Unique examples of centenarians vegetarians
Forty four million eight hundred nine thousand ninety four
Mike Fremont
Mike Fremont, a 91-year-old runner, ran Noxville the Marathon in 3 hours. He started running in 1958 after the death of his first wife. Runner said that veganism helped him to defeat cancer of the rectum, which he was diagnosed at the age of 69 years, stating that without the surgery he had three months to live.
He still claims that veganism helps him to be healthy and run marathons. “When You get as old as I am now you will not be able to train enough, Your body just can't take it. I really want to emphasize that eating vegan helps me to be in shape,” says Fremont.
Mike started running almost 40 years. At 69 years old he was diagnosed with cancer and he decided to become a vegan. The tumor gradually decreased after the operation and the cancer never returned. Mike says "Training is important, but at this age it is simply impossible to train if you allow the body to fall apart. Vegan diet — the basis of my achievements."
Mike runs around 56km a week, pressed out and engaged in rowing. He says he trains not for the sake of records, and to maintain health.

Werner Hofstattenberg Hofstetter (Hofstetter Werner) – Swiss, February 5 celebrated his 102nd birthday. 80 years of his life he spent being a vegan. The press became aware of it about two years ago. Since Werner is the star of the Internet. But not just because it's vegan, but because it doesn't hurt. In addition, he worked to 99 years, until I got to the nursing home. Here he cultivated a garden.
Mr. Hofstetter, as all began?
Wk: My father was a furniture carpenter, and was the beginning of the First world war have 5 children. To be able to feed us in these insecure times, my parents were looking for a peasant HOMESTEAD. We moved to a village near Zurich, where he engaged in raising cattle. Until that time, we seldom ate meat. And, as a boy, I was very indignant, but I had to come to terms with an unpleasant taste. Milk I never liked him either. When I had a pair, I tried not to drink it. After a while, my mom started to have health problems, she was trying to get to the root cause and soon became a vegetarian. I was about 11 years old then, and I join her enthusiastically, realizing the words of the Bible "thou shalt Not kill!". Maybe I was young, but it was obvious to me.
30 years Werner has started to grow organic vegetables, but was not engaged in propaganda of veganism. In 1942 he married.
When Your wife died? If she was a vegetarian/vegan?
V. G: She died 12 years ago, she was 89 years old and she was not a convinced vegetarian, although I thought so at first. Our relationship was not harmonious, we lived together, however, each went his own way. My wife wanted to be rich and began to sell the meat, and accordingly the beginning and have it again. My two children also eat meat, unfortunately...
You like Your garden and Your new home?
V. G: Very. But not all of the foods I like. I always just fed, always loved the raw food, but due to my wife not really been able to eat it. And here I have salads, potatoes, rice. There are a large variety of herbal products. Three times a week, give us meat, and almost everyone eats it. Desserts I don't eat them, the alternative is fruit, but, unfortunately, often immature. The Breakfast includes large quantities of dairy products. I don't eat them or the eggs. However, I was already three times with a cold since I live here, which is unusual for me. When I myself was preparing, I didn't suffer from rhinitis for many years. I see here two possible reasons: either there are a lot of bacteria, either I'm getting old.
Most importantly, what have You learned in life?
V. G: what you need to consider the nature and adapt to it.
That, in addition to vegan, You do for health?
V. G: I never drink coffee and alcohol.
What would You do if You were king?
V. G: he Ordered the people to live easier. I would develop a "free economy".
Would you give everyone a plot of land that families were able to subsist themselves, and forbade them to eat animals?
V. G: I don't know how to do it. The world is so diverse, no one is like another. But I would spread the knowledge so they can go down the right path.
You, it turns out, has always been ahead of its time. How You react to commercial farmers?
V. G: the Neighbors took us well over the years, after they saw that we worked a lot.
What's your relationship with animals?
V. G: I never willingly engaged in Pets. In my view, in the modern world people are doing too much for them. And you had to let them go and live freely... I love nature and wildlife, the sounds of spring, when you swipe your birds.
Do You have an unfulfilled desire?
V. G: I want to see the rainforest.
What do You believe?
V. G: In the law of karma. God is in us and we in him, and God is a spirit, everything that surrounds us.

Fauja Singham had turned 102 years, and 101году he still continued to run and now has a great physical form. In 2011 Fauja Singh entered the Guinness book of records as the oldest marathon runner ran the full marathon at the age of 100 years.
Over the past 10 years he has established 12 world, European and British records. At the Olympics 2004 in Athens, he was honored to participate in the delivery of the torch on mount Olympus. In the same year, an elderly marathon runner became the face of the advertising campaign, sneakers Adidas, is named in his honor. Since the mid 1990-ies lives in London's Ilford. Indian, talking about their secrets of longevity, says that just so loves the sport that never misses a workout.
