A suitable breed of dogs according to the zodiac sign
It turns out that each zodiac sign has its own, the most dog-dog. Therefore, it is not surprising when we notice that the pet and its owner have some similar features. Sometimes even the characters of a four-legged and a person are so similar that it is difficult to resist smiling.
And today's edition. "Site" It will tell you which dog breed is right for your zodiac sign. At the same time, this compatibility makes it clear which breed a particular person would be a representative of if he were a dog. Interesting information, you just have to choose your sign.
A suitable breed of dog Signs of the Elements of Fire
Signs of Elements of the Earth
Signs of the Element of Air
Signs of Elements of Water
We hope that this list will help you take a fresh look at the relationship between dogs and their owners. And if you're thinking about making a four-legged friend, now you have a better chance of making the right choice.
And today's edition. "Site" It will tell you which dog breed is right for your zodiac sign. At the same time, this compatibility makes it clear which breed a particular person would be a representative of if he were a dog. Interesting information, you just have to choose your sign.
A suitable breed of dog Signs of the Elements of Fire
- Aries
Strong and impatient people who sometimes just scare with their hot temperament. They are not to be feared because they are good at heart. Their breed is Husky. Before you get a representative of this breed, you need to soberly assess your capabilities. This dog likes long walks and a lot of personal space. She is emotional and as temperamental as the owner, but in a cramped apartment is unlikely to be able to live happily. - Sagittarius
Optimistic, kind, active, and sometimes eccentric people who easily become favorites in every company. For them, a suitable breed is a dachshund. These small but proud dogs constantly want to have fun, and therefore they will not let the owners get bored. It is also worth noting that it is easy to get along with dachshunds, because they simply adore people. - Lions
Courage, nobility and responsibility. Such people react painfully to criticism and are very caring about their own self-esteem. Their breed is a German Shepherd. These kind and loyal dogs will faithfully serve the one in whom the leader is recognized. They are noble and intelligent, and in their company you will always feel comfortable and safe.
Signs of Elements of the Earth
- Taurus.
They like to be lazy and hate to rush. Even a small problem can put them out of action for a long time. The right breed is a pug. The Pug's main happiness is food. It is no wonder that these children cannot boast of slimness. And their favorite activity is to sing peacefully in a chair after a short walk. - Virgos
Clean and practical, endowed with life wisdom, can always give intelligent advice. The right breed is a collie. These dogs easily establish contact with the owner. In addition, collies are very balanced, not capricious and easy to train. - Capricorns
Disciplined people who like everything to be in place. They seem unemotional and reasonable, but are easily lost in unforeseen situations. A suitable breed can be considered the Russian greyhound. These dogs are calm and reasonable, even modest. At the same time, they love affection and attention, so it is impossible to ignore them.
Signs of the Element of Air
- Twins.
Sitting around isn't about them. Twins are not in vain considered to be those still fictionalists, and their activity does not decrease over the years. You can't miss someone like that. Their breed is Labrador Retriever. Good-natured dogs that deservedly bathe in universal adoration. They are very mobile and intelligent, and therefore you will not be bored in their company. - Libra
These people have a strong sense of justice. They are tactful, albeit indecisive. Sometimes they are afraid to say what they think, even to the closest people. The most suitable breed of dogs is the Levretka. These dogs can hardly be called companions. They are affectionate and vulnerable, but they can also scratch the nerves of the owners themselves. At the same time, Levrettes easily adapt to the rhythm of the family, and therefore they are suitable for both athletes and housemates. - Aquarius
Among Aquarius there are many experimenters and good friends. They like to try new things and are not afraid to take risks. Their breed of dog is the Jack Russell Terrier. These dogs are very cute and active, constantly want to move and express themselves. They love being in the company of people.
Signs of Elements of Water
- Raki
Vulnerable and very attached to their relatives. They do not always know how to express their emotions, but are very susceptible to the problems of others. A suitable breed of such people is called the Whippet. These extremely fast dogs were used for hunting, but they can live in a quiet environment. They get along well with other pets, have a soft and calm character. But if these four-legged will not move much, they will soon fall into depression, their character may deteriorate. - Scorpios
Controversial but hardworking Scorpios always bring things to the end. In his personal life, he is demanding, and you need to try to earn their trust. A suitable breed is St. Bernard. Big, kind and loyal St. Bernards are also not afraid of trials. You can always count on them, because they will pull people out of any trouble. - Fish
Romantic and gambling natures like Pisces are not easy at home. They are too selfless, and therefore often face financial difficulties. The most suitable breed is the Deerhound. Calm homes, but tireless in work. Hunting with the owner or just protecting him is a favorite activity of these dogs.
We hope that this list will help you take a fresh look at the relationship between dogs and their owners. And if you're thinking about making a four-legged friend, now you have a better chance of making the right choice.
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