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How to create a hormonal balance in the body

When we provide optimal habitat porridge body comes alive and becomes able to heal itself. Menopause and premenopausal - is not a disease, but a natural biological process. However, in the wrong environment, these processes become pathological. No matter what style of life was in the past, never too late to begin recovery.

Every small step toward health will soon result.

If a person is eating refined over decades or canned food, avoid physical exertion are exposed to xenoestrogens, attempts to restore hormonal balance may seem utopian, it is not always easy to change habits. We love fried potatoes, cakes, candy, ice cream and cakes. But if you already know what these products do not try to suddenly and completely remove them from the diet. It's too hard step for most of us.

On the contrary, it should gradually reduce the amount of food: eat two cakes instead of ten, a quarter of a bag of chips instead of the whole, to think of these products as an accidental episode, instead of daily food, try to be satisfied in any other way. As soon as the hormones will come into balance and begins to stabilize blood sugar levels, a craving for sweet and savory will begin to subside.

Many fats, before you get to our table, are exposed to processed, and therefore significantly different from those of natural products from which they are produced. Processing oils are subjected to heating, pressing under high pressure, degummizatsii (deleted lecithin, complex carbohydrates, chlorophyll, calcium, magnesium, iron and copper), alkalization (removes free fatty acids), hydrogenation (dense fats turn into slurry). < br>
These fats and oils are alien to the body. They can have a toxic effect on the cells and the level of the immune system.

One of the most important steps that can be done to meet the health - abandon the refined oils. For decades we have been told that these oils are better than butter or animal fat, but this position is not supported by scientific data. Contained in margarine, baked foods, potato chips hydrogenated oils have greater influence on heart disease than animal fats.

The paradox is that we are withdrawing from oils natural preservatives such as vitamin C and E, and then type synthetic preservatives such as BHT.

Unrefined vegetable oils contain essential vitamins and minerals, including vitamin E, so they should be a mandatory component of food.

Which fats and oils should be eaten

There are "good" fats and oils. Some of them need necessarily be eaten, in the sense that they require our organism and can not itself create them from other products. They usually enter the body with fresh vegetables and cereals. A valuable source of essential fats is also a fish.

Olive oil is used for thousands of years. There is evidence that it lowers the risk of breast cancer. Dr. Trihopolyus (United States) said that the problem is not to add the olive oil in the food we eat normally, and to substitute olive oil all other fats and oils.

Recommend to build a diet so that it occupied an important place butter or olive oil. Of course, it sounds almost criminal to recommend the butter, but it will have a negative effect on the body when to eat it in excessive quantities. Small sandwich with butter in the morning to satisfy your need for fat and does not hurt, because it is a stable saturated fat.

Such fat by itself is not bad for the body. When we eat more fat than we can burn, we polneem, the body becomes unbalanced. No need to blame the oil, it is necessary to accuse his excessive drinking.

Olive oil is a mono-unsaturated fat, so it is stable and does not undergo oxidation reactions. Best Green unrefined olive oil, which retains nearly all the nutrients. Some groups in Greece and Italy have a very low incidence of heart disease. Most of their food is olive oil.

Raw foods

If only offered to give advice on how to improve your health, you would be advised to eat fresh natural unprocessed foods. They contain in excess vitamins, minerals and other nutrients, as well as fiber, which is very important for hormonal balance. They do not contain refined sugar, white flour, preservatives or dyes.

Among the raw product is called bran cereal, brown sugar, brown rice, legumes, including soybeans. Beans will not induce gas formation in the intestine if they are introduced into the diet gradually, soaked overnight in water and the water drained before cooking. In Japan, which use a lot of soybeans, breast and prostate cancer are rare.

Unprocessed foods include fresh vegetables. You could say that cooking vegetables - it is a terrible tradition. Fresh vegetables are delicacies, if they are eaten raw or after treatment for a couple. Fresh root vegetables - beets, carrots, turnips, onions, garlic, potatoes - surprisingly tasty baked in olive oil with fresh herbs. And finally, we must not forget the fresh fruit, which should replace a variety of desserts with white sugar.

