Safety rules in the decree Or Psychotropic effect of oxytocin
Hormone nursing mothers oxytocin physiologists call amnestic hormone. In Russian- "the hormone of forgetting." In addition to the provision for the reduction of the uterus and secretion of milk, it is known for its psychotropic effects.
First, it inhibits the ability to remember and retrieve from memory a previous experience. Biologically need it in order to force the brain to work selectively in favor of the child and be "here and now". Mother literally cannot concentrate on anything else.
Second, it enhances the attachment to the circle of "friends", but at the same time increases hostility towards the "other". Strangers can be called: life in the city (most had gone to the "environmental sect" — moms on maternity leave!), vaccinations, meat...
You know what I mean? If you spend your life quietly drinking boiled water, in the decree you can "pereklinilo" and you will only drink this kind of water infused with shungite. It's all oxytocin, Yes, Yes!
The other day I threw a fit on the shoulder of her husband on the subject: "it is urgent to move to the countryside to have a goat and Guinea fowl, because in the city we're gonna die!". I was sure that the child is sick. My girl was throwing tantrums, was hyperactive, poorly slept, didn't eat anything except pasta. In addition, on TV and the Internet were constantly talking about the militants, and I was definitely sure that our Butovo high-rise building, where we're going to live, soon bombed by terrorists. They will get a nuclear bomb. All! It is necessary to sell apartment and to flee to the Altai! To abandon the television and the city of vegetables with nitrates!
Husband quietly told me what I knew about a nuclear bomb, has calculated the probability of such a scenario, and, confident that he had heeded his logical arguments, added that he is not ready to quit your job in the center of Moscow. But if I want summer, he will take the children to the grandmother to the country to have a single fowl.
"Selfish!", – in the hearts I thought, and fell asleep. "Escape from the end of the world" just hits me. Usually in such cases I have all night thinking about what time the husband does not understand me – we just need to get a divorce. However, I already have immunity from such quirks – my profession. And covers me for a while.
As a journalist, I've talked with all kinds of fanatics and sectarians. The raw foodists, anastasiam, vegetarians, pagans, fled in the ecovillage. Each family had its own list of enemies (meat, vaccinations, urban food, urban water, parasites in the brain, where they are taken out "cleansing" and there are, of course, was not). Now, almost all of them were one and the same story: the news that they "lived in the wrong and poisoned himself" came all at the same time. In the perinatal period.
Contributed to this development one little thing in the psychological portrait of the characters: a hostile attitude to strangers. The division of the world into "us" and "them." The confidence that someone (the manufacturers of infant formula, scientists, doctors) wants to deliberately cause you harm.
I don't have enough skill to disassemble this column the reasons for this psychological portrait. As a journalist, I observe the result: if you are in the subconscious there is a certain "enemy", in the perinatal period under the influence of oxytocin, you will increase aggression to that of the conditional enemy. And if this aggression was needed to run away from a tiger, now, in the period of the conditional security of the surrounding space, our imagination seeks the enemies itself.
And remember that aggression can be transferred. Not always it will be aimed at the enemy, which sits in the subconscious (father, mother, himself, for example). This is the meat, the doctors, antibiotics, vaccinations. List continue to themselves. And if you do not understand yourself and to see a specialist – a woman and her family can expect a sad scenario.
I've seen children grown on the raw food diet. These worn teeth, crooked legs and Rahimova head. I saw the city people escaped from the city to the village after hearing the pastoral fantasies of that nature without medicines our ancestors were healthier. They do not know how to live there, cannot build a strong economy. Because one must first solve psychological problems. You can't escape yourself.
A healthy release of "oxytocin quirk" – the Christian view of the world, where sin separated from the sinner, and the world is not divided into "us" and "them."
Practicing Orthodox woman's enemy is inside her, but only she didn't sin.
Now I understand that separating yourself from your sin (it's not me) and struggling with sin, not with you – I love myself, I don't feel the aggression to yourself, I don't need to transfer her to the meat (I was vegan for two years and looked like a match, I have lost my period. Is this not aggression?). I also separate "sin" from other people, and I understand that the doctors themselves do not wish me harm. Their enemy, as well as my lack of skill. To increase its (including the scientific intelligibility) qualifications and to seek out those who are qualified – that's the appropriate way.
And when I have "quirks", I say to myself: Oh, honey, remember: first, it is oxytocin. You will not care about science and the laws of logic. On the rational husband. If pereklinit, will only be internal pause and solace: wait, come back, that's oxytocin. Second, let's look at the real culprits of your problems. Not life in the city as such. Not TV as such. And that's how you use it.
