Hormones of well-being
Dopamine gives us clarity of thought, energy, and inspires action. Serotonin gives peace, satisfaction and optimism. Endorphins also give the person a feeling of wellbeing, thanks to him, he can more effectively deal with stress. The production of these neurotransmitters depends on diet and exercise. However, this is not enough. You need something else.
On the biochemical processes in the brain greatly affect the quality of your relationships, communication, work and lifestyle. Full of friendly communication, cooperation with others, the opportunity to work together and provide each other support, spiritual unity with like-minded people -all of this stimulates the production of serotonin.
The ability to achieve real results, positive feedback and recognition of others, incentives, awards, entertainment, friendly competition, challenges, the opportunity to innovate and learn something new — it stimulates the production of dopamine.
The quality of communication at home and at work directly affects the production of serotonin and dopamine from a raw material which enters the body with food. Even with the good raw materials synthesis of these neurotransmitters does not take place, if this does not help your relationship with others and a way of life.
Support in a relationship is absolutely necessary for the production of dopamine and serotonin, but that's not enough for the feeling of well-being. In order to make the brain produce endorphins, we need to support other people. For biochemical balance in the brain the necessary balance between what we give and receive in life, between action and result. Sharing our hearts and working for the benefit of others, we stimulate the production of hormones such as testosterone and oxytocin. In combination with the necessary quantities of serotonin and dopamine these substances are used for the synthesis of the heavenly endorphins.
No one else can stimulate the production of the hormones testosterone and oxytocin in our body. We have to do it themselves. As for the formation of dopamine and serotonin, then we are largely dependent on other people and external circumstances. Our hormonal balance depends on what we do and what you give to others. When a woman gives someone the warmth, guided by love, her body produces oxytocin. When a man acts in order to benefit others, his body produces testosterone. High levels of oxytocin helps to maintain the proper level of production of serotonin; a high level of testosterone helps to support at high level the production of dopamine. Adjusting your behavior and/or reactions to certain situations, you contribute to the production of necessary hormones in the body, which, in turn, stimulate healthy biochemical processes in the brain.
The increase in hormone levels
When the content of hormones in the body rises to a healthy level, the brain rewards you with endorphins. The Martians get such a reward for the higher levels of testosterone, and variance for higher levels of oxytocin. Read more to understand this important biochemical difference between the sexes, we will be able to understand why men and women behave differently and react to the same situation.
Endorphins are produced in response to the increase in the level of testosterone and oxytocin in the body.
When a man acts guided by the desire to protect and serve, the level of testosterone in his body growing. To protect and serve -the Martian slogan, inherent in the nature of a man at the genetic level. In addition, this behavior stimulates the production of testosterone.
Testosterone is the hormone of passion, the oxytocin, the love hormone. Even when a man does not feel deep love, his body produces testosterone and increases the level of dopamine, if he is guided by his passion to do good and to protect the welfare of others. When his actions get a positive response, the level of oxytocin in the male body also increases and he feels a surge of love.
In women, the situation is different. If it is out of oxytocin and increases the level of testosterone in the body, doing good things in the brain generated an additional amount of dopamine, and the woman feels a surge of energy, but not necessarily love. The problem is that an increase in dopamine and testosterone in her blood usually leads to a reduction in the level of serotonin and oxytocin. So instead of improving your mood it will only feel more left out, unnecessary and devoid of support.
The feeling of well-being in men
When a man does something to solve any problem, his mood immediately lifted. Doing something, he thereby increases the level of testosterone in your body. With the increase in the level of testosterone in the brain are synthesized endorphins. As you know, endorphins cause a feeling of well-being. If a woman does the same, the level of testosterone in her body will also increase, but it may lead to lower levels of oxytocin. Oxytocin is responsible for feelings of love and emotional intimacy. The smaller of oxytocin in a woman's body, the less it is able to assess the support that you give to her relatives, and her desire to care for others and share its warmth decreases. The drop in the level of oxytocin leads to a decrease in serotonin levels, followed the woman inevitably loses the sense of well-being.
