Tips for beginner vegetarians

To deny yourself what you want — it is always hard, but even harder to stop doing something familiar. A good example of this is the limit in meat. Many people literally can't live a day without fried chicken or a good piece of beef.
Of course, they from time to time, reflect on the account to stop to eat dead flesh, but even then, when thoughts turn into action, all of the ends that they are after three, four, maybe five days I go back into the store for some beef fillet. Of course, they justify their lack of will, for example, that the meat contains substances necessary for proper functioning of the body, particularly protein. However, it is not so.
If you approach the issue thoroughly, you will understand that the elements contained in the piece of steak, there are other foods, such as beans, mushrooms, grains, etc. With all that such food does not harm the body, unlike pork, beef and lamb. And this harm, it should be noted, is quite significant. So, if you really care about your health, there are many reasons to choose the path of vegetarian. And in order to make it easier to do this, we have prepared some tips that should definitely help.
You must have pricings to give up meat once and for all, you should have a good reason. The human psyche is arranged in such a way that allows you to do only those things that we really needed. Therefore, it is necessary to articulate the reasons for your desire to become a vegetarian. As a consequence there will be quality motivated, which will allow much easier to overcome difficulties, which at first will arise in your way.
Find a good rezeptfreie what you eliminate from your diet all meat, be sure to go to culinary sites on the Internet and find what you replace your usual meals on your menu. Try to cook something from what you could find. Don't go to pick up one night a few dozen recipes, choose a few most sympathetic, and then gradually form the culinary collection with new instructions on cooking certain dishes.
Every week something nevercould will take the path of a vegetarian, then try at least once a week to cook something new. Thus, not only will you be better prepare and build your knowledge base with new recipes, but will also create an additional incentive to hold out for one more week without meat.
Meat needs something semanticitem to understand that meat products should be replaced by something. Read a special article, which describes what nutrients are contained in the meat, and then see what amount of fats, proteins and carbohydrates present in fruits and vegetables, compare them on the basis of what will make a choice in favor of a non-meat product. The easiest replacement option is to use instead of the usual soy meat.
You need something machinationine mistake many meat eaters who have decided to become vegetarian, is that they expect to have it all. This approach is fundamentally not true, and in 90% of cases this attempt may be unsuccessful. So, the first time, you can only give up red meat, as it is the most harmful to the body. You also need to follow the following pattern: the first week eat only vegetarian meals one day, second day or two, the third three, etc. If you can maintain this pace, then after a month and a half, you will be able to completely switch to vegetarian food.
Other types of macatak, suppose you survived the first two weeks without red meat, here's the third, where for three days will need to eat vegetables, fruits, greens, cereals, etc. But at the same time, you will have to eliminate from the diet more and pork, and after one or two weeks — chicken and various seafood.
What about milk and eggs?Regarding whether or not the place with the meat to give up even from eggs and milk, vegetarians are different opinions diverge. Someone thinks that they can be consumed, others believe that the eggs should be removed and leave only milk, and others say you can not have neither one nor the other. Thus, here the choice is yours exclusively, although we recommend extreme caution to treat these products as some of them may contain large amounts of saturated fats that are very harmful.
Ingredientstablets a list of all the ingredients you usually cook. Then exclude all meat as well as unwanted by-products. When this is done, think about what vegetarian foods to replace what you have deleted. Then you can go with a new list store to fill your fridge.
Unhealthy adawy can of course become a vegetarian, but if you will be eat unhealthy food, the benefits of vegetarianism will be zero. Thus, refusing the meat, we do not recommend: eating chips, mayonnaise, ketchup, canned goods and other similar products.
Have udovolstviem if you feel strong discomfort from food asceticism, try to change your attitude to vegetarianism. Realize and understand that thus you are doing a good deed to your body, and just enough to wait a bit, and you have, literally, a new life will begin.
Go to postirradiation when a person goes to someone for a visit, treat it with homemade food. Be sure to warn the owners of the house that you do not eat meat, so you do not have any complaints, you can make your own vegetarian dish and bring it with you. And who knows, maybe it will satisfy your relatives or friends and they will also want to eat healthy food.
Semi-finished and zakosciele not only meat products, but also vegetarian. Thus, if you do not want to stand long at the stove, then you will still be able to take something suitable in the shop, and quickly make it home. Meat eaters like to eat sandwiches, hamburgers, hotdogs etc Vegetarian in this case, it can drink yogurt, eat some fruit, make a basic salad of cucumbers and tomatoes or a sandwich of whole wheat bread with vegetables and tofu.
Prepare skaneateles that the refrigerator always had a pot of vegetable soup and stews, in case if you need to eat, and time to cook there.
Trip to restoran our time, almost every restaurant has a vegetarian menu. It is better to err in advance and read on the website of your chosen restaurant or cafe, do they have dishes without meat. It is possible that you will find many delicious vegetarian dishes that I never tried.
It is always easier to cope with anything, when there are understanding, considerate people who are ready to support you in any endeavor.
More chat with like-minded people. Experiencing positive emotions. Enjoy your life! You are on the right track! published
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: www.dayoga.ru/knowledge/pitanie/sovety_dlya_nachinayuschih_vegetariancev