9 qualities that distinguish the best employees from average

People often ask themselves: "How to make all appreciated my contribution appreciated?" Sometimes it is only the recognition of the importance of the work done, but sometimes a person expects and on the rise. And he say that he had done, and advised to "continue in the same spirit," and despite the fact the career ladder promote others.To understand what an outstanding employee differs from the merely competent, we have collected 50 of 286 questionnaires with estimates 4158 employees over the past five years and compared the "good" workers (estimated from 40 to 70%) with the "best" (score 90%). The first thing that caught my eye: a striking gap in productivity, as shown clearly by the graph below.

What leadership qualities distinguish the best employees from the merely good? Here is the list, ranked from the more significant features and qualities to be less significant. Outstanding workers: set ambitious goals for themselves and raise the bar. This is the main difference. The best of the best set myself targets that others seem daunting, and not only put them but also achieve. Moreover, they encourage others to achieve the best results. However, when we asked survey participants to list four qualities that they believe is key for individual achievements, even one of the ten not named high demands of himself. It turns out it ambitious goals — something a person to not wait as properly distinguish the best workers from the average.
Less effective employees but are perfectly able to waste time, since they came to the conclusion that the better and the faster you are, the more bulk orders. They fear that the boss will add tasks to them until you accumulate so much work that already can not cope. About this problem should consider not only employees but also organizations: is it right to "punish" a valuable resource for additional effort?
Work in a team. The question about the main quality of the employee the majority of respondents primarily answered: "the Ability to solve problems." And in second place was "the availability of technical and professional knowledge". And these qualities, as we already guessed, is still inherent, the best and the ordinary workers. But the third in the list was "the ability to work in a team to achieve results in the team." And this really distinguishes the great from the merely competent.
Many people prefer to work independently from colleagues. Some even think that the execution of the solo rather notice. They remember school, where each was evaluated on personal efforts and on the results of the tests. But in this case these people do not understand the main purpose of the company or organization: to create the joint efforts of the new values that are individually and outside people can not produce.
Willing to present their work crew. Best employees very effectively represent your team in other departments and divisions within the company. If you want to stand out, pluck up your spirits, raise your hand, take an extra job to represent his team. So you will gain recognition, make new connections and useful experience.
Don't resist change, they rejoice. One of our client claimed that the core of her company's "petrified" and consists of people who fear change and resist reform. Of course, all the changes are difficult, but for the survival of the organization, they are vital. The best employees faster and more willing to accept change, both in tactics and in strategy.
Take the initiative. Often the members of the group due to their ordinary position just wait until they are told what to do, but the great, without waiting for the team to Express their opinions and offer help. Mentally go through programs and projects implemented in your company. Some of them you had a hand? The initiative is much more than just the fulfillment of current responsibilities.
No sooner said than done. Some people easily agree to do something, and then throw it out of my head. Forgetfulness? No, rather, fraud. If you took the case, we are obliged to bring it to the end if it's within your power. The best employees ensure that their words do not disagree with their actions. They are a great role model for others. That is a quality that all of our reference group from 4158 people appreciated most highly. In other words, match words and deeds is a necessary condition. But the best team members are not satisfied with this, they are extremely thorough and always do what he had promised.
Rely on common sense. If there is a technical issue or doubt about the practicality of a proposal, the best employees are considering the case from all sides, not hope, that all by itself happens. The decision is a small part of the time, and the consequences are extremely high. Great leaders are ready for any solutions in advance and consider who and what can suffer if something goes wrong.
Resistant to failures. No one is always right. Everyone sooner or later suffer setbacks and disappointments. The best employees recognize their mistakes and move on. They do not dwell in their mistakes, not others'. Hurtful comments they ignore. They understand that reputation destroy not errors, but their unwillingness to admit and learn.
Honestly criticize others. We tend to think of criticism of the exclusive privileges of the authorities. This is partly true. From colleagues none of the critics are waiting for, but that's why the best employees can stand out and his willingness to help with advice and comment. Even clumsy criticism from equal useful because its almost no one gets. If only it was done with good intentions: you can show a colleague how would you approach the problem, gently ask the questions that he didn't come to head, you can point to something that a colleague did poorly, however, it would be good to recall how he helped you. It will be useful, and the best staff can make comments so that they are not perceived as harsh criticism, but as a manifestation of benevolence.
If you want to stand out, it is sufficient to vary at least one of the above areas and you will notice. So, I advise you to allocate one or two of the Council, which would be most likely to place in your current activities. It makes sense to ask the opinion of the chief and colleagues about how you are efficient in all these aspects. First, their answers will help you to see yourself, and secondly if you could share with employees their plans of self-improvement, it will be easier for these plans to implement. Moreover, knowing what tasks you yourself put, head also will be able to match you with assignments that contribute to development and growth.
If you do head out, try from time to time with staff interviews, to help them understand the types of behavior that make them stand out from the crowd. This will help their careers, and they in turn will bring even more benefit to the firm. published
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: hbr-russia.ru/lichnaya-effektivnost/lichnye-kachestva/p13642/?utm_source=Nextclick&utm_medium=Recomendation&utm_campaign=Nextclick