The more we know about the brain, the more difficult it is to live

The more we know the better we understand how the brain sophisticated organ. Books and TV shows do not satisfy the inquisitive, they want to learn and experience first hand, from scientists who are engaged in various aspects of the work of the brain.
"Head – a subject dark and to research is not subject" – says the hero of the popular film "Formula of love". The years passed, the head examined, seem to have length and breadth, but it is in many issues is still a dark subject. But it is clear even to non-specialists – the capabilities of the human brain are indeed limitless. And these infinite possibilities are not only in government scientists with secret laboratories. Curious and those who want to improve their cognitive ability, to read popular and professional literature or attend events like the held for the second time in St. Petersburg "Day of the brain." Exhibition, lectures and a special section open to the visitors of their inner space – brain.
Some things that you can not only hear, but also to experience a few years ago seem to be absolute fantastic. For example – non-invasive neural interface, with which you can manage the items is actually the power of thought. Household neurohereditary is a plastic design with several sensors – one on his forehead and one or two clips attached to the earlobes. The incoming data about the electrical activity of the brain is converted into a signal that the wireless channel is transmitted to another device. Here, in response to the signal strength, which depends on how a person can concentrate and relax, the device performs certain actions. For example, we can see in the game console it regulates the fan power, which can influence the movement of the rubber ball through an obstacle course.
It works on the principle of removing the EEG, but only for a simplified, "household level" just one or two sensors that record the activity of large groups of neurons (hundreds of thousands). To obtain a stable signal, it is sufficient to use a single dry sensor tight to his forehead. In addition, used indifferently sensor, which is mounted on the earlobe the area where the bioelectric activity of the brain is missing. During operation, a fixed potential difference between the sensors – "work in progress" and indifferentism.
Yet at the household level, such technologies are typically used in games. However, this concentration training and relaxation stimulates the brain activity is no worse than other exercises for the development of cognitive abilities and memory. In addition, such devices can be used as regenerative therapy in various diseases and injuries of the brain.
Great interest was aroused by the lecture of the Professor of St. Petersburg state University Ekaterina Vinogradova on oxytocin. Today, this hormone – the # 1 hit in psychoneuroendocrinology (the so-called field of knowledge dealing with the effect of neurohormones on our behavior).
The physiological function of oxytocin known for a long time without this hormone we would have been very difficult to reproduce. First, it provides a reduction of the vaginal walls during sexual intercourse in order to ensure the easy passage of sperm to the egg, and then contribute to the reduction of the cervix before birth and, finally, promotes lactation. But recently on oxytocin referred to as the substance responsible for the morale and friendliness. According to current data, increasing the level of oxytocin in the blood leads to the fact that the person becomes more disposed and generous towards "his circle" – family, friends, associates and more aggressive towards "outsiders" – those who, in his opinion, is a danger to his inner circle. Normal oxytocin is always present in the body at some basic level, and the higher it is, the easier it is for the human to adapt in society and the more it is to the surrounding people. Ekaterina Vinogradova told about the research conducted in Sweden. In this country, the leave for child care may be provided to both mother and father. But the level of oxytocin in those children who are looked after infancy or fathers, or both parents equally, were lower than those children who paid more attention to mother. At the same time, according to a recent study emotional relationship to the children, men and women, the male brain can operate "like a woman" when dealing with children (here also considered the level of oxytocin).
Another useful quality of this amazing hormone ability to accelerate recovery from various diseases. If ill feels the support of family and friends, it quickly goes on the amendment. Scientists from the Hamburg University conducted an interesting study. It turned out that oxytocin enhances the placebo effect. The subjects believed they were on hand applied anesthetic cream, while it was completely inert drug. Some time before the experiment, subjects were introduced intranasally either saline or oxytocin (test subjects didn't know what they got). When thermal stimulation received hormone noted a greater effect of the anesthesia. In short, neuroscience today give a lot of practical information and to use your brain most effectively, it is not necessary to be a scientist.
Source: nkj.ru
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