Good deeds
We offer a selection of some of the best acts of selfless people who helped save someone's life.
Teens rescued a little girl from abduction
In July 2013 a five-year Jocelyn Rojas (Jocelyn Rojas) played in his yard in Lancaster (Lancaster), Pennsylvania, as suddenly disappeared. Rojas parents feared the worst, so they have informed the police and began to intensively searched the neighborhood. Instead of waiting until the police find the little girl, fifteen Temar Boggs (Temar Boggs) and his friend decided to start her own search. Soon they noticed Rojas in a car with a man, so they drove the car on bicycles. Teens chased the car for fifteen minutes, until the man behind the wheel was trying to escape from them. Finally, he apparently gave up, slowed down and threw the child out of the car. "She ran up to me and said she wanted to her mother," - said Temar.
Good deed, which led to the fact that the woman, risking their lives, hid a Jewish family
In 1941, Sophia Bath (Zofia Banya), a poor woman of Polish farms, found that she did not have enough money to buy in the village store supplies needed by her family. The shop owner, Israel Rubinek (Israel Rubinek), told her that she took those things that she needed, and paid for them when he can. This good deed was literally unheard of in Poland, war-torn, and Banja have not forgotten it. Two years later, the Nazis sought out Jews in Poland and sent them to concentration camps. Fearing for the life of a good young man who helped her, Sauna, risking their lives, hiding in his house Rubinek and his wife for two and a half years. Seven times the German soldiers came to the farm in search of Bani hiding Jews, and every time the family Sophia hid them in a tiny underground. One night the soldiers slept in the living room of the Nazis Baths, just a few centimeters away from the place where they were hidden Rubinek and his wife. Decades have passed, and the family Rubinek met with a woman who hid them from the Nazis. Their granddaughter says, "One incredibly good work in a difficult situation is impossible, everything changed. Depth of the human soul can not be measured or explained. These poor Polish farmers feared for their lives, however, they decided to help two people they barely knew. "
Good words of the chief to keep a man from committing suicide
Tim Sanders (Tim Sanders) - personal growth coach and former head of marketing in the company «Yahoo!». Sanders encourages all of its employees to communicate with their colleagues and subordinates, and praise them for a job. He often tells the story of what he did so: talking to his subordinates personally and praised them for the work performed, and informed them that he personally and the company as a whole appreciates their efforts. Sanders recalls how he once told a man that he was glad that the man appeared in his life and that he appreciates it. After Sanders visited the command of the man he was shocked that this man came in a few days and gave him an expensive gift - a game console Hboh. As it turned out, the employee has acquired this game console in exchange for a revolver, which he wanted to kill himself. After he heard kind words from the head, the man decided to live on and recover from depression. Just a couple of good words kept him from suicide. "Sometimes people just need to see the human relation to itself," - says Sanders.
21-year-old organ donor saved seven lives
Organ donors are heroes who commit the most selfless acts that you can imagine. When Henry McMunn (Henry Mackaman), a student of the University of Wisconsin-Madison (University of Wisconsin-Madison), died of bacterial meningitis in May 2013, his family found little consolation in the fact that he made the decision to donate their organs. Simple solution Makmal tick in the box "organ donor" on their driver's license proved invaluable act, which later saved the lives of seven people. His mother wrote the following on the website «CaringBridge»: «We are all proud that Henry made the decision to be an organ donor. His generosity does not surprise any of those who knew him. Thanks to his decision to 54 people will get a chance to improve their lives through the particle of an incredible life that he lived, Henry. "
The man jumped onto the tracks to rescue a stranger
In January 2007, twenty Hollopiter Cameron (Cameron Hollopeter) waiting for the train in New York subway, when he suffered a stroke, and he began to convulse. Trying to get up, he fell onto the tracks at the very moment when the train moved out of the corner and raced toward him. Fifty-year-builder and a veteran of the Navy Wesley Autrey (Wesley Autrey) talked with two of his daughters, when he saw the falling man. For a split second he decided to jump on the rails and to help Hollopiteru. Autry Hollopitera covered his body, pushed him and moved so that together they lay between the rails. The driver honked and tried to stop, but it was too late and the train swept over both men. Over a pair of men swept five cars, just a few inches from head Autry. When the train finally stopped, he said screaming in terror the people that they are in order. Later Autry, who was proclaimed a hero, said: "I do not feel like I did something special, I just saw a man in need of help. I did what I had to do ».