The feeling of well-being in men is directly related to the level of testosterone in the body. If a man finds a solution to confronting his problem, he immediately feels a surge of strength. If somewhere a fire is raging, and he has water and a hose, he is truly a happy man. The fire stimulates the production of dopamine. When a man uses a water hose to extinguish the fire, his body produces testosterone. When the man are the goals and objectives of, the testosterone level in the body rises and he is happy. If he experiences sexual arousal and I am sure that it will reach its goal, the energy and vitality is composed with happiness and pleasure. With the increase in the level of testosterone, brain begins to produce endorphins and sense of well-being is enhanced.
The boys, having fought, become friends, and girls — no.
Researchers studying the difference between the sexes, have noticed a curious thing: boys after a fight often develop friendships, and girls often become enemies for life. Intersexual differences in brain chemistry help to explain this mysterious fact.
The boys are fighting or always behave aggressively in order to protect someone or to serve any purpose. Doesn't matter, does it protect the boy himself or someone else. He has the body produces testosterone, and the brain rewards him for that dose of endorphins. The girls going on another process. They don't find the fight anything of value. Fight the opposite of constructive dialogue and cooperation. During the fight, the girl produces dopamine and testosterone, but serotonin and oxytocin decreases. The result of any feeling of well-being cannot be considered.
The girls during a fight the levels of serotonin and oxytocin drops, so they can become enemies for life.
The balance between home and work for women
When men compete with each other, the desire to defeat the opponent stimulates good feelings associated with the manufacturing of dopamine and testosterone. Especially clearly manifested a friendly rivalry in sports but it is present in varying degrees and at work. Woman in the competition not getting the same hormonal benefits that man. With falling levels of serotonin and oxytocin weakens and sense of well-being.
To balance prevailing in the job competition, aggression, risk and tension, the woman needs warmth and affection when she gets home. She wants to share the experiences accumulated during the day, and my husband often want to forget about working day and be alone with yourself: read a newspaper, to Tinker in the garage, watch TV. He has no urgent need to tell everything that happened the day because it doesn't lack in serotonin.
When the wife asks her husband, how was your day, man does not feel the desire to tell and to share; in fact, he would prefer to forget about it. Man I want to be alone with yourself, relax and give your body a chance to restore testosterone and dopamine — especially if the day was heavy. And the last thing he wants to talk about what happened during the day.
Woman wants to share experiences of the day, and the man — to forget about them.
Some women are reluctant to share experiences of the day (especially if her husband is very talkative), but most of all they want cooperation in the relationship. A woman wants to know she can count on the help and assistance of men. In different women the production of oxytocin is stimulated by a variety of reasons, however, this substance is necessary for good health to all of them. But men need testosterone. Although most men don't tend to talk about the day, there are exceptions. Some men, returning from work, say a lot. The conversation helps them to raise the level of testosterone in the body. Complaining about the people and happenings of the day, they feel right. And the feeling of rightness stimulates the production of testosterone.
Talking is helpful for relationships, but if a woman or a man talks too much, then... we should talk less. Often the wives too talkative men become silent and want their spouses less talking and more helping. If this is the case, that a man ought to satisfy their need to speak in a gathering with friends. If he will try a little more silent, she can say any more, and that a woman needs to produce serotonin.
Testosterone, dopamine and stress reduction
When the boy or men the level of testosterone, the brain immediately makes it an extra dose of endorphins, and stress load (reflected in the level of cortisol in the body) decreases. Many men in the heat of battle the most calm and collected. For them, the most stressful -the waiting battle.
The level of testosterone, the male hormone wellbeing increases whenever man thinks that he serves or protects. Perhaps, in fact, a man commits a grave crime, but if he is convinced that saves the world from danger, the testosterone levels in his body increases, and in the soul there is a sense of pride and well-being. If a man is convinced that saves the world from danger, he can enjoy, even killing and torturing others.
If the testosterone level in the body increases, but the man is determined not to protect and to serve, he behaves much more friendly, carefully and lovingly. After the battle a man may be at once ready to love, while the woman often takes more than one day before it will restore healthy levels of serotonin and oxytocin.
Levels of dopamine and testosterone are interdependent. Increased level of testosterone stimulates the production of dopamine, and increasing dopamine levels, stimulates the production of testosterone.
