Effect of hormones on weight: that's where are the extra weight!
The cause of excess weight can be not only unhealthy lifestyle and nutrition harmful products. Hormonal imbalance is often the root of the problem. If you unsuccessfully struggling with overweight and no one method does not bring the desired result, the problem is likely to hormonal disturbances.
The hormonal system of man - a very delicate mechanism. The slightest change in the amount of certain hormones can lead to quite tangible consequences. In order to monitor the state of their health, and to deal with the problem of excess weight, be sure to hand over blood test for certain hormones, consult an endocrinologist. Pay attention to the blood levels of these hormones:
1. 17-beta-estradiol (E2)
This hormone - estrogen, which is responsible for the normal metabolic processes in the body, high levels of energy and good mood. The lack of estradiol can occur during menopause in women and cause weight gain.
2. Progesterone
The increased amount of progesterone observed in pregnant women. Progesterone promotes appetite nursing mother, is responsible for the production of breast milk. Number of progesterone can be increased and not pregnant women causing obesity.
3. Testosterone
Reducing the amount of testosterone with age leads to weight gain. In women, the contents of this male hormone in the blood and is so small, and yet this hormone promotes the growth of muscle mass and burn fat.
4. Thyroid hormones
T3 and T4 - the hormones that are produced by the thyroid gland and are responsible for the active processes generating energy in cells. The metabolism of a person depends on the amount of these hormones in the blood, and in their lack of thyroid dysfunction weight gain occurs very quickly.
5. Cortisol
The stress hormone, which is often caused by excess fat on the abdomen. The release of adrenaline and cortisol into the bloodstream leads to a sudden feeling of hunger, this is due to the desire to eat something sweet after stressful experiences.
6. Leptin
Leptin - a protein that is produced in the fat cells and sends signals to the brain about the amount of fat mass in the blood. Leptin also regulates the amount of glucose in the blood, affect reproductive function. Estrogen, testosterone, cortisol and affect the amount of leptin in the blood. Too much or too little leptin creates the conditions for gaining weight and developing diabetes.
Monitor their health closely! Before you start a diet, make sure that your hormonal system is all right. After all, hormonal imbalance is often the unfortunate cause of obesity. Adjust the level of hormones in the blood will help you advice of a doctor, and you will see how the problems that worry you before retreating.
Remind her friends about how it is important to regularly check your health at the endocrinologist.
via takprosto cc

The hormonal system of man - a very delicate mechanism. The slightest change in the amount of certain hormones can lead to quite tangible consequences. In order to monitor the state of their health, and to deal with the problem of excess weight, be sure to hand over blood test for certain hormones, consult an endocrinologist. Pay attention to the blood levels of these hormones:
1. 17-beta-estradiol (E2)
This hormone - estrogen, which is responsible for the normal metabolic processes in the body, high levels of energy and good mood. The lack of estradiol can occur during menopause in women and cause weight gain.
2. Progesterone
The increased amount of progesterone observed in pregnant women. Progesterone promotes appetite nursing mother, is responsible for the production of breast milk. Number of progesterone can be increased and not pregnant women causing obesity.
3. Testosterone
Reducing the amount of testosterone with age leads to weight gain. In women, the contents of this male hormone in the blood and is so small, and yet this hormone promotes the growth of muscle mass and burn fat.
4. Thyroid hormones
T3 and T4 - the hormones that are produced by the thyroid gland and are responsible for the active processes generating energy in cells. The metabolism of a person depends on the amount of these hormones in the blood, and in their lack of thyroid dysfunction weight gain occurs very quickly.
5. Cortisol
The stress hormone, which is often caused by excess fat on the abdomen. The release of adrenaline and cortisol into the bloodstream leads to a sudden feeling of hunger, this is due to the desire to eat something sweet after stressful experiences.
6. Leptin
Leptin - a protein that is produced in the fat cells and sends signals to the brain about the amount of fat mass in the blood. Leptin also regulates the amount of glucose in the blood, affect reproductive function. Estrogen, testosterone, cortisol and affect the amount of leptin in the blood. Too much or too little leptin creates the conditions for gaining weight and developing diabetes.
Monitor their health closely! Before you start a diet, make sure that your hormonal system is all right. After all, hormonal imbalance is often the unfortunate cause of obesity. Adjust the level of hormones in the blood will help you advice of a doctor, and you will see how the problems that worry you before retreating.
Remind her friends about how it is important to regularly check your health at the endocrinologist.
via takprosto cc
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