Ten year old boy came out against bullies to save a cat
Stand up against bullies is not easy, but that's what made Overton Wendell (Wendell Overton), when he saw a group of kids torturing stray cat that lives in the area. Overton several times already noticed this cat in the neighborhood, but one day he saw a little group of children with bullies, between the ages of five and thirteen years old, who moved the poor animal bikes, tossed it into the air, and sprayed him in the muzzle energy drinks. Fearing that they would kill the cat, Overton bravely stepped in and took the cat home to his mother, who has caused members of society for the protection of animals Outer Banks (Outer Banks Humane Society). When news of the compassion and kindness Overton became public, he received a lot of praise and encouraging letters from all over the world.
Strangers formed a human chain to save a drowning boy
Sunny day on the beach in Napier (Napier), New Zealand, Josh McQuoid twelve (Josh McQuoid) stood knee-deep in the water, playing with friends when dangerous during knocked him down and took away from the shore. The boy tried to keep his head above water, fighting the raging waves. Another visitor to the beach and two police officers noticed the boy struggling with the waves and rushed into the water to help him, but the waves were too strong. After Constable Brian Farquharson (Bryan Farquharson) realized that he did not get to the boy, without having to fall victim to the waves, he organized a chain of people to get to the child, while remaining attached to the shore.
Kiss a stranger saved a man who tried to commit suicide
In the city of Shenzhen (Shenzhen), China's Guangdong Province (Guangdong) sixteen guy standing on the bridge, threatening to jump off and commit suicide. Hundreds of observers watched in horror as he refused to go back on the safe side railing. In place of the police arrived and began to negotiate with him, but no one could reach him. At that time, Liu Venksyu (Liu Wenxiu), nineteen waitress working at the hotel, was returning home from work, I noticed a guy and realized that she must do something to help him. Venksyu she once wanted to commit suicide, so she knew exactly how it feels to guy. Told the police that she was his girlfriend, Liu went to get close enough to talk. She shared with him his sad story about the hard life and showed him the scar on his wrist, remaining after she tried to commit suicide by cutting his wrists. "He said that he was hopeless and that I should not waste my time trying to save him. But I told him, "I'm not trying to save your life, I just want you to realize how stupid you act. Look at me, I was in the same position as you, but now everything has changed "," - said Venksyu. Finally, she was able to bend over and hug him, and then suddenly she kissed him. The police were then able to pick up the knife that guy was holding in his hands, and put it on the safe side of the bridge railing.
Woman rescued children from sliding down the truck
Leslie Bicknell (Lezlie Bicknell) just parked in the parking lot store in Albuquerque (Albuquerque), New Mexico, when she noticed a small child in the driver's seat in the truck, standing next to her car. Suddenly, the truck started to roll backwards, right towards the very busy street. Do not hesitate for a minute, Bicknell jumped out of his car to stop a moving car. Because of this, her own car began to roll backwards, cutting the path of the truck and stop him, not allowing that he went on the road.
Woman donated a kidney to a stranger absolutely
Retired police sergeant Michael Newman (Michael Newman) needed a kidney to survive, so its former employees desperately cried out to the people through local media to find a donor. Michael, who lives in Phoenix, Arizona, harbored little hope that someone wants to become a donor. However, a local woman by name Kelly Boff (Kellie Boff) Print article and postponed it. Boff says she keeps coming back to the article, it is something drawn to her without any reason. In the end, she picked up the phone and called the Mayo Clinic (Mayo Clinic). It turned out that Boff was the perfect donor. So she agreed to donate one of his kidneys to Sergeant Newman, whom she had never even seen.
Teens rescued a little girl from abduction
In July 2013 a five-year Jocelyn Rojas (Jocelyn Rojas) played in his yard in Lancaster (Lancaster), Pennsylvania, as suddenly disappeared. Rojas parents feared the worst, so they have informed the police and began to intensively searched the neighborhood. Instead of waiting until the police find the little girl, fifteen Temar Boggs (Temar Boggs) and his friend decided to start her own search. Soon they noticed Rojas in a car with a man, so they drove the car on bicycles. Teens chased the car for fifteen minutes, until the man behind the wheel was trying to escape from them. Finally, he apparently gave up, slowed down and threw the child out of the car. "She ran up to me and said she wanted to her mother," - said Temar.