Special passion for the sport he has appeared in 89 years, since he participated in 7 marathons and have signed up for the marathon, which will be held in 2012 in Edinburgh. There is the oldest athlete will need to run 42 km.
Most people dream to buy a car, and this Hindu recognizes no limits to the body continues to move and thereby managed in such an advanced age to be cheerful and energetic.
On the day he runs 16 miles, eating once a day a few vegetables with ginger and curry, drink some tea. In one of interviews he said that he was amazed that his British peers lead a sedentary lifestyle, eating fatty and blamed his poor health on age.
Now Fauja Singh moved to London, he remains cheerful, positive, helps people and does not eat junk food.Date of birth 1 April 1911. Hindu believes that one should not worry on trifles and experience stress. "If there are things you can't change, stop worry about them," says Fauja Singh – "Enjoy life and avoid the bad people."
5 recipes of happiness from his grandfather Fauja:
1. To be happy, you first need to have a big heart.
2. Positive thinking and the company of people who are passionate about something and want to move forward, that's what keeps me strength and makes me happy.
3. I gratefully and humbly accept everything sent by God to me.
4. The majority of pensioners in the UK do not follow the diet and move on the machine that makes them sick, feeble and unhappy. I'm not ready to sit still. It's killing me. So I run, I always smile and eat a lot of ginger and curry.
5. I don't think of myself as an old man. As soon as I allow myself to look at myself as an elder — I will lose everything. Age — he's only in the mind. Positive thinking makes everything possible.
To stay in shape, every day he overcomes a foot and ran 15 kilometers. In addition, he does not smoke, does not eat fried, is a vegetarian diet, avoiding alcohol and, if possible, meetings with the wrong people. He smiles a lot. That smile, recognized Fauja Singh, allows him to maintain form and overcome the marathon distance. "The first twenty miles are easy for me, says Fauja. — And the last six I run, talking with God."
Monk Jia Даочжан

Monk Jia Dojan "works" as a hermit. The last thirty years, he lives in a cave. To live in the cave he left when he turned 70. Now Jia Dajana — 100. And every new day he re-enters into the struggle between heaven and hell...
Like all true monks, including Orthodox, Jia Dojan the flesh of animals do not consume.
When Jia of Dogana asked him about his age, he smiles and says, "I'm still a child." And heaven and hell, as he is convinced are on earth — in the world of people — and not await us after death.
The cave is Jia Dagano got well (cave of course). It is in the mountains of Wudang, high in the old Taoist monastery. Inside the cave is an ancient Taoist altar. And the bed sleeps Jia Dogan. Heating of course not. And electricity, too.
In this cave since ancient times, lived a Taoist hermit. And now lives Jia Dogan.
"And hell and Paradise we create, says Jia Dojan. — It is believed that in hell you are waiting for the torture, but I ask you: to go under the scalpel is not torture? the disease is not torture? Illness is a punishment for wrong doings. And the hospital — this court. When cut the inside, then one gets into a real hell".
To get there, you need to watch your health, eat right, and most importantly, the right to live and communicate with people. No need to hurt anybody, should smile more and not to seek to have more than a person needs. He Jia Daejan, which was formerly an ordinary farmer, doing exercises every day, getting to him at four in the morning.
"In the simple life, there's nothing wrong happiness is definitely not about the money. On the contrary, the more money the less happiness. If I had the money, I would constantly shaking over them, afraid to lose them. And when you have nothing, then there are no problems... the Main thing is to eat right," says Jia Dojan.
He happily interacts with people, while sitting with her legs crossed on the yellow.
He is very happy with his life. Even in the winter.

Swami Yoganandaji old as the stone and quite tired of life: 101-year-old Indian yoga teacher Swami Yogananda found in orange juice, wheat germ and yoga the elixir of youth.
How to live to a hundred years? – “Do not prepare food! Only raw...”
At two in the morning to get up four times a day to drink a glass of fresh orange juice, to avoid the "normal" food, and daily yoga classes will help to preserve your health, the purity of consciousness and ultimately to live long.
Swami Yogananda was born in 1909 and is still in great shape.
A little old man from Rishikesh, with a tousled beard and thin like matches arms makes the Western mind at some point, doubt the truth about the year of birth of this person. Born in 1909? If we (approx. editorial: the 2010 Seams Jogando visited Germany for extensive consultation with local yoga schools) is not seen with my own eyes how the Seams throws both legs behind his head and smiles modestly, we would believe more of Indian cinema than the biblical age of this person.
Yogi, as of the books.
Seams is one of those yogis that are described in the old Chronicles, whose existence can only believe when they see with their own eyes. In its 101 year Seams doesn't need glasses, a hearing device and, of course, did not require assistance when walking.
