for your creativity, maestro.


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