Good deed, which led to the fact that the woman, risking their lives, hid a Jewish family
In 1941, Sophia Bath (Zofia Banya), a poor woman of Polish farms, found that she did not have enough money to buy in the village store supplies needed by her family. The shop owner, Israel Rubinek (Israel Rubinek), told her that she took those things that she needed, and paid for them when he can. This good deed was literally unheard of in Poland, war-torn, and Banja have not forgotten it. Two years later, the Nazis sought out Jews in Poland and sent them to concentration camps. Fearing for the life of a good young man who helped her, Sauna, risking their lives, hiding in his house Rubinek and his wife for two and a half years. Seven times the German soldiers came to the farm in search of Bani hiding Jews, and every time the family Sophia hid them in a tiny underground. One night the soldiers slept in the living room of the Nazis Baths, just a few centimeters away from the place where they were hidden Rubinek and his wife. Decades have passed, and the family Rubinek met with a woman who hid them from the Nazis. Their granddaughter says, "One incredibly good work in a difficult situation is impossible, everything changed. Depth of the human soul can not be measured or explained. These poor Polish farmers feared for their lives, however, they decided to help two people they barely knew. "

Good words of the chief to keep a man from committing suicide
Tim Sanders (Tim Sanders) - personal growth coach and former head of marketing in the company «Yahoo!». Sanders encourages all of its employees to communicate with their colleagues and subordinates, and praise them for a job. He often tells the story of what he did so: talking to his subordinates personally and praised them for the work performed, and informed them that he personally and the company as a whole appreciates their efforts. Sanders recalls how he once told a man that he was glad that the man appeared in his life and that he appreciates it. After Sanders visited the command of the man he was shocked that this man came in a few days and gave him an expensive gift - a game console Hboh. As it turned out, the employee has acquired this game console in exchange for a revolver, which he wanted to kill himself. After he heard kind words from the head, the man decided to live on and recover from depression. Just a couple of good words kept him from suicide. "Sometimes people just need to see the human relation to itself," - says Sanders.

21-year-old organ donor saved seven lives
Organ donors are heroes who commit the most selfless acts that you can imagine. When Henry McMunn (Henry Mackaman), a student of the University of Wisconsin-Madison (University of Wisconsin-Madison), died of bacterial meningitis in May 2013, his family found little consolation in the fact that he made the decision to donate their organs. Simple solution Makmal tick in the box "organ donor" on their driver's license proved invaluable act, which later saved the lives of seven people. His mother wrote the following on the website «CaringBridge»: «We are all proud that Henry made the decision to be an organ donor. His generosity does not surprise any of those who knew him. Thanks to his decision to 54 people will get a chance to improve their lives through the particle of an incredible life that he lived, Henry. "

The man jumped onto the tracks to rescue a stranger
In January 2007, twenty Hollopiter Cameron (Cameron Hollopeter) waiting for the train in New York subway, when he suffered a stroke, and he began to convulse. Trying to get up, he fell onto the tracks at the very moment when the train moved out of the corner and raced toward him. Fifty-year-builder and a veteran of the Navy Wesley Autrey (Wesley Autrey) talked with two of his daughters, when he saw the falling man. For a split second he decided to jump on the rails and to help Hollopiteru. Autry Hollopitera covered his body, pushed him and moved so that together they lay between the rails. The driver honked and tried to stop, but it was too late and the train swept over both men. Over a pair of men swept five cars, just a few inches from head Autry. When the train finally stopped, he said screaming in terror the people that they are in order. Later Autry, who was proclaimed a hero, said: "I do not feel like I did something special, I just saw a man in need of help. I did what I had to do ».