Serving and protecting, the man gets rid of fog of consciousness, which is usually accompanied by reduced levels of dopamine. High dopamine levels promotes clear thinking and concentration. Plus dopamine counterbalances serotonin, which is usually present in the male body in excess. Serving and protecting, the man gets rid of fog of consciousness.
Dopamine helps to focus attention, and serotonin enhances the ability to perceive and retain information. Dopamine helps to set priorities and decide what needs to be done to achieve the goal or solve the problem. It stimulates the frontal lobes of the brain that control the rest of the brain. The normal level of dopamine, the Executive part of the brain tells us what to do and what to achieve. In response to the increased level of testosterone in the body, and the body replies, "Yes, sir. Will be done, sir."
Testosterone is for men of particular importance, as they lack dopamine. Since women have dopamine in excess, testosterone is not as important to them. Important for women oxytocin, which helps to produce serotonin.
When a woman feels a lack of serotonin, it to stimulate the synthesis of this important neurotransmitter, begins frantically to communicate and perceive too much information. Too much information overloads the brain, limiting a woman's ability to analyze and make decisions.
There is a paradoxical situation: the more information a woman receives, the less confident she feels. When she cares about someone, the body produces oxytocin, which in turn promotes the production of serotonin, which helps her to calm down and relax. Caring about someone, a woman at a time gets rid of the need too to overload the brain with information.
Low serotonin levels makes us active communication; as a result, we perceive too much information, which prevents us to make decisions.
When a man lacks of dopamine, it to stimulate its production, focuses on a single case. Performing actions conducive to the production of testosterone, for example, solving problems or lifting weights, he feels pleasure and a burst of energy as the brain begins to produce dopamine.
Dopamine helps to focus attention, and serotonin — the perception of large amounts of information.
Dopamine-deficient boy who almost falls asleep Il lesson, suddenly animated for a video game. The fact that he works and gets a response. Such activity stimulates the production of testosterone, and hence of dopamine, so the boy suddenly feels a surge of energy and gains the ability to focus.
Deficient serotonin girl who always tries to please others and too worried about what people think about it more, maybe to relax a little when he feels someone's care. The girl is very important to have a best friend. Sharing secrets, girls stimulate the production of oxytocin in your body. The need for oxytocin is particularly great when the body lacks serotonin. At the extreme, secretninja can develop into cruel gossip and the tendency to form closed clique.
If you hurt someone, and I, with you, condemn the offender and slander in his address, the impression that I show to you care. Taking your side and criticizing your Opponent, I'm stimulating the production of oxytocin in your and " your body. Therefore girls suffering from serotonin deficiency tend to cluster in the clique and to exclude anyone from his circle.
Sebrenica, girls stimulate the production of oxytocin in your body.
If the level of dopamine in normal man wants to act, to solve problems, achieve goals, achieve results. When we Express our purpose in the paper or listen to someone talking about the prospects for the future, the production of dopamine increases. We experience a call to action, and the testosterone level increases. Dopamine finds a solution to the problem, and the testosterone gives us the motivation and energy for action. With a normal level of testosterone a person has the responsibility, commitment, motivation and energy.
Keep the passion of love
If with age, the level of testosterone in the male body is not reduced, it is able to maintain the passion until old age. Studies show that only in the West men with age decreases the level of testosterone. In indigenous peoples around the world who have not adopted Western methods of agriculture and the food cravings testosterone levels in men remains unchanged until the end of life. This level increases dramatically in adolescence and then falls. Perhaps the drop in dopamine levels in Western men, leading to a reduction in the production of testosterone that causes prostate problems after the age of fifty.
The men of the tribe of Hunza, living in the mountains of Pakistan, do not suffer from prostate problems and often produce offspring at the age of eighty and even ninety years. People who have reached a century of age, it is not considered old or even older. Only in the West men with age decreases the level of testosterone.
Work is for man a source of stress. The house where he was surrounded by warmth and love, dopamine levels in the body drops. In this regard, falls and testosterone levels. If, listening to the wife about her day, he feels guilty that does nothing or can't do to make her happy, the level of testosterone in his system falls even more.
