10 pseudo-science and weird theories
Thirty million two hundred sixty nine thousand eight hundred thirty
Science is sometimes inaccurate and not really science. Throughout history there were countless the explanation of natural phenomena that we believed to be correct, and only decades later it became clear that they are far from the truth. However, history remembers scientists of the theory which although was far from a real science to this day find followers and supporters.
Wilhelm ReichOrgon
Twenty six million one hundred ten thousand five hundred sixty eight
Born in 1897, Wilhelm Reich was a psychiatrist, brought up on the works of Sigmund Freud. For a time he worked with Freud, and then was engaged in private practice in 1922. By 1940, he moved to the USA and developed their own theories.
According to Reich, he scientifically proved the existence of a component that he described himself in the form of energy body that is physically manifested in the libido is accumulated in the body and successfully discharged through orgasm. Reich built a machine which allowed him to study this energy, crossing the threshold between psychology and biology, but also between Western and Eastern methods. He called this energy "orgone", because of its direct connection with orgasm, but later realized that orgone is beyond the limits of human biology. According to the theory of Reich, Orgon kept everything from gravity to the weather.
Reich and his supporters have spent an enormous amount of research and experiments trying to figure out the properties of orgone. In 1947 he wrote the book "Biopathy cancer", based on his experiments on the introduction of cancer cells in mice with what he called "bonamia, or the basic elements of life energy". According to Reich's theories, cancer is mostly a result of decay of these elements, and he claimed that can prolong the life of mice for a few weeks — and even more, using the energy collected orgone accumulator.
In the world today there are still organizations that officially profess the teachings of Reich and orgone therapy are offered as an option for the treatment of various disorders.
Frederic Petitother moon
Twenty eight million seven thousand thirty nine
According to astronomer Frederic Petit, the Earth has a second Moon. Working in 1846 at the Observatory in Toulouse, France, Petit said that the presence of the second moon explains almost all of the astronomical inconsistencies faced by other astronomers. He believed that the time of orbital revolution of the second moon is just 2 hours, 44 minutes and 59 seconds. At the farthest point from the Earth, a second moon Petit was in 3570 miles.
No one took the results seriously, but Petit continued to discover new findings about the moon and its effects manifested on the moon and the Earth, even 15 years after his original statements. The theory Petit could remain completely unnoticed in the scientific community, if it took Jules Verne a basis for "From the earth to the moon".
The link was very short but gave Verne comments about this second moon and named Petit, the man who opened it. And instead to leave in obscurity, Amateur astronomers began to seek in heaven the evidence of this second moon, but in the end came to many other discoveries. In 1898 George Waltemath said that found not the second, and a whole bunch of small moons. Some of these moons light the sky with the same power as the Sun, he argued. Waltemath also named a few dates, when people will be able to see these mini moons passing before the Sun. A lot of people spent a few days in February, 1898, staring at the Sun, but did not see anything unusual.
Marcel VogelPlants with feelings and quartz drive
Eighty four million seven hundred ten thousand two hundred sixty six
Marcel Vogel began research activities after he discovered that plants can feel. Being a technician for IBM, Vogel researched plant responses to stimuli — cuts, damage cuts — which could be read and understood in terms of the energy released. According to Vogel, he found that plants react with their own emotions and energy. He decided that the plants maintain their own mental energy and emit it in the moment of interaction with external stimuli.
It was in the 1960-ies. In 1974, Vogel was introduced quartz crystals and held the remnants of the 1970-ies, exploring their capacity to act as receptacles for the accumulation, increase and converting mental energies. In 1984, he founded Psychic Research with quite noble intentions. He wanted to purify water by rearranging its energy, and accelerate the aging process of wines using the same methods.
Initially, Vogel is not particularly believed in the idea with the crystals until I decided to meditate with the Virgin Mary in mind, focusing on the crystal. After an hour of focusing on the crystal revealed the form of his mental image.
Vogel decided that the most powerful force of all — love, and its crystals can accumulate, to increase, to keep the love. In fact, with this idea he decided to produce crystals of Vogel, which is still available at a decent price.