Usually the next morning I remember the fourth law of logic – the law of sufficient reason: "Every assertion must be adequately substantiated". And Occam's razor, which is more clearly formulated by the biologist Dmitry Zhukov: "To more complex explanations should be sought when simple do not explain the facts". And I realized that the hyperactivity of my child caused by lack of exercise (in pregnancy I couldn't walk her as much as before) and plenty of cartoons. Increasing walking and reducing the cartoons, I got better. To the village to escape was not necessary.
And I thought that it was good that I gave myself once to use the principle "the Husband is always right", which is also taken from the ethics of the Christian family. When during the "oxytocin quirks" a La "A-Ah, my child dies!" the husband reassured me logic, I do not believe in logic because the oxytocin. Because panic the mother. I said to myself: OK, let's now listen to Sasha, and when you go, look at what it is he's talking about and whose arguments rather. And it helps!
As a rule, the husband of oxytocin is not affected to the extent that it poisons the brain of the woman he loves, and he is able to keep the mind and appeal to science. I have watched what is happening in families where the wife is the head of the family. Here is her "oxytocin oddity" nobody can keep. The family spends too much money, too much time on the implications of these "issues", that's "need to do something right now, or we all die!".
So, oxytocin increases attachment to "their" and hostility to "foreign". And to avoid neurotic behavior, in the time of the decree really need to understand who you are these "strangers" and who did you fight with actually.
Inhibition of memory and motivation on the background of breastfeedingNow let's talk about the other psychotropic effects magical hormone nursing mothers. This effect of inhibition of mental activity and reduced motivation.
In the first months of breastfeeding I had to work overtime even to pick up the phone and call the hairdresser. I was terrified to forget to turn off the stove, and the clinic we went only with my husband because I was not able to remember the order of visits of doctors and to understand the paperwork and offices. I'm reminded of the Hedgehog: "I'm a Hedgehog, I fell into the river. Let the river is carrying me downstream".
As you know, nothing good downstream, and can not be, especially if it is swimming out of control. It is known that oxytocin reduces anxiety levels. But at the same time it weakens the motivation, because motivation requires some level of anxiety.
Oxytocin inhibition of memory along with other risks of the decree leads to the inability of the mother to "go beyond" the current situation and to understand, for example, that the cry of a child can not last forever. This produces so-called "tunnel perception": the obsession that woman think she is in a state of despair, and the strength to change something there (remember the lack of motivation!). However, the mother should begin to rearrange life to suit its own interests. If you do not begin to control the "carrying on "oxytocin" the river" – you will sooner or later be depression.
Let's see what we receive: challenges a lot, and oxytocin inhibition leads to a limited ability of women to cope with them independently. So we get the following thoughts: "it feels good: a wonderful child, a wonderful husband, a separate apartment. It would seem: here it is, happiness, use your fingers and eat. And I'm so sick – though from a window jump." Your life will seem to be very happy. Therefore, neither the husband nor the doctor nor the girlfriend will not be able to understand your condition. To help myself hard. The way I see the creation of parent support groups.
How to overcome the inhibition of oxytocin and when to do it is not worthYour brain will work selectively, but you can get into this "selectivity" by making something a priority in addition to child. Any interesting mother activity reduces the psychoactive effect amnestic hormone. In the first months of a child's life, I very quickly wrote and excellent defended the diploma on a theme interesting to me. At the same time to pass the state exam on the background of lactation proved to be almost impossible, and I put a good grade out of pity. In the first case I remembered and processed vast amounts of information easily, the second I failed because of lack of interest and motivation. Here is the answer: if you have something interesting – it immediately becomes a priority. Find some other interest in the activity that you are not granted against the background of lactation.
However, keep in mind that the resistance of oxytocin inhibition can be dangerous. It's no wonder nature has provided all is well! If a woman focuses on something other than a child (for example, in his very important work), the child at some point literally falls out of priority. And how the brain works selectively feeding and very loving mother can, for example, forget the sleeping child in a hot car. It can be sure took it to the destination – to the babysitter or grandma. But something distracts her, and the moment the actual "transfer" just falls out of memory, replaced the intention. That is why the "very important business" in the decree that take up too much of your attention needs to be delegated to someone else – for example, husband.
And, of course, do not expect too much of yourself in this period and push yourself to achieve, achieve and achieve. Sometimes oxytocin to resist the braking is still not necessary, sometimes it is important to allow yourself to receive pleasure from the fact that you're a Hedgehog, you fell in the river and let the river itself is carrying you. If only it was your choice and "carrying" was not controlled by oxytocin, and you.published
Author: Alesya Lonskaya
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
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Source: www.pravmir.ru/pravila-bezopasnosti-v-dekrete-chast-4-psihotropnyiy-effekt-oksitotsina/
First, it inhibits the ability to remember and retrieve from memory a previous experience. Biologically need it in order to force the brain to work selectively in favor of the child and be "here and now". Mother literally cannot concentrate on anything else.