With the drop in the level of testosterone in the brain receives enzymes that extend the endorphins. With the dissolution of endorphins fatigue, boredom and the inability to focus creates a wall between a man and his wife. The more he tries to show sympathy to the wife, the more they possess fatigue and boredom. If he abandoned the attempt to show compassion as decides that nothing can be done for her, the level of testosterone falls even more, and man becomes alienated, irritable, and angry. This frustration and alienation serve as a signal that the brain of a man, reduced the number of endorphins and sense of well-being evaporated.
In order to avoid such a sharp fall in sentiment, the man instinctively stops to listen to a woman and looking for a way to stimulate the production of dopamine long before angry or upset. He hurries hurry to get to the TV, read the paper, etc. It is the desire to preserve the feeling of well-being prompts him to kill the partner, offering solutions to the problems.
He interrupts the woman, not because she is indifferent to him. In fact, the more cares about her man, the harder it passively listen to her problems without trying anything to help. If a man was indifferent to the woman inability to help one bit if he was not upset.
The more a man cares about a woman, the harder it is to hear about her problems, if he can not help.
When a man realizes that women come from Venus and they have other needs, much has changed. He understands that a woman primarily needs to be heard, and not necessarily trying to solve its problems. She does not wait for decisions. He did not need to resolve and offer solutions. Listening to a woman, he does what she wants.
When a man listens to a woman without trying to solve her problem, he thereby does what she wants.
Listening to the woman and giving her the opportunity to speak out, the man helps her raise the level of serotonin in the body and find a sense of well-being. If the man knows about it, it does not suffer from their passivity, and it is easy to be patient, because thereby he brings the woman a favor. The level of dopamine and testosterone in his body is not reduced, but growing. When a man knows about women's needs, it radically changes the situation, now the organisms of both partners produce hormones and neurotransmitters that provide positive emotions — like men and women.
When the man returns home, the level of serotonin in the brain is increased, because he genuinely cares about his family. This gives the man a sense of peace and satisfaction, but it doesn't have enough tasks and challenges to stimulate dopamine. If diet and exercise do not contribute to the production of dopamine in sufficient quantities, the level of testosterone in his body decreases.published
From the book by John gray "Mars and Venus. Diet and exercise"
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: www.lavkachudec.ru/publ/zdorove_i_celitelstvo/testosteron_i_oksitocin_gormony_blagopoluchija/4-1-0-2448
On the biochemical processes in the brain greatly affect the quality of your relationships, communication, work and lifestyle. Full of friendly communication, cooperation with others, the opportunity to work together and provide each other support, spiritual unity with like-minded people -all of this stimulates the production of serotonin.

The ability to achieve real results, positive feedback and recognition of others, incentives, awards, entertainment, friendly competition, challenges, the opportunity to innovate and learn something new — it stimulates the production of dopamine.
The quality of communication at home and at work directly affects the production of serotonin and dopamine from a raw material which enters the body with food. Even with the good raw materials synthesis of these neurotransmitters does not take place, if this does not help your relationship with others and a way of life.
Support in a relationship is absolutely necessary for the production of dopamine and serotonin, but that's not enough for the feeling of well-being. In order to make the brain produce endorphins, we need to support other people. For biochemical balance in the brain the necessary balance between what we give and receive in life, between action and result. Sharing our hearts and working for the benefit of others, we stimulate the production of hormones such as testosterone and oxytocin. In combination with the necessary quantities of serotonin and dopamine these substances are used for the synthesis of the heavenly endorphins.
No one else can stimulate the production of the hormones testosterone and oxytocin in our body. We have to do it themselves. As for the formation of dopamine and serotonin, then we are largely dependent on other people and external circumstances. Our hormonal balance depends on what we do and what you give to others. When a woman gives someone the warmth, guided by love, her body produces oxytocin. When a man acts in order to benefit others, his body produces testosterone. High levels of oxytocin helps to maintain the proper level of production of serotonin; a high level of testosterone helps to support at high level the production of dopamine. Adjusting your behavior and/or reactions to certain situations, you contribute to the production of necessary hormones in the body, which, in turn, stimulate healthy biochemical processes in the brain.
The increase in hormone levels
When the content of hormones in the body rises to a healthy level, the brain rewards you with endorphins. The Martians get such a reward for the higher levels of testosterone, and variance for higher levels of oxytocin. Read more to understand this important biochemical difference between the sexes, we will be able to understand why men and women behave differently and react to the same situation.