When the Seams after a minimum of seven hours of sleep gets up at two in the morning, followed by morning activities. "Going to the toilet is simply a must," says yogi. "He who after sleeping not maybe, that's sick." This is followed by teeth brushing. At yoga still all 32 teeth! And it's not cool tooth brushes with the motor, and branches of a tree him that the Indians thousands of years to brush their teeth. After oral hygiene Seams to drink a glass of hot water with lemon and spends the hour in meditation, as it does for 50 years. Waking up, the yogi himself massaging all parts of your body. Five hundred times he smoothes the bottom-up hands and feet, massaging his neck and scalp. "So I don't have wrinkles," grins yogi and enjoys his smooth legs.
After the massage Joints practicing yoga exercises "Sukshma vyayama" – 46 serial by warming up, breathing and relaxation exercises. Morning ritual ends with a bath or shower. A total of morning toilet take "as long as it lasts", but no longer than four hours.
At the latest at six o'clock in the morning with Stitches starts its work – teaching yoga and consulting. This little Breakfast Joints squeezes out the juice of the 25 oranges. Serves to juice Wheatgrass, if served at all. The more he eats nothing! The only dietary Supplement in the life of yoga is a mix of turmeric and honey, which, according to yoga, makes bone flexible and strong. Never in my life Seams did not take any vitamins or minerals or any other supplements and ANY MEDICATIONS. To doctors he does not go, relies on internal forces of the body. Even a bone fracture Seams were not treated: one month rest, and after the usual exercises brought a bone in the same form.
The wrong food is a SOURCE of DISEASES!
The biggest enemy of a healthy person, according to Yogananda, is the wrong food. Only if the stomach and digestion is normal, only then a person is healthy. Nothing cooked, no sugar and after 30 years of life without proteins – here would look like the ideal diet of an adult. To all this add the practice of yoga. No need to spend a lot of time, the main thing – to complete the "head to toe".
To conserve energy, Yogananda reads no Newspapers, listens to radio and watches TV. His entire concentration focused on the "commitment to peace": yoga, counseling and demonstrating their athletic body and clear mind to the European public.
Eating meat has very harmful effects on herbivorous and frugivorous animals. So, if for a long time to add animal fat into the food of the rabbit, then after two months the walls of the blood vessels will become clogged with fatty deposits, causing a severe disease similar to atherosclerosis of the human digestive system was not designed for digesting meat. And as we see next, the more people eat meat, the more they hurt.
Vegetarians – true centenarians. And the Eskimos, whose diet consists mainly of meat and fat, live an average of about 27.5 years. The average duration of life of the Kyrgyz people who eat mainly meat, is about 40 years.
In contrast, as shown by studies conducted among these vegetarian tribes like the Hunza in Pakistan, the Otomi Tribe in Mexico and among the indigenous population of South-West America, vegetarians have excellent health, stamina and longevity.
Among them not a single case is like this, when people maintain health, physical and mental activity at the age of 110 years or more.
World health statistics shows that in countries where the level of consumption of meat is highest, have the highest incidence of cancer and heart disease. Conversely, in vegetarian countries, the level of these diseases the most low.
On the question of whether to extend the life of vegetarianism, can be answered by the result of one demographic studies conducted in our country.
Surveyed 40 thousand people over the age of 80 years, tentatively called centenarians.
It turned out that among them 8.4 percent are vegetarians. Given that the latter is a fraction of a percent of the population, we can conclude that the percentage of centenarians among vegetarians is very high, almost all vegetarians fall into this category.
If you look at history, we know that Socrates ate vegetarian food and lived for 99 years, Shaw died at 94 years, with 26 years vegetarian. Pythagoras lived more than 100 years, by giving up meat at the age of twenty, and then became a raw eater.
The idea that vegetarian food increases in life expectancy, is not new. It is also known that centenarians tend temperance and moderation in eating. Here he writes about nutrition for the "advanced in years" Abu Ali Ibn Sina (Avicenna): "When a man is getting on in years, his body didn't take as much food as he took in his youth.
The people of the tribe of hunzakuts, Champions for mountain navigation, live up to 110-120 years without losing performance. The centenary does not prevent them to play outdoor games, and women — to bear children. Diet tribe the cult and strictly observed.
The main food is raw fruit, sometimes sheep cheese. From the main fruit — apricot. There is a saying: "Your wife will not follow you there, where no fruit apricots".
The African population of the toubou tribe lives in extreme conditions, making transitions across the desert for 80 km at a temperature in the shade rarely below 45 °C.
The tube is characterized by low child mortality, they are well composed, to keep elderly teeth. Their diet: herbal decoction, small amount of dates, boiled corn, sometimes palm oil or grated roots.
Source: probudilis.ru/veg/dolgozhiteli.php
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