Yandex vengeance to advertise on FaceBook

In September, Yandex and Vkontakte agreed to experiment - Display of advertisements intended for Yandex advertising network on the site Vkontakte. Link to an article in the Gazette.
And now, many advertisers have noticed their advertisements placed through the service Yandex in the vast Vkontakte. Personally, I measured on 10 different computers and accounts - every second display advertising FaceBook - YAN display advertising (advertising network Yandex). Thus we can safely say that this is not an experiment, but a reality. And this is a great event for the whole Russian Internet advertising industry.
Why is it so:
Firstly: Yandex advertising network grew by hits very hard. While it is difficult to talk about numbers, but by hits network Vkontakte more than a network of Yandex. If true, every second display advertising Vkontakte will now show YAN - I think we can safely expect 10-50% -100% increase in hits YAN.
Second, the number of impressions will fall sharply targeted advertising Vkontakte.
Third: we can talk about the strategic cooperation between the two huge players in the Russian Internet.
Fourth: we do not know whether Yandex received valuable socio-demographic data from FaceBook and get there then. But if it does happen - the whole structure of Russian Internet media advertising market will undergo tremendous changes.
Just think what would happen if we can combine the data of the most recent interests of the user with its socio-demographic data. Not sure if it will happen, it will happen gradually, but in general the market is becoming more and more difficult. Perhaps in the future we will face, with 100% separation of advertising campaigns in Yandex for men and women. Or age. Or .... we'll see what for. And if these data were obtained only Yandex, and other players will not get a search such as Google, this is very much strengthen the position of Yandex in RuNet.
Now let's look at a few technical features.
According to observations of the entire block of advertising - advertising or YAN or advertising Vkontakte. Ie three ads. Hovering on the ad, we see that the link leads to a site through YAN.

Vkontakte advertisement appeared with reference to "you" that is allowed by Yandex and Vkontakte prohibited by the rules.

Length texts and headlines become more (75 and 33 at Yandex, against 65 and 25 at FaceBook)

Well, the last proof that it really Yandex advertising:-)

It appears that the FaceBook simply put the code on your website partner network YAN:-) Of course with completion by the style, font, and what is important, without reference to the fact that it Yandeks.Direkt as on all other sites.
What then is now Vkontakte displays ads not only on interests, age and gender, groups, but also by the fact that yesterday you were looking for in Yandex. We will look very carefully at this cooperation.
Write comments in the official statements and articles on this topic. Thank U. What do you think Will Yandex socio-demographic data Vkontakte?
Yes, |
Yes, but only partially |
Yes, if only to share data about the search |
The data were obtained only from Vkontakte Yandex |
No, data exchange will not tr > |
This is all an experiment, and it will soon be over Voted 532 people. Excused 266 people. Only registered users can vote in polls. Sign , please. Source: geektimes.ru/post/244394/ |