Ignaz von PeczelyThe iridology
Thirty eight million three hundred forty four thousand seven hundred sixty four
The human eye has long been considered the mirror of the soul. For centuries, physicians studied the eyes of patients to assess their health. Although our eyes can definitely reflect the state of our health — or lack of it, — the Hungarian doctor Ignatz von Peczely brought the idea to a new level.
It all started when he noticed a black mark in the eye of an owl that had broken its leg. Although this incident happened to him in his youth, he remembered him throughout his practice of medicine at the Vienna medical College. By the time when he graduated in 1867, von Peczely has gathered an impressive database of eyes of the patients and created a diagram that indicates the relationship of the iris with part of the body.
According to background Peczely and his contemporary Niels Liljequist, any breach in the body can be diagnosed, looking at the change in color of the iris. They firmly believed he did not need medical examinations. Just look at the iris, to understand what hurts the patient.
Today in the world there are practitioners iridology that try to detect illness and genetic flaws in their eyes. People are divided into three "constitutional type", defined by the color of their eyes. Blue eyes belong to the lymphatic constitutional type, and are predisposed to skin problems like acne, dandruff, arthritis, bronchitis, and eye problems. Brown-eyed defined in hematogenic constitutional type, and suffer from anemia, diseases of the digestive system, chronic degenerative diseases and gases. The third type is a mixture of the previous two. If your eyes are shades of blue and brown, it means that you are predisposed to diseases of both types.
Judge Edward JonesPersonology
Ninety five million seven hundred sixty four thousand one hundred sixty eight
According to the book, written by the founder of the International centre for personology, the science appeared in the 1930-ies in the judicial system of Los Angeles. Meeting one after another of the defendant, judge Edward Jones began to compare the features of their faces with their perfect crimes.
After the judge laid the Foundation for this dubious science, further research took a certain newspaper editor Robert Whiteside. In his opinion, the human face can clearly identify his personality type; both of these parameters were determined genetically and, therefore, should be related.
At the beginning of the development of criminology was believed that the human propensity to criminal lifestyle is directly related to its physical form. Personology is a similar idea. To this day there are institutions that train people to read the faces of other people to improve the service skills, interpersonal relationships and other aspects of human relationships.
Alfred William LawsonLawsonomy
Fifteen million four hundred thirty four thousand two hundred sixty nine
The name si Fauns was the pseudonym of Alfred William Lawson and used to spread the teachings of how beautiful and remarkable was Lawson, so as not to attract unnecessary suspicion. Among the thoughts of Fauna was and is this: "the Birth of Lawson was the most important moment since the appearance of mankind."
For 20 years Lawson was a professional pitcher in baseball. When he tired of this occupation, he decided to take up aviation, with varying success. It is even credited with the idea of an airliner, but his own attempts to start a company and build a fleet of Airliners — failed.
Then he founded the University of Lawsonomy, but his colleagues on the knowledge taught only one thing: the science of Lawsonomy. All other books and studies were absolutely forbidden.
What were the teachings and beliefs of Lawsonomy? There is no such thing as energy, only a constant battle of push-pull between things with high density and low density. The land consists of a "malapira" and floats in the air. Due to differences in density between the Earth and the surrounding material, everything on Earth is absorbed into the planet through the black hole near the North Pole and distributed the ball through the inner arteries of the planet. However, with humans the same thing happens. When the process of pressure and suction stops, stops, and life.
And while we live, reign over us until menory and disorga living in our brains. These small creatures running around in our heads, some people create order and the other chaos. And so it goes.
Food and nutrition are complex in Lawsonomy. Parasitic plants of the Earth and communicate with each other unknown to us. When the first people ate the plants, we were healthy and strong. When we began to prepare food, we become weaker and more prone to diseases. Lawson came to this conclusion, looking at what happens to a person thrown into the fire. Needless to say, the same thing happens with any living creature.
University of Lawsonomy came to an end when the Senate on Affairs of small business became interested in what this University is doing with their funds; in the end, came to an end and the science Lawson.
