What you need to know about dismissal

1. Before leaving, we need to understand clearly - that pushes you to care that something is not like it here, from which you want to go, or do you want to find something else elsewhere. Try to analyze whether it is possible to leave without any quarrels. If not, then you need to work on yourself, get together, giving emotions and leave the most beautiful not by speaking about anyone mucks. If you strongly want - write what I think on paper and scream all this from a bridge in a loud voice, go for a couple of sessions of boxing, but in reality no one say nothing negative.
2. First, find another job, then quit. Do not dismiss nowhere without an adequate supply of money. Left without money in a month or two you will inevitably begin to regret leaving, poutihnut emotions, greed for money and left. In order not to regret leaving, or need to go to another job or have an adequate supply of money to the search of other work.
3. Before leaving organizes quality transfer of cases from you, other employees. The company must remain positive impression about you. Be careful, in large companies HR employees know each other and collect recommendations. Leave on bad terms - it is possible that you will reject in other companies.
4. Before leaving, thanked his former manager and colleagues, gratitude must be sincere. All the same, these people have suffered all this time you :)
5. If you offer to go away on their own - you are not obliged to sign papers immediately. Vedis not on it! If you are talking in a closed room and give an application form - you take on the emotions, get ready - will be angry, to tell you how bad work and in the end will form. Do not sign it! Tell them what to think and give an answer within a week. You can not quit. And if you leave ready, you can safely negotiate, for example, ask the 6 salaries and then leave. In the end it is they need, so if you want you jumped from the plane - even if you provide a golden parachute.
6. If you offer to leave in agreement of the parties, so want to avoid the situation that you will return to court on this work, this will be described below. Be careful. Similar to the previous point - bargain.
7. If you want to dismiss and intimidate anything, you can safely say that you will go to court and ask to provide proof of your stocks. Most HR-s afraid of the court, as he is usually on the side of the worker, not the employer.
8. Remember, you can not fire without having a minimum of three on three explanatory your joint. Weeds should be substantial. Always remember - the law on your side. Honor the LC RF.
9. You can change your mind about his dismissal. If you applied for a voluntary resignation, within 2 months you can safely change your mind and go back to their workplace. There is nothing to come in and say "I changed my mind." The statement can be picked up at least the next day after submission, but you can come back after the dismissal. The court will be on your side.