If you are used to eating refined processed foods, the appeal to the natural food must be gradual. The digestive system is able to adapt to the higher content of fiber in the diet.

No need to talk about how important it is to stop smoking. We should not forget that alcohol destroys the liver, prevents the absorption of nutrients at risk of getting cancer.

Special products for hormonal balance

There are literally thousands of plants, including vegetables that contain sterols. Plant sterols - close relatives of the human steroid hormones. In some cases, the body uses to create sterols balance between the hormones. For example, phytoestrogens in soybeans occupy estrogen receptors, but have a very weak estrogenic effects. Eating soy may indirectly reduce the activity of estrogen, because they prevent contact with the receptors.

Soy sterol called diosginin used for the production of many pharmaceutical hormone products, including progesterone, DHEA, estrogen, testosterone and cortisone. Diosginina molecule is such that a suitable laboratory human steroid precursor. Despite the fact that they are produced in vitro, we call them the natural hormones. In the body there is no biochemical pathways for processing diosginina in progesterone, DHEA, estrogen, testosterone and cortisone.

When receiving diosginina inside hormone levels did not increase, but sometimes reduced cholesterol content. The Japanese, whose diet is a lot of soy, the frequency of breast and prostate cancer is lower than in Western countries. When the Japanese move to America and change the style of food, the incidence of them becomes the same as the Americans.

Herbs and hormonal balance

Many doctors and naturopaths are successfully used herbs to create a balance of hormones. Although herbs are gentler than pharmaceutical drugs, they should be used only as prescribed by specialists. Usually do not recommend taking herbs during pregnancy, but in exceptional cases this can be done under the supervision of an experienced expert.

Here is a list of herbs that are widely used and well understood.

Angelica - it is called the best tonic for women. It is widely used in Chinese medicine. Contrary to popular belief, Angelica does not contain estrogen or phytoestrogen. Its action is to relax or strengthen the muscles of the uterus, improving liver function. In addition, vitamin E is better utilized, restored a normal heart rhythm, decreased blood pressure. In other words, Angelica can be attributed to the category of adaptogens, ie It causes the body to a state of harmony.

Angelica arhangelika - another type of Angelica, which exhibits slight hormonal activity. The plant has a mild stimulating effect. In folk medicine used in the menstrual cycle.

Fenugrik - known as the tea plant. Corn plants that contain sterols, including diosginin, in relatively large quantities. It causes uterine contractions. The herb is useful when the menstrual period is late. Fenugrik also lowers blood sugar and cholesterol, and grains act as a laxative.

Unicorn ores - insufficiently studied. It contains diosginin and hormonally active. Naturopaths use it to deal with menopause symptoms, to prevent miscarriage.

Sarsaparilla - contains plant sterols and sarsapoginin, similar in structure to certain hormones. According to one prominent phytotherapeutists, this plant stimulates the adrenal cortex, so it may be useful in case of insufficiency of these glands.

Likoritseya - the most common ingredient in Chinese herbal formulas. Widely used to treat stomach ulcers. In Chinese medicine, use it to treat adrenal insufficiency. One of the ingredients - gliritsizin, if taken for a long time may increase your blood pressure at high doses

. Wild yam - widely used for the production of steroid hormones contained therein diosginina. In many progesterone creams stated: "wild yam extract»

. Unfortunately, this is confusing, because the pharmaceutical companies add diosginin in cream and claim that it is the same as that of the progesterone. Diosginin progesterone is not equivalent. Use creams that say "wild yam extract," if you are sure that it contains progesterone.

Hormonal balance in children and adolescents

In children, as in adults, the secret of a hormone imbalance late puberty same: malnutrition n lack of exercise. Fluctuations in the level of hormones in teenagers can often be minimized by following a healthy lifestyle. The biggest threat to the hormonal balance in our children is an estrogen contamination of meat products.

