The satiety hormone: why willpower is powerless against leptin
Leptin – a hormone unknown
Hormones are tricky, because it depends on them to work correctly, many organs and systems of the human body. Therefore, to know the hormones and their purpose need to everyone: doctors, and people who do not have medical education. But until relatively recently even the medical profession does not know about the existence of a very important hormone, leptin, which controls other hormones and many of the processes of the brain.
Leptin was opened in 1994, and it shocked the whole world of medical science. Not only that, it was formerly unknown hormone, he still turned out to be so important that scientists had to reconsider the relation to fat. Before the discovery of leptin, scientists, nutritionists believed fat cells impressive stock of energy or just a passive formless mass, making the figure of a man ugly.After the discovery of the hormone of the host, to fat is become as capricious and delicate endocrine organ.
Twenty nine million three hundred forty four thousand two hundred ninety six
What does the hormone leptin?
Roles and responsibilities the hormones gives the mother nature, which decreed that leptin has become the main Manager of the endocrine cells and the ruler of the behavioral response to malnutrition. Ie leptin – the satiety hormone influencing emotions, the desire to eat something and human behavior at the time of search of edible treats.
Leptin excreted by the lipocytes during a meal, after which the hormone through the appetite centre tells the brain about the saturation of the organism. Thus, the functions of the hormone in the body of a healthy person. Scientists who discovered leptin, initially was delighted, because it can be used to reduce the appetite of obese people. But this opinion was erroneous.
As studies have shown, people with impaired metabolism leptin is secreted in the body in excessive quantities, but the center of appetite or does not respond to the signals of the hormone. This condition is called "resistance to leptin".Ie, obese patients hormone signals of satiety do not reach the center of the appetite, the brain reacts as to fasting, which determines exorbitant appetite and desire to eat in large quantity high-calorie foods.
Nine million five hundred sixty thousand four hundred sixty six
Willpower is powerless against leptin
The desire to lose weight and selection of the most strict diets or fasting are not yield without resistance to the leptin. Even if people will overpower yourself and still lose those extra pounds, the weight will soon return like a boomerang.
Scientists opened an interesting fact, indicating that resistance to leptin is characteristic not only for full but also for slim people with impaired metabolic processes. Also important discovery was the effect of resistance to the leptin in the human immune system and the reproductive system. I.e. high levels of the hormone leads to the formation and development of chronic inflammatory processes.
The instability of leptin negatively affects the fortress of bone and joint injury. The higher the levels of satiety hormone, the more severe damage prone surface of the joints. The greatest danger is "insensitivity" to leptin, which monitors the work of other hormones. I.e. before restoration of the gonads, adrenals and thyroid, first you need to restore the balance of leptin.
Leptin slimming
Opening leptin, scientists have assigned to him vast prospects, expecting huge profits. But, to date, has not yet developed a tool that can make leptin work for the benefit of man. To influence the satiety hormone can only be a radical change in lifestyle and nutrition. Only in this case, leptin will assist people suffering from obesity will continue to shorten people's lives.
Sports and the transition to a proper diet – the main assistants in the fight against obesity. And to restore leptin levels and sensitivity to it, should be eaten a number of products that contain this hormone in sufficient quantities, and thus do not cause deposition of extra pounds.
What contain leptin? Products including leptin is in most vegetables and fruits, which are rich of vitamin-mineral complex. As to products, normalizerbase balance of leptin in the body, include lean meats (beef and Turkey), cereals, legumes, oatmeal, sesame seeds, dried fruit, pumpkin seeds, low-fat cottage cheese and yogurt.
And the conclusion, I want to say: before you solve any health problems, especially obesity, check the body's sensitivity to leptin. If the detected resistance to this hormone, it can turn into your worst enemy.published
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: online-detox.com/articles/111917-gormon-sytosti-pochemu-sila-voli-bessilna-protiv-leptina
Hormones are tricky, because it depends on them to work correctly, many organs and systems of the human body. Therefore, to know the hormones and their purpose need to everyone: doctors, and people who do not have medical education. But until relatively recently even the medical profession does not know about the existence of a very important hormone, leptin, which controls other hormones and many of the processes of the brain.
Leptin was opened in 1994, and it shocked the whole world of medical science. Not only that, it was formerly unknown hormone, he still turned out to be so important that scientists had to reconsider the relation to fat. Before the discovery of leptin, scientists, nutritionists believed fat cells impressive stock of energy or just a passive formless mass, making the figure of a man ugly.After the discovery of the hormone of the host, to fat is become as capricious and delicate endocrine organ.
Twenty nine million three hundred forty four thousand two hundred ninety six
What does the hormone leptin?
Roles and responsibilities the hormones gives the mother nature, which decreed that leptin has become the main Manager of the endocrine cells and the ruler of the behavioral response to malnutrition. Ie leptin – the satiety hormone influencing emotions, the desire to eat something and human behavior at the time of search of edible treats.
Leptin excreted by the lipocytes during a meal, after which the hormone through the appetite centre tells the brain about the saturation of the organism. Thus, the functions of the hormone in the body of a healthy person. Scientists who discovered leptin, initially was delighted, because it can be used to reduce the appetite of obese people. But this opinion was erroneous.
As studies have shown, people with impaired metabolism leptin is secreted in the body in excessive quantities, but the center of appetite or does not respond to the signals of the hormone. This condition is called "resistance to leptin".Ie, obese patients hormone signals of satiety do not reach the center of the appetite, the brain reacts as to fasting, which determines exorbitant appetite and desire to eat in large quantity high-calorie foods.
Nine million five hundred sixty thousand four hundred sixty six
Willpower is powerless against leptin
The desire to lose weight and selection of the most strict diets or fasting are not yield without resistance to the leptin. Even if people will overpower yourself and still lose those extra pounds, the weight will soon return like a boomerang.
Scientists opened an interesting fact, indicating that resistance to leptin is characteristic not only for full but also for slim people with impaired metabolic processes. Also important discovery was the effect of resistance to the leptin in the human immune system and the reproductive system. I.e. high levels of the hormone leads to the formation and development of chronic inflammatory processes.
The instability of leptin negatively affects the fortress of bone and joint injury. The higher the levels of satiety hormone, the more severe damage prone surface of the joints. The greatest danger is "insensitivity" to leptin, which monitors the work of other hormones. I.e. before restoration of the gonads, adrenals and thyroid, first you need to restore the balance of leptin.
Leptin slimming
Opening leptin, scientists have assigned to him vast prospects, expecting huge profits. But, to date, has not yet developed a tool that can make leptin work for the benefit of man. To influence the satiety hormone can only be a radical change in lifestyle and nutrition. Only in this case, leptin will assist people suffering from obesity will continue to shorten people's lives.
Sports and the transition to a proper diet – the main assistants in the fight against obesity. And to restore leptin levels and sensitivity to it, should be eaten a number of products that contain this hormone in sufficient quantities, and thus do not cause deposition of extra pounds.
What contain leptin? Products including leptin is in most vegetables and fruits, which are rich of vitamin-mineral complex. As to products, normalizerbase balance of leptin in the body, include lean meats (beef and Turkey), cereals, legumes, oatmeal, sesame seeds, dried fruit, pumpkin seeds, low-fat cottage cheese and yogurt.
And the conclusion, I want to say: before you solve any health problems, especially obesity, check the body's sensitivity to leptin. If the detected resistance to this hormone, it can turn into your worst enemy.published
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: online-detox.com/articles/111917-gormon-sytosti-pochemu-sila-voli-bessilna-protiv-leptina