Hans HoerbigerThe theory of cosmic ice
Seventy seven million eight hundred twenty seven thousand three hundred forty five
In the 1920-ies Austrian Hans Hoerbiger added to the scientific world a new theory, and people around the world loved it. Its popularity was largely due to its simplicity and accessibility to the layman. Simply put, everything was created from ice.
Ice is the basis of everything in the universe, from the stars in the sky to life on Earth. Hoerbiger called his revolutionary theory, indicating that a single thread can be linked to almost everything in the universe, and this idea is much relished.
Explanation of the theory was quite interesting. Herbigharo had a vision in 1894. He revealed that the ice was the basis of everything. The facts that formed the basis of his theory, was obtained thanks to "creative intuition" and "artificial experiment". Instead of starting conversations with the scientific community, Hoerbiger first presented his theory to the public, in the hope that public opinion can sway the scientific community. What is most surprising, it almost worked.
Hot on the heels of Hoerbiger was written books and stories on space ice based community of theorists of space ice. Research in this area encouraged Heinrich Himmler, though the most eminent German scientists denied any overtures of this theory. After the war, the support of Himmler hammered the last nail in the coffin of the theory — took her to the warehouse pseudoscience and safely forgotten.
John KeeleyPerpetual motion machine
Sixty three million six hundred twenty thousand one hundred nineteen
The idea of perpetual motion has always been interesting. People have been trying to find it since the middle ages. The generally accepted definition of perpetual motion States that it produces more energy than it consumes — which is, of course, impossible.
But that didn't stop John Keely claim that he made such an engine. Born in 1837, Keely changed several professions — painter, decorator, theater-goer — has not yet went public with the announcement, saying that he had found an entirely new kind of physical energy that can produce incredible power. Using the energy of the water molecules, Keely could sync up the vibrations of the molecules with their car and to create a perpetual motion machine.
All of this is quite ridiculous, but Keely was able to convince. He soon attracted investors and 5 million of investments in Keely Motor Company. In 1874, he was able to demonstrate a full-scale engine model. His descriptions included a variety so beloved of the pseudoscience of words like "ether-etheric" and "metallic impulses," and the car was run with the help of vibrations of musical instruments. It kindled the interest of investors, but at the same time, refused to patent their idea in fear that someone may steal it.
His company went public in 1890, and at the same time organizations like Scientific American began to blow holes in his theory. The company kept on investing another eight years before Keely died in 1898. By the time Keely Motor Company has been in business for 25 years and did not bring a penny of dividends to investors. When investors looked into the mysterious laboratory of the keels, they found a false floor and a container of compressed air, which created the illusion of work. In fact, as predicted by Scientific American.
Renee BlondlotN-rays
Thirty five million four hundred forty seven thousand six hundred seventy seven
In 1903, the scientific community was literally agog with all kinds of radiation and x-rays. French scientist Rene Blondlot experimented with x-rays when I came across something incredible: more waves. He called them N-rays after his town, Nancy, and his experiments were met in its path a wave of incomprehension and skepticism. The skepticism was due to the fact that the theory of N-rays had one of the biggest signs of pseudoscience: the inability to easily repeat the results.
For the first time Blondel found his mysterious N-rays when he saw a small spark in the corner of your eye. His instructions for detecting an N-best were quite doubtful. Had closed in a dark room for a while to make sure that the eyes are properly configured. Blondle also argued that while some people can immediately see the rays, others will need to try and try... and try again.
In the end Blondel and his colleagues derived a list of properties of N-rays, partially inspired by open Germans of x-rays. N-rays could pass through all that blocks the light, but stay transparent materials. They come with sunlight, but only on cloudy days. Another Frenchman, Augustin Charpentier went farther, and came to the conclusion that the human body also emit N-rays.
Fortunately, a physicist from Johns Hopkins University decided to find the truth once and for all. He was able to prove that the discovery Blondel — nonsense. A year after the Grand opening Blondel, everything was destroyed.