Endorphins are produced in response to the increase in the level of testosterone and oxytocin in the body.
When a man acts guided by the desire to protect and serve, the level of testosterone in his body growing. To protect and serve -the Martian slogan, inherent in the nature of a man at the genetic level. In addition, this behavior stimulates the production of testosterone.
Testosterone is the hormone of passion, the oxytocin, the love hormone. Even when a man does not feel deep love, his body produces testosterone and increases the level of dopamine, if he is guided by his passion to do good and to protect the welfare of others. When his actions get a positive response, the level of oxytocin in the male body also increases and he feels a surge of love.
In women, the situation is different. If it is out of oxytocin and increases the level of testosterone in the body, doing good things in the brain generated an additional amount of dopamine, and the woman feels a surge of energy, but not necessarily love. The problem is that an increase in dopamine and testosterone in her blood usually leads to a reduction in the level of serotonin and oxytocin. So instead of improving your mood it will only feel more left out, unnecessary and devoid of support.
The feeling of well-being in men
When a man does something to solve any problem, his mood immediately lifted. Doing something, he thereby increases the level of testosterone in your body. With the increase in the level of testosterone in the brain are synthesized endorphins. As you know, endorphins cause a feeling of well-being. If a woman does the same, the level of testosterone in her body will also increase, but it may lead to lower levels of oxytocin. Oxytocin is responsible for feelings of love and emotional intimacy. The smaller of oxytocin in a woman's body, the less it is able to assess the support that you give to her relatives, and her desire to care for others and share its warmth decreases. The drop in the level of oxytocin leads to a decrease in serotonin levels, followed the woman inevitably loses the sense of well-being.
The feeling of well-being in men is directly related to the level of testosterone in the body. If a man finds a solution to confronting his problem, he immediately feels a surge of strength. If somewhere a fire is raging, and he has water and a hose, he is truly a happy man. The fire stimulates the production of dopamine. When a man uses a water hose to extinguish the fire, his body produces testosterone. When the man are the goals and objectives of, the testosterone level in the body rises and he is happy. If he experiences sexual arousal and I am sure that it will reach its goal, the energy and vitality is composed with happiness and pleasure. With the increase in the level of testosterone, brain begins to produce endorphins and sense of well-being is enhanced.
The boys, having fought, become friends, and girls — no.
Researchers studying the difference between the sexes, have noticed a curious thing: boys after a fight often develop friendships, and girls often become enemies for life. Intersexual differences in brain chemistry help to explain this mysterious fact.
The boys are fighting or always behave aggressively in order to protect someone or to serve any purpose. Doesn't matter, does it protect the boy himself or someone else. He has the body produces testosterone, and the brain rewards him for that dose of endorphins. The girls going on another process. They don't find the fight anything of value. Fight the opposite of constructive dialogue and cooperation. During the fight, the girl produces dopamine and testosterone, but serotonin and oxytocin decreases. The result of any feeling of well-being cannot be considered.
The girls during a fight the levels of serotonin and oxytocin drops, so they can become enemies for life.
The balance between home and work for women
When men compete with each other, the desire to defeat the opponent stimulates good feelings associated with the manufacturing of dopamine and testosterone. Especially clearly manifested a friendly rivalry in sports but it is present in varying degrees and at work. Woman in the competition not getting the same hormonal benefits that man. With falling levels of serotonin and oxytocin weakens and sense of well-being.
To balance prevailing in the job competition, aggression, risk and tension, the woman needs warmth and affection when she gets home. She wants to share the experiences accumulated during the day, and my husband often want to forget about working day and be alone with yourself: read a newspaper, to Tinker in the garage, watch TV. He has no urgent need to tell everything that happened the day because it doesn't lack in serotonin.
When the wife asks her husband, how was your day, man does not feel the desire to tell and to share; in fact, he would prefer to forget about it. Man I want to be alone with yourself, relax and give your body a chance to restore testosterone and dopamine — especially if the day was heavy. And the last thing he wants to talk about what happened during the day.
Woman wants to share experiences of the day, and the man — to forget about them.
