"Yandex" has paid $ 1, 5 million for "MoyKrug.Ru"?
Internet Holding bought "MoyKrug.Ru" at least $ 1, 5 million
Internet Holding "Yandex" yesterday announced the acquisition of communicative portal "MoyKrug.Ru." According to Kommersant, "Yandex" has paid for the site of at least $ 1, 5 million 250 thousand in return. Users. Experts believe that the holding company overpaid for the portal, given that neither the owners of "Yandex" or market participants still do not know how to do "MoyKrug.Ru" profitable.
The company "Yandex" has announced yesterday the purchase of the portal "MoyKrug.Ru" who are its creators as "the largest Russian-speaking social network for professionals." According to Kommersant, the seller made a Nikolai Samohvalov, although "Yandex" is denied. The transaction amount was not disclosed, but "Yandex" called an upper threshold - $ 5 million. The IR "Finam" believe that this Resource paid about $ 1, 5 million. & Quot; 'Yandex' could overpay for the resource because of its exclusivity. If in RuNet were several such projects, more than $ 700 thousand. For 'MoiKrug' would not give "- told Kommersant analyst of" Finam "Igor Veretennikov.
According to "Yandex", the number of users of the site "MoyKrug.Ru" is about 250 thousand. Service helps to establish and maintain business contacts, to find schoolmates, looking for work and others. 84% of Internet users' MoiKrug "live in Russia, 5% Ukraine, 5% in Belarus. Average user "MoyKrug.ru" has a working experience of more than four years. "MoiKrug" was launched in November 2005. Similar but not the same sites can be called "Odnoklassniki.ru" and E-xecutive.Ru.
Experts pointed out that the purchase of the resource indicates a shift in the strategy of "Yandex". The company did not buy a single share since 2000, preferring to create their own services or by buying up teams. "Competitors 'Yandex' for a long time developing communication services - blogs, social networks, and we 'Yandex' in this segment was the only mail free hosting 'Narod.Ru'. It is now obvious that the future of these services: investment boom in this segment of the evidence of this. Probably, 'Yandex' did not want to develop their own services, for fear of losing time and bought a ready site ", - said CEO AdWatch Leo Glaser. Indeed, in recent years the largest Runet investors are betting on the development of communication projects. As previously announced shareholder SUP Fabrik Andrew Paulson, the company, which went right to the Russian-speaking segment of LiveJournal, in the past year has been invested about $ 5 million. Blogs and service similar to YouTube, develops and Mail.Ru.
How to make money on the "MoyKrug.Ru" in "Yandex" I do not know. "Nobody in the world has not yet come up with an adequate business model for social networks, so we'll look for it along with all" - admitted head of the press service of "Yandex" Mikhail Ushakov. Analysts and market participants believe that "Yandex" will not be easy to make a "MoyKrug.Ru" profitable. "A similar western service LinkedIn can not be called a profit. "Yandex" will figure out how to convert audience money. It is not an easy task, because the required non-standard business model, "- said the head of analytical department of SUP Fabrik Boris Ovchinnikov. "We have before us the example of Google, which bought YouTube a huge audience for $ 1, 65 billion, but still have not figured out how to make it. Some attempts to advertise occur, but effective business model is not found. 'Yandex' is likely to face the same problem "- says the analyst of IG" Aton "Tatiana Kapustina.
At the moment, "MoyKrug.Ru" is free for users. In the IR "Finam" do not exclude that this year for some services will have to pay. "Probably," Yandex "will charge for the publication of announcements of job, because the audience share, which can be partly attributed to the premium segment, very interesting employers. In addition, 'Yandex' is likely to be placed online contextual advertising and refuses services Google Adsense ». In "Yandex" is about any specific plans for the development of services "MoyKrug.Ru" do not speak.
Alexander Malakhov, Yulia Kulikova
via kommersant.ru
Internet Holding "Yandex" yesterday announced the acquisition of communicative portal "MoyKrug.Ru." According to Kommersant, "Yandex" has paid for the site of at least $ 1, 5 million 250 thousand in return. Users. Experts believe that the holding company overpaid for the portal, given that neither the owners of "Yandex" or market participants still do not know how to do "MoyKrug.Ru" profitable.
The company "Yandex" has announced yesterday the purchase of the portal "MoyKrug.Ru" who are its creators as "the largest Russian-speaking social network for professionals." According to Kommersant, the seller made a Nikolai Samohvalov, although "Yandex" is denied. The transaction amount was not disclosed, but "Yandex" called an upper threshold - $ 5 million. The IR "Finam" believe that this Resource paid about $ 1, 5 million. & Quot; 'Yandex' could overpay for the resource because of its exclusivity. If in RuNet were several such projects, more than $ 700 thousand. For 'MoiKrug' would not give "- told Kommersant analyst of" Finam "Igor Veretennikov.
According to "Yandex", the number of users of the site "MoyKrug.Ru" is about 250 thousand. Service helps to establish and maintain business contacts, to find schoolmates, looking for work and others. 84% of Internet users' MoiKrug "live in Russia, 5% Ukraine, 5% in Belarus. Average user "MoyKrug.ru" has a working experience of more than four years. "MoiKrug" was launched in November 2005. Similar but not the same sites can be called "Odnoklassniki.ru" and E-xecutive.Ru.
Experts pointed out that the purchase of the resource indicates a shift in the strategy of "Yandex". The company did not buy a single share since 2000, preferring to create their own services or by buying up teams. "Competitors 'Yandex' for a long time developing communication services - blogs, social networks, and we 'Yandex' in this segment was the only mail free hosting 'Narod.Ru'. It is now obvious that the future of these services: investment boom in this segment of the evidence of this. Probably, 'Yandex' did not want to develop their own services, for fear of losing time and bought a ready site ", - said CEO AdWatch Leo Glaser. Indeed, in recent years the largest Runet investors are betting on the development of communication projects. As previously announced shareholder SUP Fabrik Andrew Paulson, the company, which went right to the Russian-speaking segment of LiveJournal, in the past year has been invested about $ 5 million. Blogs and service similar to YouTube, develops and Mail.Ru.
How to make money on the "MoyKrug.Ru" in "Yandex" I do not know. "Nobody in the world has not yet come up with an adequate business model for social networks, so we'll look for it along with all" - admitted head of the press service of "Yandex" Mikhail Ushakov. Analysts and market participants believe that "Yandex" will not be easy to make a "MoyKrug.Ru" profitable. "A similar western service LinkedIn can not be called a profit. "Yandex" will figure out how to convert audience money. It is not an easy task, because the required non-standard business model, "- said the head of analytical department of SUP Fabrik Boris Ovchinnikov. "We have before us the example of Google, which bought YouTube a huge audience for $ 1, 65 billion, but still have not figured out how to make it. Some attempts to advertise occur, but effective business model is not found. 'Yandex' is likely to face the same problem "- says the analyst of IG" Aton "Tatiana Kapustina.
At the moment, "MoyKrug.Ru" is free for users. In the IR "Finam" do not exclude that this year for some services will have to pay. "Probably," Yandex "will charge for the publication of announcements of job, because the audience share, which can be partly attributed to the premium segment, very interesting employers. In addition, 'Yandex' is likely to be placed online contextual advertising and refuses services Google Adsense ». In "Yandex" is about any specific plans for the development of services "MoyKrug.Ru" do not speak.
Alexander Malakhov, Yulia Kulikova
via kommersant.ru
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