Ten year old boy came out against bullies to save a cat
Stand up against bullies is not easy, but that's what made Overton Wendell (Wendell Overton), when he saw a group of kids torturing stray cat that lives in the area. Overton several times already noticed this cat in the neighborhood, but one day he saw a little group of children with bullies, between the ages of five and thirteen years old, who moved the poor animal bikes, tossed it into the air, and sprayed him in the muzzle energy drinks. Fearing that they would kill the cat, Overton bravely stepped in and took the cat home to his mother, who has caused members of society for the protection of animals Outer Banks (Outer Banks Humane Society). When news of the compassion and kindness Overton became public, he received a lot of praise and encouraging letters from all over the world.

Strangers formed a human chain to save a drowning boy
Sunny day on the beach in Napier (Napier), New Zealand, Josh McQuoid twelve (Josh McQuoid) stood knee-deep in the water, playing with friends when dangerous during knocked him down and took away from the shore. The boy tried to keep his head above water, fighting the raging waves. Another visitor to the beach and two police officers noticed the boy struggling with the waves and rushed into the water to help him, but the waves were too strong. After Constable Brian Farquharson (Bryan Farquharson) realized that he did not get to the boy, without having to fall victim to the waves, he organized a chain of people to get to the child, while remaining attached to the shore.

Kiss a stranger saved a man who tried to commit suicide
In the city of Shenzhen (Shenzhen), China's Guangdong Province (Guangdong) sixteen guy standing on the bridge, threatening to jump off and commit suicide. Hundreds of observers watched in horror as he refused to go back on the safe side railing. In place of the police arrived and began to negotiate with him, but no one could reach him. At that time, Liu Venksyu (Liu Wenxiu), nineteen waitress working at the hotel, was returning home from work, I noticed a guy and realized that she must do something to help him. Venksyu she once wanted to commit suicide, so she knew exactly how it feels to guy. Told the police that she was his girlfriend, Liu went to get close enough to talk. She shared with him his sad story about the hard life and showed him the scar on his wrist, remaining after she tried to commit suicide by cutting his wrists. "He said that he was hopeless and that I should not waste my time trying to save him. But I told him, "I'm not trying to save your life, I just want you to realize how stupid you act. Look at me, I was in the same position as you, but now everything has changed "," - said Venksyu. Finally, she was able to bend over and hug him, and then suddenly she kissed him. The police were then able to pick up the knife that guy was holding in his hands, and put it on the safe side of the bridge railing.

Woman rescued children from sliding down the truck
Leslie Bicknell (Lezlie Bicknell) just parked in the parking lot store in Albuquerque (Albuquerque), New Mexico, when she noticed a small child in the driver's seat in the truck, standing next to her car. Suddenly, the truck started to roll backwards, right towards the very busy street. Do not hesitate for a minute, Bicknell jumped out of his car to stop a moving car. Because of this, her own car began to roll backwards, cutting the path of the truck and stop him, not allowing that he went on the road.

Woman donated a kidney to a stranger absolutely
Retired police sergeant Michael Newman (Michael Newman) needed a kidney to survive, so its former employees desperately cried out to the people through local media to find a donor. Michael, who lives in Phoenix, Arizona, harbored little hope that someone wants to become a donor. However, a local woman by name Kelly Boff (Kellie Boff) Print article and postponed it. Boff says she keeps coming back to the article, it is something drawn to her without any reason. In the end, she picked up the phone and called the Mayo Clinic (Mayo Clinic). It turned out that Boff was the perfect donor. So she agreed to donate one of his kidneys to Sergeant Newman, whom she had never even seen.