Some women are reluctant to share experiences of the day (especially if her husband is very talkative), but most of all they want cooperation in the relationship. A woman wants to know she can count on the help and assistance of men. In different women the production of oxytocin is stimulated by a variety of reasons, however, this substance is necessary for good health to all of them. But men need testosterone. Although most men don't tend to talk about the day, there are exceptions. Some men, returning from work, say a lot. The conversation helps them to raise the level of testosterone in the body. Complaining about the people and happenings of the day, they feel right. And the feeling of rightness stimulates the production of testosterone.
Talking is helpful for relationships, but if a woman or a man talks too much, then... we should talk less. Often the wives too talkative men become silent and want their spouses less talking and more helping. If this is the case, that a man ought to satisfy their need to speak in a gathering with friends. If he will try a little more silent, she can say any more, and that a woman needs to produce serotonin.
Testosterone, dopamine and stress reduction
When the boy or men the level of testosterone, the brain immediately makes it an extra dose of endorphins, and stress load (reflected in the level of cortisol in the body) decreases. Many men in the heat of battle the most calm and collected. For them, the most stressful -the waiting battle.
The level of testosterone, the male hormone wellbeing increases whenever man thinks that he serves or protects. Perhaps, in fact, a man commits a grave crime, but if he is convinced that saves the world from danger, the testosterone levels in his body increases, and in the soul there is a sense of pride and well-being. If a man is convinced that saves the world from danger, he can enjoy, even killing and torturing others.
If the testosterone level in the body increases, but the man is determined not to protect and to serve, he behaves much more friendly, carefully and lovingly. After the battle a man may be at once ready to love, while the woman often takes more than one day before it will restore healthy levels of serotonin and oxytocin.
Levels of dopamine and testosterone are interdependent. Increased level of testosterone stimulates the production of dopamine, and increasing dopamine levels, stimulates the production of testosterone.
Serving and protecting, the man gets rid of fog of consciousness, which is usually accompanied by reduced levels of dopamine. High dopamine levels promotes clear thinking and concentration. Plus dopamine counterbalances serotonin, which is usually present in the male body in excess. Serving and protecting, the man gets rid of fog of consciousness.
Dopamine helps to focus attention, and serotonin enhances the ability to perceive and retain information. Dopamine helps to set priorities and decide what needs to be done to achieve the goal or solve the problem. It stimulates the frontal lobes of the brain that control the rest of the brain. The normal level of dopamine, the Executive part of the brain tells us what to do and what to achieve. In response to the increased level of testosterone in the body, and the body replies, "Yes, sir. Will be done, sir."
Testosterone is for men of particular importance, as they lack dopamine. Since women have dopamine in excess, testosterone is not as important to them. Important for women oxytocin, which helps to produce serotonin.
When a woman feels a lack of serotonin, it to stimulate the synthesis of this important neurotransmitter, begins frantically to communicate and perceive too much information. Too much information overloads the brain, limiting a woman's ability to analyze and make decisions.
There is a paradoxical situation: the more information a woman receives, the less confident she feels. When she cares about someone, the body produces oxytocin, which in turn promotes the production of serotonin, which helps her to calm down and relax. Caring about someone, a woman at a time gets rid of the need too to overload the brain with information.
Low serotonin levels makes us active communication; as a result, we perceive too much information, which prevents us to make decisions.
When a man lacks of dopamine, it to stimulate its production, focuses on a single case. Performing actions conducive to the production of testosterone, for example, solving problems or lifting weights, he feels pleasure and a burst of energy as the brain begins to produce dopamine.
Dopamine helps to focus attention, and serotonin — the perception of large amounts of information.
Dopamine-deficient boy who almost falls asleep Il lesson, suddenly animated for a video game. The fact that he works and gets a response. Such activity stimulates the production of testosterone, and hence of dopamine, so the boy suddenly feels a surge of energy and gains the ability to focus.
Deficient serotonin girl who always tries to please others and too worried about what people think about it more, maybe to relax a little when he feels someone's care. The girl is very important to have a best friend. Sharing secrets, girls stimulate the production of oxytocin in your body. The need for oxytocin is particularly great when the body lacks serotonin. At the extreme, secretninja can develop into cruel gossip and the tendency to form closed clique.