Second, it enhances the attachment to the circle of "friends", but at the same time increases hostility towards the "other". Strangers can be called: life in the city (most had gone to the "environmental sect" — moms on maternity leave!), vaccinations, meat...
You know what I mean? If you spend your life quietly drinking boiled water, in the decree you can "pereklinilo" and you will only drink this kind of water infused with shungite. It's all oxytocin, Yes, Yes!

The other day I threw a fit on the shoulder of her husband on the subject: "it is urgent to move to the countryside to have a goat and Guinea fowl, because in the city we're gonna die!". I was sure that the child is sick. My girl was throwing tantrums, was hyperactive, poorly slept, didn't eat anything except pasta. In addition, on TV and the Internet were constantly talking about the militants, and I was definitely sure that our Butovo high-rise building, where we're going to live, soon bombed by terrorists. They will get a nuclear bomb. All! It is necessary to sell apartment and to flee to the Altai! To abandon the television and the city of vegetables with nitrates!
Husband quietly told me what I knew about a nuclear bomb, has calculated the probability of such a scenario, and, confident that he had heeded his logical arguments, added that he is not ready to quit your job in the center of Moscow. But if I want summer, he will take the children to the grandmother to the country to have a single fowl.
"Selfish!", – in the hearts I thought, and fell asleep. "Escape from the end of the world" just hits me. Usually in such cases I have all night thinking about what time the husband does not understand me – we just need to get a divorce. However, I already have immunity from such quirks – my profession. And covers me for a while.
As a journalist, I've talked with all kinds of fanatics and sectarians. The raw foodists, anastasiam, vegetarians, pagans, fled in the ecovillage. Each family had its own list of enemies (meat, vaccinations, urban food, urban water, parasites in the brain, where they are taken out "cleansing" and there are, of course, was not). Now, almost all of them were one and the same story: the news that they "lived in the wrong and poisoned himself" came all at the same time. In the perinatal period.
Contributed to this development one little thing in the psychological portrait of the characters: a hostile attitude to strangers. The division of the world into "us" and "them." The confidence that someone (the manufacturers of infant formula, scientists, doctors) wants to deliberately cause you harm.
I don't have enough skill to disassemble this column the reasons for this psychological portrait. As a journalist, I observe the result: if you are in the subconscious there is a certain "enemy", in the perinatal period under the influence of oxytocin, you will increase aggression to that of the conditional enemy. And if this aggression was needed to run away from a tiger, now, in the period of the conditional security of the surrounding space, our imagination seeks the enemies itself.
And remember that aggression can be transferred. Not always it will be aimed at the enemy, which sits in the subconscious (father, mother, himself, for example). This is the meat, the doctors, antibiotics, vaccinations. List continue to themselves. And if you do not understand yourself and to see a specialist – a woman and her family can expect a sad scenario.
I've seen children grown on the raw food diet. These worn teeth, crooked legs and Rahimova head. I saw the city people escaped from the city to the village after hearing the pastoral fantasies of that nature without medicines our ancestors were healthier. They do not know how to live there, cannot build a strong economy. Because one must first solve psychological problems. You can't escape yourself.
A healthy release of "oxytocin quirk" – the Christian view of the world, where sin separated from the sinner, and the world is not divided into "us" and "them."
Practicing Orthodox woman's enemy is inside her, but only she didn't sin.
Now I understand that separating yourself from your sin (it's not me) and struggling with sin, not with you – I love myself, I don't feel the aggression to yourself, I don't need to transfer her to the meat (I was vegan for two years and looked like a match, I have lost my period. Is this not aggression?). I also separate "sin" from other people, and I understand that the doctors themselves do not wish me harm. Their enemy, as well as my lack of skill. To increase its (including the scientific intelligibility) qualifications and to seek out those who are qualified – that's the appropriate way.
And when I have "quirks", I say to myself: Oh, honey, remember: first, it is oxytocin. You will not care about science and the laws of logic. On the rational husband. If pereklinit, will only be internal pause and solace: wait, come back, that's oxytocin. Second, let's look at the real culprits of your problems. Not life in the city as such. Not TV as such. And that's how you use it.