Albert AbramsRadionics
Sixty two million one hundred seventy one thousand two hundred twenty eight
In the early 1900s, a doctor named albert Abrams claimed to have discovered the secret of the diagnosis and treatment of almost any ailment of the human body. In his opinion, the answer lies in the vibration of every cell. These vibrations, which he called "electrical reactions of Abrams," he could consider exploring something to do with the patient, and then substitute, using one of his many devices.
This practice was called Radionics, and it is based came diagnosis of the patient by studying samples of body — blood, saliva, clipping nails or even personal belongings. Some used mysterious black boxes and rods in his diagnosis, and some were so sensitive that it could do without the appliances.
It is not surprising that on this basis rose a lot of charlatans. The FDA sent a few blood samples for radionically research to find out the exact expected results. The first sample went the diagnosis of colitis, although the master sample were all dead. The amputee was diagnosed with arthritis in a lost leg, and the chicken was diagnosed with sinus infection.
Remarkably, organizations, practitioners of Radionics, exist to this day.
Franz MesmerAnimal magnetism
Seventy four million four hundred thirty nine thousand eight hundred sixty eight
As you've probably guessed, the word "mesmerism" gave us that Franz Mesmer. But his theories have a lot more than just hypnosis, and they were popular enough to survive many decades.
The theory of Mesmer were born when he wrote a thesis on the influence of movement of planets on the human body in 1766. We say "wrote", but in fact he stole it almost entirely from another well-known English physician, who lived earlier. In any case, the career of Mesmer is not affected.
After marrying a rich widow and began a private practice, he introduced a new method of treatment of patients who have abandoned traditional methods of treatment. When he managed to heal the woman with the use of magnets, he continued experimenting with the so-called "animal magnetism."
His contemporaries considered this practice with considerable scepticism, even when Mesmer claimed to have restored the sight of the woman who had been blind from the age of three. His speech before the Royal Academy of Sciences has gone very badly, but the support of society he has gained. Inspired by the support of healed people, animal magnetism attracted the attention of European countries.
Further experiments have determined that in fact the difference between the actual effects of magnetism in the human body and the simple assumption of the presence of small magnets. At the same time, others continued to believe in the work of the good doctor Mesmer, but after the release of official scientific research on his work, his serious practice ended.
Source: hi-news.ru
Science is sometimes inaccurate and not really science. Throughout history there were countless the explanation of natural phenomena that we believed to be correct, and only decades later it became clear that they are far from the truth. However, history remembers scientists of the theory which although was far from a real science to this day find followers and supporters.
Wilhelm ReichOrgon
Twenty six million one hundred ten thousand five hundred sixty eight
Born in 1897, Wilhelm Reich was a psychiatrist, brought up on the works of Sigmund Freud. For a time he worked with Freud, and then was engaged in private practice in 1922. By 1940, he moved to the USA and developed their own theories.
According to Reich, he scientifically proved the existence of a component that he described himself in the form of energy body that is physically manifested in the libido is accumulated in the body and successfully discharged through orgasm. Reich built a machine which allowed him to study this energy, crossing the threshold between psychology and biology, but also between Western and Eastern methods. He called this energy "orgone", because of its direct connection with orgasm, but later realized that orgone is beyond the limits of human biology. According to the theory of Reich, Orgon kept everything from gravity to the weather.
Reich and his supporters have spent an enormous amount of research and experiments trying to figure out the properties of orgone. In 1947 he wrote the book "Biopathy cancer", based on his experiments on the introduction of cancer cells in mice with what he called "bonamia, or the basic elements of life energy". According to Reich's theories, cancer is mostly a result of decay of these elements, and he claimed that can prolong the life of mice for a few weeks — and even more, using the energy collected orgone accumulator.
In the world today there are still organizations that officially profess the teachings of Reich and orgone therapy are offered as an option for the treatment of various disorders.
Frederic Petitother moon
Twenty eight million seven thousand thirty nine
According to astronomer Frederic Petit, the Earth has a second Moon. Working in 1846 at the Observatory in Toulouse, France, Petit said that the presence of the second moon explains almost all of the astronomical inconsistencies faced by other astronomers. He believed that the time of orbital revolution of the second moon is just 2 hours, 44 minutes and 59 seconds. At the farthest point from the Earth, a second moon Petit was in 3570 miles.