If you hurt someone, and I, with you, condemn the offender and slander in his address, the impression that I show to you care. Taking your side and criticizing your Opponent, I'm stimulating the production of oxytocin in your and " your body. Therefore girls suffering from serotonin deficiency tend to cluster in the clique and to exclude anyone from his circle.
Sebrenica, girls stimulate the production of oxytocin in your body.
If the level of dopamine in normal man wants to act, to solve problems, achieve goals, achieve results. When we Express our purpose in the paper or listen to someone talking about the prospects for the future, the production of dopamine increases. We experience a call to action, and the testosterone level increases. Dopamine finds a solution to the problem, and the testosterone gives us the motivation and energy for action. With a normal level of testosterone a person has the responsibility, commitment, motivation and energy.
Keep the passion of love
If with age, the level of testosterone in the male body is not reduced, it is able to maintain the passion until old age. Studies show that only in the West men with age decreases the level of testosterone. In indigenous peoples around the world who have not adopted Western methods of agriculture and the food cravings testosterone levels in men remains unchanged until the end of life. This level increases dramatically in adolescence and then falls. Perhaps the drop in dopamine levels in Western men, leading to a reduction in the production of testosterone that causes prostate problems after the age of fifty.
The men of the tribe of Hunza, living in the mountains of Pakistan, do not suffer from prostate problems and often produce offspring at the age of eighty and even ninety years. People who have reached a century of age, it is not considered old or even older. Only in the West men with age decreases the level of testosterone.
Work is for man a source of stress. The house where he was surrounded by warmth and love, dopamine levels in the body drops. In this regard, falls and testosterone levels. If, listening to the wife about her day, he feels guilty that does nothing or can't do to make her happy, the level of testosterone in his system falls even more.
With the drop in the level of testosterone in the brain receives enzymes that extend the endorphins. With the dissolution of endorphins fatigue, boredom and the inability to focus creates a wall between a man and his wife. The more he tries to show sympathy to the wife, the more they possess fatigue and boredom. If he abandoned the attempt to show compassion as decides that nothing can be done for her, the level of testosterone falls even more, and man becomes alienated, irritable, and angry. This frustration and alienation serve as a signal that the brain of a man, reduced the number of endorphins and sense of well-being evaporated.
In order to avoid such a sharp fall in sentiment, the man instinctively stops to listen to a woman and looking for a way to stimulate the production of dopamine long before angry or upset. He hurries hurry to get to the TV, read the paper, etc. It is the desire to preserve the feeling of well-being prompts him to kill the partner, offering solutions to the problems.
He interrupts the woman, not because she is indifferent to him. In fact, the more cares about her man, the harder it passively listen to her problems without trying anything to help. If a man was indifferent to the woman inability to help one bit if he was not upset.
The more a man cares about a woman, the harder it is to hear about her problems, if he can not help.
When a man realizes that women come from Venus and they have other needs, much has changed. He understands that a woman primarily needs to be heard, and not necessarily trying to solve its problems. She does not wait for decisions. He did not need to resolve and offer solutions. Listening to a woman, he does what she wants.
When a man listens to a woman without trying to solve her problem, he thereby does what she wants.
Listening to the woman and giving her the opportunity to speak out, the man helps her raise the level of serotonin in the body and find a sense of well-being. If the man knows about it, it does not suffer from their passivity, and it is easy to be patient, because thereby he brings the woman a favor. The level of dopamine and testosterone in his body is not reduced, but growing. When a man knows about women's needs, it radically changes the situation, now the organisms of both partners produce hormones and neurotransmitters that provide positive emotions — like men and women.
When the man returns home, the level of serotonin in the brain is increased, because he genuinely cares about his family. This gives the man a sense of peace and satisfaction, but it doesn't have enough tasks and challenges to stimulate dopamine. If diet and exercise do not contribute to the production of dopamine in sufficient quantities, the level of testosterone in his body decreases.published
From the book by John gray "Mars and Venus. Diet and exercise"
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: www.lavkachudec.ru/publ/zdorove_i_celitelstvo/testosteron_i_oksitocin_gormony_blagopoluchija/4-1-0-2448