About feeding babies from birth to 16 years.

In advance I want to clarify that the recommendations are fairly generic and based on the experience of working with children from 2 years and older. It seems that the therapeutic activity of unwittingly spreading from parents to children. Of course, each case has individual features (which should deal exclusively pediatric nutritionist), but the moments which can be summarized much more.
The body of a child is different from an adult?
Metabolism of all organs and systems is at the high level of development and growth. The cells of each organ and tissue is actively improving their enzymatic systems.
Therefore, a big plus child's body in the ability to quickly clean and repair! - One has only to adult literacy to direct these processes and not block their symptomatic medication, ballast food (which happens often)
. Purification of the child's body.
Snot, cough, diarrhea, diathesis and various allergic manifestations - is trying to get rid of the child's body for a short period of accumulated mucus life.
Moms carefully packed in a young body food-waste (understood as all semi-finished products and all rustling packages), slime products - porridge cooked in milk, bakery products, Jellied meats, jelly "to strengthen the bone and cartilage", "children's" sausage, cookies :(
Sensing the child's body will react to the presence of non-natural substances in the body. Therefore, children are often snotty create and instantly pick up any kind of SARS. The goal - to remove mucus
. The use of vasoconstrictive drops, blocking the cough reflex, excessive zakutyvanie child to the state of the mummy or "suit" - a crime against the child
. Mucus must be removed from the body by washing with sea water inhalations, drugs that thin the mucus and converted into a wet cough.
I note that it is much more logical to improve the diet of the whole family. Your credibility can be fatal in the event that if you crack the chocolate, drink coffee with cheese and sausage, and the child say the most inefficient word "can not." And why not, if the mother can? What a dissonance in the mind of a child! Hysterics! It is guaranteed to "come off" for all that you forbid it, as soon as the area is out of your care.
Therefore, efforts to normalize the perfect diet all the family.
In children up to about 7 years, the pancreas still does not emit the right amount of enzymes, and therefore all was a fat, especially fatty and sweet diet isklyuchatiz is no doubt. For a child it is a tool of disability.
Otherwise, the formed by-product of the metabolism - acetone, which poisons the head of the child brain, nerve tissue. Child sick, he is emotionally unstable, trouble sleeping, formed the pancreas ineffective.
We exclude all "confectionaries": all creams, condensed milk, fatty sweet pastries, ice cream. It is necessary to "unload" the Krebs cycle. From diet to exclude all fat and extractives (spices, soups), chemical food additives.
The child's diet is constantly consider fat load. Up to 7 years is not recommended to eat high-calorie fatty foods - smoked, fried, spicy (to be confirmed: jelly, mayonnaise, red caviar, Russian salad and other salads with mayonnaise), a sandwich with butter and cheese or sausage.
If your child eats fish, choose low-fat hake, perch, pollock boiled.
** Information for those who are going to include meat in the diet of children!
Duck, goose fat, pork is absolutely contraindicated to 10-12 years - children pancreas is still not perfect
. Please be aware that children are prone to acetone should use a limited number of chicken and chicken broth, because chicken contains large amounts of purine and perimedinov, and they contribute to the formation of "acetone" in children who are prone to this phenomenon.
Also to fatty foods include: rural sour cream, fermented baked milk fat (more than 4% fat), natural cow's milk (up 9%).
Do not forget that nuts, chocolate - calorie and fatty foods. If the child is 7 years old 2-3 ate chocolates or nuts in chocolate and does not want to have lunch or dinner - do not force it. It is better to offer light food - apples, berries
. A child suffering diathesis? Responds to citrus fruits, strawberries and others. Cheeks crimson red berries? Most likely, a private doctor at random and will recommend exceptions to exclude these products from the child's diet. Yes, summer, and you're here to suffer and eat only cooked vegetables, but steam meatballs :(
Allergic skin color of the baby - a reaction to the release of the mud from the cells in the blood under the influence of the cleaning product. All fruits, especially citrus fruits, red berries - a quality "broom" which stirs naedenny debris in the tissue.
Exit? Eat fresh fruits and berries, in spite of the allergic symptoms (of course, within reason, without bringing the child to severe allergic symptoms), gradually expanding the scope and range of the so-called cleaning products- allergens.
Poured into the skin from the sugar-containing products, chocolate, soda, shrimp, peanuts, crackers?
No wonder. Adults, too, "sprinkle", but only to a lesser extent, because the body over the years have learned to store chemicals in tissues preserved in fat cells, to protect vital systems from the food mud. But part of the adult organisms, all the converts your children diathesis in asthma and autoimmune reaction.
Avoid chemical allergens from the diet of the whole family, forever.
Replace a worthy alternative. It is, it tastes better, which is more expensive / where cheaper, but a variety of organic sweets, organic food equ enough. They successfully revived in our cooking.
What about dairy products?
If the child is healthy, and rarely suffers from birth consume dairy products, you may want to leave a small amount of dairy products: sour milk, sour cream, yogurt. For hard cheeses, kefir is not accustomed. Milk try to limit maksimalno.Tvorog - is, oddly enough, heavy enough protein, it can be used no more than 50-100g a day after 7 years, and not every day. If you tend to idealize the diet, you can try to exclude / m products from the child's diet, but seen in the growth dynamics. If a child often gets cold, a chronic bronchitis, tonsillitis, cystitis - safely exclude dairy products
. Meat child does not need. Once again! The meat is absolutely not necessary to include in the diet of children. The indicator in the blood hemoglobin increases for a few days, to the exclusion of just meat products.
Eggs, if the child is not allergic reactions, can be incorporated gradually.
Mushrooms optionally after 7 years. However, only in combination with vegetables.
Kashi cook only from whole grain cereals, seeds, water. The ready porridge can be added to vegetable milk of almonds, sesame seeds, poppy.
If your family decided to eat bread, it must necessarily be without yeast, whole grains. Drink it should be in a dried form, but never fresh. This rule applies to both adults and children. Bread is best combined with vegetables.
Baby food from supermarkets. Learn to read the composition of the product!
Coffee, black tea and green - is adult beverages. Often, children are in adolescence firmly "sit" on the caffeine needle through unhealthy habits of parents.
In children, adolescents - fountain of energy, hormones dance, unstable psyche! Why do they need the additional stress caffeine?
Low pressure in adolescent girls? Diagnosed vegetative-vascular dystonia hypotonic type?
- The girl has "soured" the blood of excessive amounts of animal products, starches. Perhaps in the morning drinking coffee with my mother and jams and cheese sandwich))
Sport, aerobic exercise and plenty of fresh fruit quickly removed these symptoms.
Fruit or fruit and green smoothies - the best start to the day for both adults and children
! I do not want to eat in the morning? Herbal tea, tea with rose-2 tsp honey launch the bowels and cause physiological timely appetite. The main thing is not to force the child to eat by force. His body is smarter than you !!!
Recently, watched as his mother three year old girl in 35-degree heat trying to shove a sausage, lamenting that the child for the whole day just ate only three cucumber ...
272 hoax that lasted longer than a year are found in the English Wikipedia. The record - 10 years and 1 month
Disorders of the respiratory system, especially the lungs and the facial skull cavities