No one took the results seriously, but Petit continued to discover new findings about the moon and its effects manifested on the moon and the Earth, even 15 years after his original statements. The theory Petit could remain completely unnoticed in the scientific community, if it took Jules Verne a basis for "From the earth to the moon".
The link was very short but gave Verne comments about this second moon and named Petit, the man who opened it. And instead to leave in obscurity, Amateur astronomers began to seek in heaven the evidence of this second moon, but in the end came to many other discoveries. In 1898 George Waltemath said that found not the second, and a whole bunch of small moons. Some of these moons light the sky with the same power as the Sun, he argued. Waltemath also named a few dates, when people will be able to see these mini moons passing before the Sun. A lot of people spent a few days in February, 1898, staring at the Sun, but did not see anything unusual.
Marcel VogelPlants with feelings and quartz drive
Eighty four million seven hundred ten thousand two hundred sixty six
Marcel Vogel began research activities after he discovered that plants can feel. Being a technician for IBM, Vogel researched plant responses to stimuli — cuts, damage cuts — which could be read and understood in terms of the energy released. According to Vogel, he found that plants react with their own emotions and energy. He decided that the plants maintain their own mental energy and emit it in the moment of interaction with external stimuli.
It was in the 1960-ies. In 1974, Vogel was introduced quartz crystals and held the remnants of the 1970-ies, exploring their capacity to act as receptacles for the accumulation, increase and converting mental energies. In 1984, he founded Psychic Research with quite noble intentions. He wanted to purify water by rearranging its energy, and accelerate the aging process of wines using the same methods.
Initially, Vogel is not particularly believed in the idea with the crystals until I decided to meditate with the Virgin Mary in mind, focusing on the crystal. After an hour of focusing on the crystal revealed the form of his mental image.
Vogel decided that the most powerful force of all — love, and its crystals can accumulate, to increase, to keep the love. In fact, with this idea he decided to produce crystals of Vogel, which is still available at a decent price.
Ignaz von PeczelyThe iridology
Thirty eight million three hundred forty four thousand seven hundred sixty four
The human eye has long been considered the mirror of the soul. For centuries, physicians studied the eyes of patients to assess their health. Although our eyes can definitely reflect the state of our health — or lack of it, — the Hungarian doctor Ignatz von Peczely brought the idea to a new level.
It all started when he noticed a black mark in the eye of an owl that had broken its leg. Although this incident happened to him in his youth, he remembered him throughout his practice of medicine at the Vienna medical College. By the time when he graduated in 1867, von Peczely has gathered an impressive database of eyes of the patients and created a diagram that indicates the relationship of the iris with part of the body.
According to background Peczely and his contemporary Niels Liljequist, any breach in the body can be diagnosed, looking at the change in color of the iris. They firmly believed he did not need medical examinations. Just look at the iris, to understand what hurts the patient.
Today in the world there are practitioners iridology that try to detect illness and genetic flaws in their eyes. People are divided into three "constitutional type", defined by the color of their eyes. Blue eyes belong to the lymphatic constitutional type, and are predisposed to skin problems like acne, dandruff, arthritis, bronchitis, and eye problems. Brown-eyed defined in hematogenic constitutional type, and suffer from anemia, diseases of the digestive system, chronic degenerative diseases and gases. The third type is a mixture of the previous two. If your eyes are shades of blue and brown, it means that you are predisposed to diseases of both types.
Judge Edward JonesPersonology
Ninety five million seven hundred sixty four thousand one hundred sixty eight
According to the book, written by the founder of the International centre for personology, the science appeared in the 1930-ies in the judicial system of Los Angeles. Meeting one after another of the defendant, judge Edward Jones began to compare the features of their faces with their perfect crimes.
After the judge laid the Foundation for this dubious science, further research took a certain newspaper editor Robert Whiteside. In his opinion, the human face can clearly identify his personality type; both of these parameters were determined genetically and, therefore, should be related.
At the beginning of the development of criminology was believed that the human propensity to criminal lifestyle is directly related to its physical form. Personology is a similar idea. To this day there are institutions that train people to read the faces of other people to improve the service skills, interpersonal relationships and other aspects of human relationships.