Estrogen stimulates the development of female characteristics at puberty. Early puberty means longer exposure to estrogen in the body, which increases the risk of cancer. In the previous two generations of puberty came to an end in 18-20 years. Now the girls start to menstruate as early as 11-12 years. We accept it is now the norm. This is not true. Apparently, early sexual realignment caused by the action of estrogens and xenoestrogens, contained in meat products and in the inspired air.

In 70 - 80 years in Puerto Rico, it noted a strange mass phenomenon when the girls started puberty at the age of 1 year, and the boys have developed breast cancer. It has been found that the cause of this phenomenon was the high content of estrogen-like substances in meat products.

As long as humanity does not abandon the practice to increase the weight of the animals due to hormones, the safest way to protect children from hormonal disorders - to reduce the consumption of meat products, or spend a little more money to buy meat free of hormones

. Do not get involved in the meat food more because excessive consumption of meat products have a negative effect on the growth of bone tissue. Too high protein content in the body creates an acid condition in the blood, which could be neutralized with calcium. If it is not enough, the calcium will be released from the bones, and the childhood and adolescence - a time to build bone, not to destroy them

! Another threat to adolescent health - non-alcoholic beverages. They contain a huge amount of sugar. For example, one can of Coke is 9 teaspoons of sugar. Take a right amount of sugar - which means to cause fluctuation of its level in the blood, increase the weight, provoke adrenal insufficiency. Moreover, some drinks containing aspartame, a synthetic chemical compound that can cause damage to brain cells, hyperactivity, mental decline, Alzheimer's disease.

Good nutrition for children and adolescents means plant-based diet with the inclusion of moderate amounts of meat. Children can have more fat than adults (up to 30% of the diet). It is necessary to give children vegetables, cooked in a small amount of olive oil. If they like the salt, it is recommended to include in the diet of corn, oat or rice flakes.

Lovers of sweets should not give more fruit, vegetable rich in fiber.

Exercise is extremely important in order to successfully pass the period of sexual development. Parents of teens should do everything in their power to children after school playing sports.

It does not matter whether they are on the basketball team or engage in skating, gymnastics or martial arts - the main thing that they were active and moving a lot. This is the best way to channel the energy of a teenager in a positive way, to maintain its health and hormonal balance.

Nutritional supplements for children and adolescents

If a child appears acne, depressed mood and other symptoms of excessive hormone production, first of all, should be amended in the diet: Limit milk, meat, refined products. Preference should be given to relatively unprocessed plant foods.

This allows, on the one hand, excluding food xenoestrogens and other foreign substances and, on the other hand, provide a full set of required nutrients. The inclusion of antioxidants such as vitamin C (500 mg) and vitamin E (100 mg), helps to neutralize toxic substances coming from the external environment. Carrots and green leafy vegetables - an important source of beta-carotene

. Hormonal balance in young women

The biggest threat to the hormonal balance in young women coming from contraceptive pills. There are mountains of evidence that these pills cause numerous serious health problems, including depression, headaches, nausea, edema, high cholesterol or triglycerides, liver disease, urinary tract infections, blood clots, bleeding in the brain, and all the signs of estrogen dominance. < br>
Parents should inform their daughters about the processes related to the hormonal balance and prevent the use of any chemical contraceptives. Most often, the young will learn about all these problems from each other, rather than from their parents or doctor.

Young women, as well as adolescents, need vitamins. Multivitamins with a sufficient amount of antioxidants should protect against harmful environmental factors. In addition, it is important a sensible diet and some physical activity.

Hormonal system in premenstrual period

Symptoms of menopause can occur in women for the first time in the third decade of life. They are due to anovulatory cycles, resulting in estrogen progesterone begins to dominate.

As a result of deregulation of hormones occurs myriad symptoms of which we have mentioned above several times. Menstrual periods will continue, even if there is no ovulation, but they can become irregular.

Adrenal insufficiency associated with a busy lifestyle can exacerbate estrogen dominance. Because pregnancy is not possible without ovulation, infertility is often a problem for women trying to get pregnant at this age.

