Pavel Durov was dismissed

Between co-owners "VKontakte" Fund UCP, owning 48% of the social network, and Pavel Durov scandal erupted. Shareholders are not satisfied with the figure Durov as head of the company. "Maybe he (Trek) does not know what he wants. At the same time the company and the market there are other talented guys who would be interested to engage in the development of "VKontakte". Perhaps one of them will lead the company in the near future "- said in a commentary partner UCP Yury Kachuro received by Forbes.
Durov himself says that from changes are needed the most shareholder structure. "The current structure seems unsustainable," - he zyaavil. Adding that because of disagreements with the leadership and moral pressure from "VKontakte" has left many talented programmers. According to representatives of the fund UCP, Durov originally stood in opposition to the shareholders and intentionally mislead them. Reproached chapter "VKontakte" and alleged "unexplained personal spending due to the company", "relationship with VC firms affiliated with Durov", as well as the launch of the messenger Telegram, which Durov brought into a separate business.
The key point of contention on both sides became illegal, according Durov, selling 48% of "VKontakte". In his opinion, had been violated shareholder agreement - rather than to offer the shares to existing shareholders, sold them to other people, said Durov.
Purchase of 48% of "VKontakte" UCP Foundation Vyacheslav and Mikhail and Lev Leviev Mirilashvili really became everyone by surprise. For what purpose, for whom and for how much UCP acquired a stake social network is still not known.
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