How to live and work VKontakte
The correspondent of "Vebplaneta" Zlata Nikolaeva office visited the famous social network "VKontakte" and presented Intrernet-public photo-out
Ph + 9 bit characters
It all began in the summer of 2006: Pavel Durov then engaged in the project, which grew out of St. Petersburg State University Students Forum. West boom of social networks has come to Russia, and Durov, keeping pace with the progress screwed to the child social function: the ability to make friends, photos, profiles with real names, search, group, and so on. It became clear that the evolution of the horse will not make the vehicle, and that further development is necessary not to add functionality, and trim. And the best - to start from scratch. Work has begun to boil.
In the main office of "In Touch" has about 25 developers, the average age - 23-24 years. They are carefully protected from communicating with managers who sit in another office
What comes to mind when you read the phrase "startup environment"? Perhaps the image of American movies: a basement or attic space with bare walls, scribbled mere mortals do not understand signs, piles of packages from a fast-food, crumpled beer cans, cigarette butts ashtray clogged and red-eyed, who had not slept for the past couple of weeks, people in slippers . Nothing like in the office "contact" is not.
The spacious room, floor-to-ceiling, 20 rooms and a huge living room, two meeting rooms - large and small. Cleanliness, sometimes even emptiness.
In a large peregovorke - Puzzle forgotten: their loves to solve one of the staff, and Pavel Durov for him buys their parties to "Ozone".
On the stand in one of the rooms - picture user page "contact" with an attached photo of Catherine Deneuve.
Slippers available - part on employees, some are placed at the corners. There are shower, rest room.
For the whole team - all three poppy (the third came on the day of my visit, along with a new developer of applications for iPhone).
In the state of listed florist, and this is no joke: a girl named Tatiana than just water the plants, and wielded weird instruments, measuring the acidity of the soil in pots and humidity.
Employees of "contact" at the office going to the 12 day work to night, and even stay overnight (one developer even has a bed). Often they come at the weekend: on Saturday the atmosphere is much more relaxed, and the feeling that he has come into his spare time, work goes. Dates for the implementation of innovations are very short - on Monday you get the job, and by Friday must submit results to colleagues. Lunch at nearby cafes and restaurants (there are several to choose from) paid by the company. In the office, there is always the oranges in a juicer, water, biscuits and melon.
There are also limitations. "In Contact" is not accepted to raise your voice and curse with colleagues, use slang and speech mat. Pavel Durov strongly against the use of alcohol and smoking, so no working smoke breaks during the working day is not, and can not be, and corporate celebrations employees drink juices. These rules relate directly and career: Vlad Tsyplukhin admitted that he once warned - about any increase will not go out of the question until he quits smoking.
The founders of the "contact" - Pavel Durov and his brother - the best students, and all who accept into their ranks, too, should be a perfectionist. "In Contact" is funding a championship sports programming, which are popular in Russia, US and China, selects the brightest minds, winners of Olympiads, krasnodiplomnikov. In principle, where people studied: elite schools in St. Petersburg a bit of good universities (like matmeha St. Petersburg State University and Polytechnic) - too. Equally important, a man from a good family. And then, as he says - according Durov, it can be seen immediately, even if the person has no data.
Sometimes it comes to the ridiculous: at the entrance to the office, visitors are welcomed empty reception, because the office manager there. It was, but not for long: take a beautiful girl with a degree in St. Petersburg State University, but "not consulted" and dilute the high intellectual level of the team does not like. Recently, a candidacy: Girl with honors, an average score of 5.0, stipendiatka Prize Potanin, head of the trade union organization of the faculty, KVNschitsa, runner-up and the system administrator. Such an amount of merit and "order" on the chest, apparently, does not encourage to go to work the secretary - but there is as it is. The staff here - not only efficient employees, bringing the maximum benefit for the money he is paid. He is obliged not to hinder the process, share interests and aspirations to be a member of the team. Teams, families may sects Corporation. Corporations do not smoke and do not use foul language and krasnodiplomnikov standouts.
Ph + 9 bit characters
It all began in the summer of 2006: Pavel Durov then engaged in the project, which grew out of St. Petersburg State University Students Forum. West boom of social networks has come to Russia, and Durov, keeping pace with the progress screwed to the child social function: the ability to make friends, photos, profiles with real names, search, group, and so on. It became clear that the evolution of the horse will not make the vehicle, and that further development is necessary not to add functionality, and trim. And the best - to start from scratch. Work has begun to boil.
In the main office of "In Touch" has about 25 developers, the average age - 23-24 years. They are carefully protected from communicating with managers who sit in another office
What comes to mind when you read the phrase "startup environment"? Perhaps the image of American movies: a basement or attic space with bare walls, scribbled mere mortals do not understand signs, piles of packages from a fast-food, crumpled beer cans, cigarette butts ashtray clogged and red-eyed, who had not slept for the past couple of weeks, people in slippers . Nothing like in the office "contact" is not.

