What foods should be excluded from the diet of men
Excess weight is not just a problem for women. Increasingly on the streets you can meet men with clearly extra pounds. They are women, they are women, they are women, they are women. And all because they consume daily foods containing a large amount of the female hormone estrogen. This can contribute to reducing testosterone levels in men, and libido, respectively. And also provoke fatigue and sharp mood swings.
A man's diet It should be diverse, but there are 10 products, the use of which, according to nutritionists, it is desirable to minimize if a man wants to be fit, healthy and have attraction to the opposite sex. Editorial "Site" 10 foods that negatively affect testosterone levels.
How to Eat Harmful Foods for Men
Testosterone is one of the primary male sex hormones, which is responsible not only for the appearance of male characteristics, such as facial hair, body hair and low voice. It helps maintain physical fitness, promotes the development of muscle strength, gives aggressiveness and maintains a healthy libido.
A decrease in testosterone levels and the prevalence of female hormones leads to a decrease in muscle mass and an increase in the amount of body fat, increasing the risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes and stroke. Therefore, maintaining its normal level is very important.
Earlier we talked about 5 foods that help 114-year-old man stay sober and in good health.
Tell us in the comments if there are many foods on this list in your diet (or your husband’s). Share this article with your friends on social media!
Photo by depositphotos preview.

A man's diet It should be diverse, but there are 10 products, the use of which, according to nutritionists, it is desirable to minimize if a man wants to be fit, healthy and have attraction to the opposite sex. Editorial "Site" 10 foods that negatively affect testosterone levels.
How to Eat Harmful Foods for Men
- Farming seafood
Seafood itself is very useful, but, for example, shrimp and some types of fish are often contaminated with pesticides, which increases the risk of male breast fat. Favourite shrimp are often treated with hexilresorcin, an ingredient with estrogenic properties, so that they do not lose color. Salmon grown in artificial farm conditions are also often treated with pesticides. Therefore, it is very important to pay attention to the origin of seafood, as well as to understand that many exotic species of fish and sea reptiles are grown in artificial conditions with the addition of various chemicals that are unfavorable for the male body.
DepositPhotos - Conservation
Many store canned foods, such as tuna, beans and soups, contain large amounts of bisphenol A. Previously, this substance was used in hormonal treatment of women, until researchers found its use in the production of packaging products.
DepositPhotos - Strawberry
Immediately note that we are talking about strawberries that are grown on an industrial scale. It contains many pesticides that have effects similar to estrogen. The same applies to cherries, cherries and peaches. You can eat your favorite fruits and berries all summer and wonder why your stomach is growing. It is best to buy berries from those who grow them on their site without pesticides.
DepositPhotos - Ready sausage and cheese slicing
Sausage slices and cheeses that are sold in the store are often placed in a package made from polyvinyl chloride. It has the ability to penetrate products and provoke hormonal changes. It is best to buy meat and cheese products in general or ask to wrap the slicing in paper.
DepositPhotos - Soy products
Soy contains a large number of phytoestrogens, which are similar in action to female hormones that are involved in the development of secondary sexual characteristics, such as the female breast. Therefore, it is better to minimize or completely abandon soy milk, tofu cheese and many vegetarian dishes.
DepositPhotos - Beer.
The most popular male drink actually leads to breast growth in males. If all alcoholic beverages work to lower estrogen, then hops work to lower testosterone. Also, do not forget that all alcoholic beverages negatively affect the liver, as a result of which the metabolism and the entire hormonal system suffer.
DepositPhotos - Beets
If a man has normal testosterone levels, then beets do not pose any danger. If a man has a hormonal imbalance, the level of the female hormone may increase when eating too much beet.
DepositPhotos - Cow's milk
The estrogen of cows and chickens is similar to that found in the human body. Milk and dairy products often accumulate large amounts of the female hormones estrogen and progesterone, which suppress male testosterone. It is better to give preference to goat milk.
DepositPhotos - Flaxseed
Flaxseed is considered a very useful product containing omega-3 fatty acids, fiber and a little protein. However, the seeds contain lignan, which mimics the action of estrogen and reduces testosterone levels. Men are better off consuming omega-3s in the form of fish oil, which does not affect testosterone levels.
DepositPhotos - whole-grain bread
When flour is ground, the outer shell of the grain, which contains the largest amount of phytoestrogens, is removed, and whole grain bread includes all the elements of the grain. Fiber in any case is necessary for our body, but it is important to eat whole grain products in moderation.
Testosterone is one of the primary male sex hormones, which is responsible not only for the appearance of male characteristics, such as facial hair, body hair and low voice. It helps maintain physical fitness, promotes the development of muscle strength, gives aggressiveness and maintains a healthy libido.
A decrease in testosterone levels and the prevalence of female hormones leads to a decrease in muscle mass and an increase in the amount of body fat, increasing the risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes and stroke. Therefore, maintaining its normal level is very important.
Earlier we talked about 5 foods that help 114-year-old man stay sober and in good health.
Tell us in the comments if there are many foods on this list in your diet (or your husband’s). Share this article with your friends on social media!
Photo by depositphotos preview.