Top 10 playlists on AdMe.ru

Music has tremendous power. She saves, heals and gives us the right to be who we are. Beautiful song can convey mood, emotion, or even to express a state of mind.
The whole year Website shared with you my most favorite pieces of music, and today we decided to gather together all this splendor. Select and listen to what is now fit your mood ...

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https://music.yandex.ru/embedded/index.xml?sid=adme#18307516/oneLove video>
Music so beautiful and that is capable of creating the mood, so much so that you can walk all day winged or self-absorbed. Themselves up memories, images and thoughts are born, and here we are entirely in tune live, and the heart beats in time with the rhythm. In this selection of compositions from which perehvytyvaet breath.

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https://music.yandex.ru/embedded/index.xml?sid=adme#647485/oneLove video>
Sometimes, the songs, get a second or third-tenth birth in cover versions, remain forever in the memory of the people in that, rethinking and converted, as, and the authors' names are forgotten in favor of talented processors. Here are 20 famous songs, cover songs that get stronger, stronger, better, and sometimes just as good as the original version.

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https://music.yandex.ru/embedded/index.xml?sid=adme#1136755/oneLove video>
It's great, it makes the soul resound in unison with the world harmony and awakens in us the best feelings. Classical music. In order to understand it, does not necessarily have a conservatory education, do not need to know anything about counterpoint, grace notes, mordents and other professional terms. In this post 25 classical, neoclassical and even Pseudoclassical works to which it is impossible to remain indifferent.

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https://music.yandex.ru/embedded/index.xml?sid=adme#89153/oneLove video>
Rejection and loneliness, mourning and melancholy, bitterness of life, spiced with a burning passion, which is worried by heart - a blues. It's not just music, it is - real, true magic. Crowded good sadly site has collected two dozen legendary blues songs that have stood the test of time.

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https://music.yandex.ru/embedded/index.xml?sid=adme#96357/oneLove video>
Since a huge number of relaxing music - the sounds of nature to trip-hop and downtempo - in the material entered eternal favorite songs vnezhanrovye iconic performers, a little blues and soul, the steepest advances in soothing electronic music and just mental stuff.

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https://music.yandex.ru/embedded/index.xml?sid=adme#8804053/oneLove video>
The uniqueness of jazz as a music genre - in huge opportunities for improvisation and variation in how much you can invest in all notes. In this article we have collected a dozen of the most famous and most beautiful jazz standards.

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https://music.yandex.ru/embedded/index.xml?sid=adme#830710/oneLove video>
Music - an integral part of the culture of any nation. It could not be better reflects the character of the nation, its customs, manners, and even history. This selection allows you to enjoy all kinds of sounds - from African drumming and ending with the Scottish bagpipe.

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https://music.yandex.ru/embedded/index.xml?sid=adme#53404/oneLove video>
It is the world's unpretentious pop music, there is a peace-loving country, and there is ROCK. And if by that word your heart starts to beat faster, and the hand and drags put a "goat", then you are the one for whom it is not just loud music, and a part of life. Vdarit rock in this hole!

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https://music.yandex.ru/embedded/index.xml?sid=adme#632322/oneLove video>
Saxophone - is not only an organic part of jazz, but also an ideal transistor that can convey the mood and state of mind of man. The site has collected the best tunes that have been played on the instrument.

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https://music.yandex.ru/embedded/index.xml?sid=adme#30298/oneLove video>
Good, atmospheric music - it is half the success of the film, as the directors are aware since the days of silent movies. Editorial with all the love and awe gathered for you the legendary music from the movie, from which the sight of themselves there footage from a movie, and the feelings and emotions there is no limit.

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https://music.yandex.ru/embedded/index.xml?sid=adme#1706440/oneLove video>
Finally - a little bonus. To help you further feel the magical atmosphere of the upcoming holiday, we chose 20 songs, which create the impression that a miracle somewhere quite close.
Listen well:
Post beautiful French music
Divine arias
Freaky rock 'n' roll
via www.adme.ru/tvorchestvo-muzyka/chumovoj-rok-n-roll-566455/
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