Why Pavel Durov is sure that living alone prolongs youth
When you're just over 35, ageing It still seems far away. Although the first wrinkles have long begun to appear on the face, you do not want to worry again. However, do not forget that the attitude to life in general directly depends on how you look and feel.
Of course, we are talking about proper nutrition, and sports, and habits. The more you take care of yourself, The longer you stay young.. And today we want to draw your attention to 7 aspects that will help you for many years not to face the problem of aging.
The problem of aging October 10 famous Russian entrepreneur and programmer Pavel Durov celebrated his 36th birthday. Having crossed the line of 35 years, the founder of the messenger Telegram and Vkontakte decided to share with his subscribers interesting information. In his telegram channel, the man tells how he manages to look so good.
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Making a wish ️#solstice2017
A post shared by Pavel Durov (@durov) on Jun 21, 2017 at 8:21am PDT
You're wrong if you think you're going to sleep this weekend. Healthy sleep. One of the most important components of everyday life. It should be systematic and complete. It is no secret that the ideal sleep lasts 7-8 hours. If you want to look good, try to improve your sleep quality.
Everyone knows that alcohol abuse and other bad habits hit health. The sad result will not take long to wait and will be visible both internally and externally. Durov himself completely excluded alcohol from his life. And as you can see, for good reason.
The benefits of a balanced diet have not heard, probably, only lazy. However, not everyone is able to eat properly. Others, on the other hand, develop their own food system.
For example, Pavel Durov I used to eat only 2 times a day.. There are no snacks between meals. 3-a-day meals a man considers not the most successful habit. We can hardly agree with that. But this view has a right to exist.
In the diet of Pavel Durov there is no red meat. He is sure that this The product affects how we look.. Many people switch to the side of vegetarianism. And they look much younger than their years. Do you think there is a pattern in this?
To look good at any age, You need to exercise regularly.. And for this it is not necessary to go to the gym. For example, Pavel Durov likes to ride a bicycle and swim. In addition, an ordinary walk in the fresh air is suitable as a good warm-up. It's all in your hands.
Stress resistance Living in constant stress This will lead to ageing as soon as possible. Durov believes that problems should be treated with a healthy dose of indifference. “No matter what happens, everything is for the best,” the man said. In addition, he calls for establishing contact with wildlife. In his opinion, this helps to limit stress.
Loneliness is perhaps the most unexpected aspect of the list. Surprisingly, many people who live alone look younger than their years. Perhaps this is due to the fact that a person does not depend on the schedule and habits of others. That's why he feels better. It is said that if you sleep alone, The quality of your sleep will be much higher.. Um, there's definitely something about that!
Of course, many of the above things have long been known to everyone. However, we do not always manage to follow them. And Pavel Durov is just a living example of how his scheme works. We sincerely wish you that ageing You've been sidelined as long as you can. Take care!

Of course, we are talking about proper nutrition, and sports, and habits. The more you take care of yourself, The longer you stay young.. And today we want to draw your attention to 7 aspects that will help you for many years not to face the problem of aging.
The problem of aging October 10 famous Russian entrepreneur and programmer Pavel Durov celebrated his 36th birthday. Having crossed the line of 35 years, the founder of the messenger Telegram and Vkontakte decided to share with his subscribers interesting information. In his telegram channel, the man tells how he manages to look so good.
View this post on Instagram
Making a wish ️#solstice2017
A post shared by Pavel Durov (@durov) on Jun 21, 2017 at 8:21am PDT
You're wrong if you think you're going to sleep this weekend. Healthy sleep. One of the most important components of everyday life. It should be systematic and complete. It is no secret that the ideal sleep lasts 7-8 hours. If you want to look good, try to improve your sleep quality.

Everyone knows that alcohol abuse and other bad habits hit health. The sad result will not take long to wait and will be visible both internally and externally. Durov himself completely excluded alcohol from his life. And as you can see, for good reason.
The benefits of a balanced diet have not heard, probably, only lazy. However, not everyone is able to eat properly. Others, on the other hand, develop their own food system.

For example, Pavel Durov I used to eat only 2 times a day.. There are no snacks between meals. 3-a-day meals a man considers not the most successful habit. We can hardly agree with that. But this view has a right to exist.
In the diet of Pavel Durov there is no red meat. He is sure that this The product affects how we look.. Many people switch to the side of vegetarianism. And they look much younger than their years. Do you think there is a pattern in this?
To look good at any age, You need to exercise regularly.. And for this it is not necessary to go to the gym. For example, Pavel Durov likes to ride a bicycle and swim. In addition, an ordinary walk in the fresh air is suitable as a good warm-up. It's all in your hands.

Stress resistance Living in constant stress This will lead to ageing as soon as possible. Durov believes that problems should be treated with a healthy dose of indifference. “No matter what happens, everything is for the best,” the man said. In addition, he calls for establishing contact with wildlife. In his opinion, this helps to limit stress.

Loneliness is perhaps the most unexpected aspect of the list. Surprisingly, many people who live alone look younger than their years. Perhaps this is due to the fact that a person does not depend on the schedule and habits of others. That's why he feels better. It is said that if you sleep alone, The quality of your sleep will be much higher.. Um, there's definitely something about that!
Of course, many of the above things have long been known to everyone. However, we do not always manage to follow them. And Pavel Durov is just a living example of how his scheme works. We sincerely wish you that ageing You've been sidelined as long as you can. Take care!
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