Pavel Durov still dismissed as general director of "In Touch"
As пишет "Rain", Pavel Durov left the position of CEO "in contact". Information about this edition confirmed press secretary George Lobushkin social network. Previously, the agency RBC spread the word executive director "in contact" Dmitry Sergeyev that Durov and not withdrawn their resignation April 1, despite the subsequent comments .
Thus Sergeyev said that Durov may be offered the position of "chief architect" of social networks: "Hopefully, Pavel Durov and shareholders agree on the future of its participation in the development of the network and in the formation of product strategy. Paul - the creator of the network, a visionary, a phenomenally gifted person and such participation would be extremely useful ».
According to him, this position does not require the involvement of Durov in operational business and continued participation in the current process. Their conduct, says Sergeyev, was difficult for Durov "subject to international projects and lawsuits," and the position of "chief architect" will "save link between Paul and the company».
As reported, Durov wrote a letter of resignation on March 21. He wrote about it on April 1, but after a couple of days, said he intends to remain in office. In this magazine Forbes сообщал, that Durov sent to members of the Board of Directors of the letter in which withdrew the resignation: "As to my attention realized that my resignation now could create unnecessary risks for our company, I intend to stay and work as CEO».
However, according to Sergeyev, his statement Durov not withdrawn. Therefore, after 30 days the company's management decided to dismiss him. Operational management of the company will carry out the first deputy general director Boris Dobrodeev and CEO Dmitry Sergeyev.
Amended: i> Pavel Durov on your page in the "In contact» wrote , that "the dismissal of his mysterious" he learned of the press, and called the incident a transition social network "under the full control of Igor Sechin and Alisher Usmanov." The fact whether he will challenge his dismissal, Durov has not.
Source: habrahabr.ru/post/220271/
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