Usually the next morning I remember the fourth law of logic – the law of sufficient reason: "Every assertion must be adequately substantiated". And Occam's razor, which is more clearly formulated by the biologist Dmitry Zhukov: "To more complex explanations should be sought when simple do not explain the facts". And I realized that the hyperactivity of my child caused by lack of exercise (in pregnancy I couldn't walk her as much as before) and plenty of cartoons. Increasing walking and reducing the cartoons, I got better. To the village to escape was not necessary.
And I thought that it was good that I gave myself once to use the principle "the Husband is always right", which is also taken from the ethics of the Christian family. When during the "oxytocin quirks" a La "A-Ah, my child dies!" the husband reassured me logic, I do not believe in logic because the oxytocin. Because panic the mother. I said to myself: OK, let's now listen to Sasha, and when you go, look at what it is he's talking about and whose arguments rather. And it helps!

As a rule, the husband of oxytocin is not affected to the extent that it poisons the brain of the woman he loves, and he is able to keep the mind and appeal to science. I have watched what is happening in families where the wife is the head of the family. Here is her "oxytocin oddity" nobody can keep. The family spends too much money, too much time on the implications of these "issues", that's "need to do something right now, or we all die!".
So, oxytocin increases attachment to "their" and hostility to "foreign". And to avoid neurotic behavior, in the time of the decree really need to understand who you are these "strangers" and who did you fight with actually.
Inhibition of memory and motivation on the background of breastfeedingNow let's talk about the other psychotropic effects magical hormone nursing mothers. This effect of inhibition of mental activity and reduced motivation.
In the first months of breastfeeding I had to work overtime even to pick up the phone and call the hairdresser. I was terrified to forget to turn off the stove, and the clinic we went only with my husband because I was not able to remember the order of visits of doctors and to understand the paperwork and offices. I'm reminded of the Hedgehog: "I'm a Hedgehog, I fell into the river. Let the river is carrying me downstream".
As you know, nothing good downstream, and can not be, especially if it is swimming out of control. It is known that oxytocin reduces anxiety levels. But at the same time it weakens the motivation, because motivation requires some level of anxiety.
Oxytocin inhibition of memory along with other risks of the decree leads to the inability of the mother to "go beyond" the current situation and to understand, for example, that the cry of a child can not last forever. This produces so-called "tunnel perception": the obsession that woman think she is in a state of despair, and the strength to change something there (remember the lack of motivation!). However, the mother should begin to rearrange life to suit its own interests. If you do not begin to control the "carrying on "oxytocin" the river" – you will sooner or later be depression.
Let's see what we receive: challenges a lot, and oxytocin inhibition leads to a limited ability of women to cope with them independently. So we get the following thoughts: "it feels good: a wonderful child, a wonderful husband, a separate apartment. It would seem: here it is, happiness, use your fingers and eat. And I'm so sick – though from a window jump." Your life will seem to be very happy. Therefore, neither the husband nor the doctor nor the girlfriend will not be able to understand your condition. To help myself hard. The way I see the creation of parent support groups.
How to overcome the inhibition of oxytocin and when to do it is not worthYour brain will work selectively, but you can get into this "selectivity" by making something a priority in addition to child. Any interesting mother activity reduces the psychoactive effect amnestic hormone. In the first months of a child's life, I very quickly wrote and excellent defended the diploma on a theme interesting to me. At the same time to pass the state exam on the background of lactation proved to be almost impossible, and I put a good grade out of pity. In the first case I remembered and processed vast amounts of information easily, the second I failed because of lack of interest and motivation. Here is the answer: if you have something interesting – it immediately becomes a priority. Find some other interest in the activity that you are not granted against the background of lactation.
However, keep in mind that the resistance of oxytocin inhibition can be dangerous. It's no wonder nature has provided all is well! If a woman focuses on something other than a child (for example, in his very important work), the child at some point literally falls out of priority. And how the brain works selectively feeding and very loving mother can, for example, forget the sleeping child in a hot car. It can be sure took it to the destination – to the babysitter or grandma. But something distracts her, and the moment the actual "transfer" just falls out of memory, replaced the intention. That is why the "very important business" in the decree that take up too much of your attention needs to be delegated to someone else – for example, husband.
And, of course, do not expect too much of yourself in this period and push yourself to achieve, achieve and achieve. Sometimes oxytocin to resist the braking is still not necessary, sometimes it is important to allow yourself to receive pleasure from the fact that you're a Hedgehog, you fell in the river and let the river itself is carrying you. If only it was your choice and "carrying" was not controlled by oxytocin, and you.published
Author: Alesya Lonskaya
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
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Source: www.pravmir.ru/pravila-bezopasnosti-v-dekrete-chast-4-psihotropnyiy-effekt-oksitotsina/