The spacious room, floor-to-ceiling, 20 rooms and a huge living room, two meeting rooms - large and small. Cleanliness, sometimes even emptiness.

In a large peregovorke - Puzzle forgotten: their loves to solve one of the staff, and Pavel Durov for him buys their parties to "Ozone".

On the stand in one of the rooms - picture user page "contact" with an attached photo of Catherine Deneuve.

Slippers available - part on employees, some are placed at the corners. There are shower, rest room.

For the whole team - all three poppy (the third came on the day of my visit, along with a new developer of applications for iPhone).

In the state of listed florist, and this is no joke: a girl named Tatiana than just water the plants, and wielded weird instruments, measuring the acidity of the soil in pots and humidity.

Employees of "contact" at the office going to the 12 day work to night, and even stay overnight (one developer even has a bed). Often they come at the weekend: on Saturday the atmosphere is much more relaxed, and the feeling that he has come into his spare time, work goes. Dates for the implementation of innovations are very short - on Monday you get the job, and by Friday must submit results to colleagues. Lunch at nearby cafes and restaurants (there are several to choose from) paid by the company. In the office, there is always the oranges in a juicer, water, biscuits and melon.

There are also limitations. "In Contact" is not accepted to raise your voice and curse with colleagues, use slang and speech mat. Pavel Durov strongly against the use of alcohol and smoking, so no working smoke breaks during the working day is not, and can not be, and corporate celebrations employees drink juices. These rules relate directly and career: Vlad Tsyplukhin admitted that he once warned - about any increase will not go out of the question until he quits smoking.
The founders of the "contact" - Pavel Durov and his brother - the best students, and all who accept into their ranks, too, should be a perfectionist. "In Contact" is funding a championship sports programming, which are popular in Russia, US and China, selects the brightest minds, winners of Olympiads, krasnodiplomnikov. In principle, where people studied: elite schools in St. Petersburg a bit of good universities (like matmeha St. Petersburg State University and Polytechnic) - too. Equally important, a man from a good family. And then, as he says - according Durov, it can be seen immediately, even if the person has no data.
Sometimes it comes to the ridiculous: at the entrance to the office, visitors are welcomed empty reception, because the office manager there. It was, but not for long: take a beautiful girl with a degree in St. Petersburg State University, but "not consulted" and dilute the high intellectual level of the team does not like. Recently, a candidacy: Girl with honors, an average score of 5.0, stipendiatka Prize Potanin, head of the trade union organization of the faculty, KVNschitsa, runner-up and the system administrator. Such an amount of merit and "order" on the chest, apparently, does not encourage to go to work the secretary - but there is as it is. The staff here - not only efficient employees, bringing the maximum benefit for the money he is paid. He is obliged not to hinder the process, share interests and aspirations to be a member of the team. Teams, families may sects Corporation. Corporations do not smoke and do not use foul language and krasnodiplomnikov standouts.
