5 hormones that affect weight gain
Normal hormonal balance depends on the balance of hormones in the body. Of glands that produce various hormones is the endocrine system, which plays a huge role in weight regulation each person. From the activity of hormones affects the entire body, including the processes of weight loss and weight gain, metabolic rate, appetite, formation of fat mass and even the occurrence of sudden desire to eat something tasty. But how hormones can affect a person's weight? To answer this question we need to know not only responsible for what one or another hormone, but also as affects the weight change in the level.
Hormones and weight: leptin
Translated from the Greek "lepto" means slender. This hormone is mainly responsible for the feeling of satiety and our appetite, it sends to the brain information about whether the body fat reserves. Therefore, in the case of reducing the level of leptin, the brain immediately sends the human body the signal that fat stores must be replenished. And we are, therefore, very urgently I want to eat.
The conclusion is clear – increasing the level of this hormone can "convince" the body in fullness and forever solve the problem of obesity. However, people who are overweight have been reported in dozens of times higher leptin levels than lean. Perhaps this happens due to the fact that the body full of human lost sensitivity to leptin, so that it starts to be produced by the body in higher dimensions. Once the weight starts to decrease, decreases the level of leptin.
The decrease in leptin levels is also due to the constant lack of sleep. Therefore, usually, those whose night sleep is less than 7 hours, are prone to obesity. In order to level this gormona in the body to be balanced, it is recommended to eat seafood and fish.
Hormones and weight: estrogen
This hormone is female, as is produced by the ovaries. It performs many functions related to the regulation of the menstrual cycle and the distribution of body fat.
Estrogen is the main reason that body fat in young women are usually at the bottom of the figure, and men and women after menopause – above the waist, in the abdomen. It is believed that the weight gain is associated with a lack of this hormone in the body.
The decrease in the level of estrogen in the body – naturally, it usually occurs about ten years before menopause. Often this is manifested in the increasing love for sweets. Estrogen levels decline and the body begins to get it from fat cells, which he has to stock more and more. At the same time, and the loss of the female body testosterone, which is manifested in a sharp decrease in muscle mass. Due to the fact that muscles are responsible for burning fat, the smaller they become, the more deposited fat. So after 40 years it becomes much harder to get rid of excess weight.
To the body in sufficient quantities produce these hormones, it needs such minerals as boron, the amount of which, when dietary intake is not enough. So when estrogen deficiency and testosterone shows the additional intake of boron.
Dangerous decrease in these hormones occurs during stress. And to maintain muscle mass with strength exercises.
Hormones and weight: cortisol
In another way, this hormone is also called the "stress hormone", it is a close relative of adrenaline, as also produced by adrenal glands.
In fact, this corticosteroid hormone is part of the protective mechanism of the human body, as is done involuntarily in time of stress.
The effect of cortisol on the body is not unique. As an anti-stress mechanism, it is one of the protective processes launches, others suspends. So many stressful situations, increased appetite, thus the body stores the strength to confront difficult situations. At the same time, cortisol decreases the rate of metabolism, for the same purpose – saving energy that would be needed for dealing with stress.
Man can not affect the production of this hormone, so when the tendency to "seize" the stress should try to avoid its source. In addition, any useful methods of relaxation (dance, yoga, meditation, etc.).
Hormones and weight adrenaline
It is related to the cortisol hormone also affects metabolism, only different. This is due to the fact that cortisol is the body's reaction to stress and adrenaline – strong emotional arousal. So for the first time jumping with a parachute, so a person is basically fear, which means that the body produces cortisol. An experienced skydiver at the moment of the jump marks the release of adrenaline associated with emotional arousal.
Adrenaline also acts differently, it accelerates metabolism, promoting the breakdown of fats. Adrenaline increases the temperature of the body, which is associated with the fat burning. In addition, usually when the adrenaline decreased appetite. But what is the weight of a person is, the lower his body's ability to produce adrenaline.
Hormones and weight: insulin
Insulin is produced by the pancreas, it is responsible for regulation of the level of glucose (sugar) in the blood. Under the action of this hormone the excess sugar turns into body fat. Disturbance of the body to produce insulin leads to diabetes. Simply put, this is the result of too strenuous activity of the pancreas associated with excess intake in the human body starch and sugar. So, no need to abuse the products are white color, not to gain extra kilos and not to burden the pancreas.
Improve the work of the pancreas minerals such as vanadium and chromium, and vitamin B3 (Niacin). The additional intake of these substances in the composition of vitamin-mineral complexes contributes to both prevention and treatment of disorders associated with the pancreas.
Hormones and weight: thyroid hormones
A short version of these is similar in nature of hormones produced by the thyroid gland – T1, T2, T3, T4.
If these hormones are produced insufficiently, reduced thyroid function, which leads to the recruitment of extra pounds. Increased production of these hormones (hyperthyroidism) also leads to violations.
For the balanced functioning of the thyroid gland needs iodine that enters the body with food in the form of iodized salt, as well as in the composition of vitamin-mineral complexes and iodine containing supplements. Useful iodine in combination with selenium.
For those who have reduced thyroid function to exclude from the diet of peanuts and soy products. It is important to know that negative impact on the balance of thyroid hormones is affected by stress.
Cortisol, estrogen, insulin How diet to balance hormones are the mainSigns of poor circulation, which should not be ignored
Hormones and weight: ghrelin
This hormone is produced by the stomach and sends signals to the brain about hunger. Production of ghrelin triggers increased calorie intake. Stimulator of production of this hormone is fructose, which are especially numerous in the corn syrup, fruit juices and carbonated beverages. Thus, regular consumption of foods rich in fructose leads to increased feelings of hunger and as a result – overeating.
Based on the foregoing we can conclude that people who are overweight and those who do not help the diet, it is recommended to test your blood for hormone levels. And in case of any deficiency of any of the hormones is enough to change diet and lifestyle and begin taking vitamin-mineral complexes on prescription.published
Author: Tatiana Romankevich
Source: www.inflora.ru/diet/diet418.html

