Only 2 % of people can solve the problem that Einstein came up with in childhood
Forty million two hundred forty nine thousand six hundred eighty two
Not everyone knows, but before becoming a great scientist, Einstein came up with one unusual problem. He believed that 98% of the inhabitants of the Earth are not able to solve it in the mind. Whether you belong to the remaining 2% of the smartest?
The website offers you to prove it and solve the famous puzzle of Einstein.
Condition 5 different people in 5 different houses of different colors like 5 different dishes, contain 5 different species of animals, drink 5 different kinds of drinks. Question: who grows the fish?
Try to solve this puzzle in the mind or on a sheet of paper, drawing a small plate. Scroll down when you're ready to test yourself and find out the answer.
The decision
From the clues we know that the Norwegian lives in the first house, next to the blue house. And in the blue house lives a person who has a horse. One who lives in the center drinks milk.
The Norwegian can't live in a red or blue house, there lives an Englishman and one who has a horse. In white he to live also cannot, since the green house is left of white, house of Norway — the left. Green is also not for him because the right is the white house, and to the right of the Norwegian should be blue. So he lives in a yellow and likes to eat pizza.
Green left white, it means that he number 3 or 4. However, in the third, the middle, house, drink milk, and drink green coffee means, green house room — 4. The white house — 5, red — 3. Here lives an Englishman. Coffee is drunk in the 4th house.
It is said that the German loves donuts, so he does not eat rice and drink beer. He also does not drink milk tea, do the Englishman and the Frenchman. So the German drinking water or coffee.
The Norwegian cannot drink beer (as is eating other foods), coffee (lives in the green house), tea (not French). Hence, the Norwegian drinks water and the German coffee and lives in the green house. And since the water we drink, the Norwegian, his neighbor loves apples (from the tips).
Time the Swede has a dog, he cannot live in the second house (there's a horse), it means that the Swede lives in the fifth house (white). And in the second house lived a Frenchman, who drinks tea.
If you are a lover of cheese grow birds, it is not Swedish, then English. Consequently, the Swede eating rice and drinking beer.
And now we have the final clue:the one who eats, lives near those who have a cat. Apples eats French (second home). To his right, the Englishman, whose birds, then the second neighbor, the Frenchman (left), and the cat is Norwegian.
Finally, the fish grows German.
Source University of Delaware
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Not everyone knows, but before becoming a great scientist, Einstein came up with one unusual problem. He believed that 98% of the inhabitants of the Earth are not able to solve it in the mind. Whether you belong to the remaining 2% of the smartest?
The website offers you to prove it and solve the famous puzzle of Einstein.
Condition 5 different people in 5 different houses of different colors like 5 different dishes, contain 5 different species of animals, drink 5 different kinds of drinks. Question: who grows the fish?
Try to solve this puzzle in the mind or on a sheet of paper, drawing a small plate. Scroll down when you're ready to test yourself and find out the answer.
The decision
From the clues we know that the Norwegian lives in the first house, next to the blue house. And in the blue house lives a person who has a horse. One who lives in the center drinks milk.
The Norwegian can't live in a red or blue house, there lives an Englishman and one who has a horse. In white he to live also cannot, since the green house is left of white, house of Norway — the left. Green is also not for him because the right is the white house, and to the right of the Norwegian should be blue. So he lives in a yellow and likes to eat pizza.
Green left white, it means that he number 3 or 4. However, in the third, the middle, house, drink milk, and drink green coffee means, green house room — 4. The white house — 5, red — 3. Here lives an Englishman. Coffee is drunk in the 4th house.
It is said that the German loves donuts, so he does not eat rice and drink beer. He also does not drink milk tea, do the Englishman and the Frenchman. So the German drinking water or coffee.
The Norwegian cannot drink beer (as is eating other foods), coffee (lives in the green house), tea (not French). Hence, the Norwegian drinks water and the German coffee and lives in the green house. And since the water we drink, the Norwegian, his neighbor loves apples (from the tips).
Time the Swede has a dog, he cannot live in the second house (there's a horse), it means that the Swede lives in the fifth house (white). And in the second house lived a Frenchman, who drinks tea.
If you are a lover of cheese grow birds, it is not Swedish, then English. Consequently, the Swede eating rice and drinking beer.
And now we have the final clue:the one who eats, lives near those who have a cat. Apples eats French (second home). To his right, the Englishman, whose birds, then the second neighbor, the Frenchman (left), and the cat is Norwegian.
Finally, the fish grows German.
Source University of Delaware
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