It can be assumed that chronic fatigue syndrome is caused by a combination of estrogen dominance and adrenal insufficiency. In chronic fatigue syndrome need to take several steps.

First, evaluate your lifestyle.

If a woman is not eating, not drinking enough fluids, not engaged in physical activity, experiencing constant stress, then all of this is not a magic pill, and only the woman herself can deal with the existing problem. Забота о своем здоровье должна стать высшим приоритетом.

Во-вторых, можно попытаться использовать прогестероновый крем с 12 по 26 день цикла и затем оценить, снимает или нет такое лечение симптоматику. Мно­гие женщины говорят, что они вздохнули с облегчением пос­ле двух дней пользования кремом.

У других позитивные сдви­ги начались только после одного-двух месяцев приема. Иног­да в начале лечения симптомы доминирования эстрогена ста­новились более яркими. Однако через неделю или две эти сим­птомы исчезали. Пациенткам, начавшим пользоваться проге­стероном, целесообразно вести дневник, в котором отмечать свое физическое, эмоциональное и психическое состояние.

Если женщина хрупкого телосложения с тонкими костями и наличием остеопороза у родителей, рекомендуется проверить плотность костей на приборе и если таковая уменьшается, нуж­но немедленно начать пользоваться прогестероновым кремом.

Если женщина употребляет натуральные продукты, пьет достаточное количество чистой воды, занимается физкульту­рой, имеет хорошее пищеварение, то потребность вводить ви­тамины извне минимальна. Однако при несбалансированнос­ти гормонов следует принимать: витамин В-комплекс, вклю­чающий витамин В6 — 50 мг; витамин С — 2000 мг в день; вита­мин Е — 400 ME в день; магний — 500 мг в день. Когда баланс гормонов установится, нужно продолжить прием только ви­таминов — антиоксидантов.

Гормональный баланс в период менопаузы

В возрасте, приближающемся к 50-ти годам, женщины, как правило, получают гормональную заместительную терапию (ГЗТ), чтобы снять неприятные проявления менопаузы. Про­веденный через год тест на рост клеток обнаруживает актив­ный тканевой рост. Доктор обычно расценивает такие изме­нения как «предрак» и предлагает удалить матку. После уда­ления матки женщины вновь начинают принимать ГЗТ. Что можно сказать о такой ситуации?

Во-первых, непонятно, почему женщина должна принимать синтетические гормоны. Существуют натуральные гормоны, они безопасны, свободны от побочных эффектов.

Во-вторых, только очень немногие женщины нуждаются в добавке эстро­гена.

Обычно можно ограничиться вагинальным кремом. Большинство женщин проходит через период менопаузы бла­гополучно и им необходим только прогестерон в небольшом количестве.

В-третьих, «предраковые» изменения в тканях, возникшие на фоне гормональной заместительной терапии или эстрогенного доминирования, исчезают через несколько ме­сяцев после приема прогестерона.

Тканевой рост непосредственно связан с эстрогенами, он очень медленно прогрессирует, поэтому есть возможность подождать некоторое время и проследить эффективность ле­чения прогестероном. При приливах и сухости слизистых обо­лочек нужно попробовать прогестероновый крем. Если он не помогает, то следует применить эстрогеновый крем в тече­ние нескольких месяцев, затем снова пройти тест и постепен­но завершить лечение (в течение 1-2-х месяцев).

По мере того, как мы стареем, процессы пищеварения все ухудшаются, плохо всасываются питательные вещества. По­этому женщина в менопаузе должна особое внимание обра­щать на пищеварительную систему: употреблять больше рас­тительной клетчатки, ежедневно пить йогурт, пользоваться ацидофильными препаратами.

У большинства женщин преклонного возраста высок риск остеопороза. Наряду с хорошим питанием и физическими упражнениями прогестерон является прекрасным способом предупреждать остеопороз и не давать ему развиваться.