Hormones and weight: leptin
Translated from the Greek "lepto" means slender. This hormone is mainly responsible for the feeling of satiety and our appetite, it sends to the brain information about whether the body fat reserves. Therefore, in the case of reducing the level of leptin, the brain immediately sends the human body the signal that fat stores must be replenished. And we are, therefore, very urgently I want to eat.
The conclusion is clear – increasing the level of this hormone can "convince" the body in fullness and forever solve the problem of obesity. However, people who are overweight have been reported in dozens of times higher leptin levels than lean. Perhaps this happens due to the fact that the body full of human lost sensitivity to leptin, so that it starts to be produced by the body in higher dimensions. Once the weight starts to decrease, decreases the level of leptin.
The decrease in leptin levels is also due to the constant lack of sleep. Therefore, usually, those whose night sleep is less than 7 hours, are prone to obesity. In order to level this gormona in the body to be balanced, it is recommended to eat seafood and fish.
Hormones and weight: estrogen
This hormone is female, as is produced by the ovaries. It performs many functions related to the regulation of the menstrual cycle and the distribution of body fat.
Estrogen is the main reason that body fat in young women are usually at the bottom of the figure, and men and women after menopause – above the waist, in the abdomen. It is believed that the weight gain is associated with a lack of this hormone in the body.
The decrease in the level of estrogen in the body – naturally, it usually occurs about ten years before menopause. Often this is manifested in the increasing love for sweets. Estrogen levels decline and the body begins to get it from fat cells, which he has to stock more and more. At the same time, and the loss of the female body testosterone, which is manifested in a sharp decrease in muscle mass. Due to the fact that muscles are responsible for burning fat, the smaller they become, the more deposited fat. So after 40 years it becomes much harder to get rid of excess weight.
To the body in sufficient quantities produce these hormones, it needs such minerals as boron, the amount of which, when dietary intake is not enough. So when estrogen deficiency and testosterone shows the additional intake of boron.
Dangerous decrease in these hormones occurs during stress. And to maintain muscle mass with strength exercises.

Hormones and weight: cortisol
In another way, this hormone is also called the "stress hormone", it is a close relative of adrenaline, as also produced by adrenal glands.
In fact, this corticosteroid hormone is part of the protective mechanism of the human body, as is done involuntarily in time of stress.
The effect of cortisol on the body is not unique. As an anti-stress mechanism, it is one of the protective processes launches, others suspends. So many stressful situations, increased appetite, thus the body stores the strength to confront difficult situations. At the same time, cortisol decreases the rate of metabolism, for the same purpose – saving energy that would be needed for dealing with stress.
Man can not affect the production of this hormone, so when the tendency to "seize" the stress should try to avoid its source. In addition, any useful methods of relaxation (dance, yoga, meditation, etc.).
Hormones and weight adrenaline
It is related to the cortisol hormone also affects metabolism, only different. This is due to the fact that cortisol is the body's reaction to stress and adrenaline – strong emotional arousal. So for the first time jumping with a parachute, so a person is basically fear, which means that the body produces cortisol. An experienced skydiver at the moment of the jump marks the release of adrenaline associated with emotional arousal.
Adrenaline also acts differently, it accelerates metabolism, promoting the breakdown of fats. Adrenaline increases the temperature of the body, which is associated with the fat burning. In addition, usually when the adrenaline decreased appetite. But what is the weight of a person is, the lower his body's ability to produce adrenaline.
Hormones and weight: insulin
Insulin is produced by the pancreas, it is responsible for regulation of the level of glucose (sugar) in the blood. Under the action of this hormone the excess sugar turns into body fat. Disturbance of the body to produce insulin leads to diabetes. Simply put, this is the result of too strenuous activity of the pancreas associated with excess intake in the human body starch and sugar. So, no need to abuse the products are white color, not to gain extra kilos and not to burden the pancreas.
Improve the work of the pancreas minerals such as vanadium and chromium, and vitamin B3 (Niacin). The additional intake of these substances in the composition of vitamin-mineral complexes contributes to both prevention and treatment of disorders associated with the pancreas.

Hormones and weight: thyroid hormones
A short version of these is similar in nature of hormones produced by the thyroid gland – T1, T2, T3, T4.
If these hormones are produced insufficiently, reduced thyroid function, which leads to the recruitment of extra pounds. Increased production of these hormones (hyperthyroidism) also leads to violations.
For the balanced functioning of the thyroid gland needs iodine that enters the body with food in the form of iodized salt, as well as in the composition of vitamin-mineral complexes and iodine containing supplements. Useful iodine in combination with selenium.
For those who have reduced thyroid function to exclude from the diet of peanuts and soy products. It is important to know that negative impact on the balance of thyroid hormones is affected by stress.
Cortisol, estrogen, insulin How diet to balance hormones are the mainSigns of poor circulation, which should not be ignored
Hormones and weight: ghrelin
This hormone is produced by the stomach and sends signals to the brain about hunger. Production of ghrelin triggers increased calorie intake. Stimulator of production of this hormone is fructose, which are especially numerous in the corn syrup, fruit juices and carbonated beverages. Thus, regular consumption of foods rich in fructose leads to increased feelings of hunger and as a result – overeating.
Based on the foregoing we can conclude that people who are overweight and those who do not help the diet, it is recommended to test your blood for hormone levels. And in case of any deficiency of any of the hormones is enough to change diet and lifestyle and begin taking vitamin-mineral complexes on prescription.published
Author: Tatiana Romankevich
Source: www.inflora.ru/diet/diet418.html