Alfred William LawsonLawsonomy
Fifteen million four hundred thirty four thousand two hundred sixty nine
The name si Fauns was the pseudonym of Alfred William Lawson and used to spread the teachings of how beautiful and remarkable was Lawson, so as not to attract unnecessary suspicion. Among the thoughts of Fauna was and is this: "the Birth of Lawson was the most important moment since the appearance of mankind."
For 20 years Lawson was a professional pitcher in baseball. When he tired of this occupation, he decided to take up aviation, with varying success. It is even credited with the idea of an airliner, but his own attempts to start a company and build a fleet of Airliners — failed.
Then he founded the University of Lawsonomy, but his colleagues on the knowledge taught only one thing: the science of Lawsonomy. All other books and studies were absolutely forbidden.
What were the teachings and beliefs of Lawsonomy? There is no such thing as energy, only a constant battle of push-pull between things with high density and low density. The land consists of a "malapira" and floats in the air. Due to differences in density between the Earth and the surrounding material, everything on Earth is absorbed into the planet through the black hole near the North Pole and distributed the ball through the inner arteries of the planet. However, with humans the same thing happens. When the process of pressure and suction stops, stops, and life.
And while we live, reign over us until menory and disorga living in our brains. These small creatures running around in our heads, some people create order and the other chaos. And so it goes.
Food and nutrition are complex in Lawsonomy. Parasitic plants of the Earth and communicate with each other unknown to us. When the first people ate the plants, we were healthy and strong. When we began to prepare food, we become weaker and more prone to diseases. Lawson came to this conclusion, looking at what happens to a person thrown into the fire. Needless to say, the same thing happens with any living creature.
University of Lawsonomy came to an end when the Senate on Affairs of small business became interested in what this University is doing with their funds; in the end, came to an end and the science Lawson.
Hans HoerbigerThe theory of cosmic ice
Seventy seven million eight hundred twenty seven thousand three hundred forty five
In the 1920-ies Austrian Hans Hoerbiger added to the scientific world a new theory, and people around the world loved it. Its popularity was largely due to its simplicity and accessibility to the layman. Simply put, everything was created from ice.
Ice is the basis of everything in the universe, from the stars in the sky to life on Earth. Hoerbiger called his revolutionary theory, indicating that a single thread can be linked to almost everything in the universe, and this idea is much relished.
Explanation of the theory was quite interesting. Herbigharo had a vision in 1894. He revealed that the ice was the basis of everything. The facts that formed the basis of his theory, was obtained thanks to "creative intuition" and "artificial experiment". Instead of starting conversations with the scientific community, Hoerbiger first presented his theory to the public, in the hope that public opinion can sway the scientific community. What is most surprising, it almost worked.
Hot on the heels of Hoerbiger was written books and stories on space ice based community of theorists of space ice. Research in this area encouraged Heinrich Himmler, though the most eminent German scientists denied any overtures of this theory. After the war, the support of Himmler hammered the last nail in the coffin of the theory — took her to the warehouse pseudoscience and safely forgotten.
John KeeleyPerpetual motion machine
Sixty three million six hundred twenty thousand one hundred nineteen
The idea of perpetual motion has always been interesting. People have been trying to find it since the middle ages. The generally accepted definition of perpetual motion States that it produces more energy than it consumes — which is, of course, impossible.
But that didn't stop John Keely claim that he made such an engine. Born in 1837, Keely changed several professions — painter, decorator, theater-goer — has not yet went public with the announcement, saying that he had found an entirely new kind of physical energy that can produce incredible power. Using the energy of the water molecules, Keely could sync up the vibrations of the molecules with their car and to create a perpetual motion machine.
All of this is quite ridiculous, but Keely was able to convince. He soon attracted investors and 5 million of investments in Keely Motor Company. In 1874, he was able to demonstrate a full-scale engine model. His descriptions included a variety so beloved of the pseudoscience of words like "ether-etheric" and "metallic impulses," and the car was run with the help of vibrations of musical instruments. It kindled the interest of investors, but at the same time, refused to patent their idea in fear that someone may steal it.
