Happy music!

8 best playlists Site from classic to roka.Muzyka has tremendous power. She saves, heals and gives us the right to be who we are. Beautiful song can convey mood, emotion, or even to express a state of mind.
In honor of World Music Day edition of Website I have decided to share with you their favorite playlists. Put on your headphones, sit back and let your day be as beautiful as the songs.

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It is the world's unpretentious pop music, there is a peace-loving country, and there is ROCK. And if by that word your heart starts to beat faster, and the hand and drags put a "goat", then you are the one for whom it is not just loud music, and a part of life. Vdarit rock in this hole!

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It's great, it makes the soul resound in unison with the world harmony and awakens in us the best feelings. Classical music. To understand it, does not necessarily have a conservatory education, do not need to know anything about counterpoint, grace notes, mordents and other professional terms. In this post 25 classical, neoclassical and even Pseudoclassical works to which it is impossible to remain indifferent.

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Good, atmospheric music - it is half the success of the film, as the directors are aware since the days of silent movies. Editorial with all the love and awe gathered for you the legendary music from the movie, from which the sight of themselves there footage from a movie, and the feelings and emotions there is no limit.

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Rock 'n' roll - is the joy of life in its purest form. This youth, vigor and happiness. Let's take off the headphones, turn up the volume on the speakers and vdarit of rock 'n' roll!

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The uniqueness of jazz as a music genre - in huge opportunities for improvisation and variation in how much you can invest in all notes. In this article we have collected a dozen of the most famous and most beautiful jazz standards.

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Since music relax-there is really unimaginable number - from the sounds of nature to trip-hop and downtempo - we broke the composition collected four conditional section. The material includes eternal favorite songs vnezhanrovye iconic performers, a little blues and soul, the steepest advances in soothing electronic music and just mental stuff.

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Agree, no one better than the French would not be able to sing about feelings and love for life. They have a melodious language and Paris, which is widely recognized as the most romantic city in the world. We carefully assembled the best and most touching songs, which remind us of the beautiful and controversial love. This music can listen endlessly.

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The true gems of the opera, and penetrate the skin to excite the chills. Their emotions and the meaning clear and not diligent in understanding the libretto. They give pleasure, catharsis, reflection of the beautiful and taught us to love the high art of opera, without which we would not now favorite bands and songs.
Besides thematic playlists, we have the positions of the individual musicians. For example, you can listen to the best songs of Zemfira, Louis Armstrong, the group Spleen and Frank Sinatra.
Listen well:
Sunny reggae from the site
Post a cult elektronschiny
The top 20 pop songs of today
via www.adme.ru/tvorchestvo-muzyka/20-luchshih-pop-pesen-sovremennosti-713710/