His company went public in 1890, and at the same time organizations like Scientific American began to blow holes in his theory. The company kept on investing another eight years before Keely died in 1898. By the time Keely Motor Company has been in business for 25 years and did not bring a penny of dividends to investors. When investors looked into the mysterious laboratory of the keels, they found a false floor and a container of compressed air, which created the illusion of work. In fact, as predicted by Scientific American.
Renee BlondlotN-rays
Thirty five million four hundred forty seven thousand six hundred seventy seven
In 1903, the scientific community was literally agog with all kinds of radiation and x-rays. French scientist Rene Blondlot experimented with x-rays when I came across something incredible: more waves. He called them N-rays after his town, Nancy, and his experiments were met in its path a wave of incomprehension and skepticism. The skepticism was due to the fact that the theory of N-rays had one of the biggest signs of pseudoscience: the inability to easily repeat the results.
For the first time Blondel found his mysterious N-rays when he saw a small spark in the corner of your eye. His instructions for detecting an N-best were quite doubtful. Had closed in a dark room for a while to make sure that the eyes are properly configured. Blondle also argued that while some people can immediately see the rays, others will need to try and try... and try again.
In the end Blondel and his colleagues derived a list of properties of N-rays, partially inspired by open Germans of x-rays. N-rays could pass through all that blocks the light, but stay transparent materials. They come with sunlight, but only on cloudy days. Another Frenchman, Augustin Charpentier went farther, and came to the conclusion that the human body also emit N-rays.
Fortunately, a physicist from Johns Hopkins University decided to find the truth once and for all. He was able to prove that the discovery Blondel — nonsense. A year after the Grand opening Blondel, everything was destroyed.
Albert AbramsRadionics
Sixty two million one hundred seventy one thousand two hundred twenty eight
In the early 1900s, a doctor named albert Abrams claimed to have discovered the secret of the diagnosis and treatment of almost any ailment of the human body. In his opinion, the answer lies in the vibration of every cell. These vibrations, which he called "electrical reactions of Abrams," he could consider exploring something to do with the patient, and then substitute, using one of his many devices.
This practice was called Radionics, and it is based came diagnosis of the patient by studying samples of body — blood, saliva, clipping nails or even personal belongings. Some used mysterious black boxes and rods in his diagnosis, and some were so sensitive that it could do without the appliances.
It is not surprising that on this basis rose a lot of charlatans. The FDA sent a few blood samples for radionically research to find out the exact expected results. The first sample went the diagnosis of colitis, although the master sample were all dead. The amputee was diagnosed with arthritis in a lost leg, and the chicken was diagnosed with sinus infection.
Remarkably, organizations, practitioners of Radionics, exist to this day.
Franz MesmerAnimal magnetism
Seventy four million four hundred thirty nine thousand eight hundred sixty eight
As you've probably guessed, the word "mesmerism" gave us that Franz Mesmer. But his theories have a lot more than just hypnosis, and they were popular enough to survive many decades.
The theory of Mesmer were born when he wrote a thesis on the influence of movement of planets on the human body in 1766. We say "wrote", but in fact he stole it almost entirely from another well-known English physician, who lived earlier. In any case, the career of Mesmer is not affected.
After marrying a rich widow and began a private practice, he introduced a new method of treatment of patients who have abandoned traditional methods of treatment. When he managed to heal the woman with the use of magnets, he continued experimenting with the so-called "animal magnetism."
His contemporaries considered this practice with considerable scepticism, even when Mesmer claimed to have restored the sight of the woman who had been blind from the age of three. His speech before the Royal Academy of Sciences has gone very badly, but the support of society he has gained. Inspired by the support of healed people, animal magnetism attracted the attention of European countries.
Further experiments have determined that in fact the difference between the actual effects of magnetism in the human body and the simple assumption of the presence of small magnets. At the same time, others continued to believe in the work of the good doctor Mesmer, but after the release of official scientific research on his work, his serious practice ended.
Source: hi-news.ru